
System of Magic: Two Gods

A war between gods destroyed countless realms. This war led to universal doom. Many gods perished and new ones appeared. The universe was divided and was taken over by different races. The race’s thirst for power led to many rulers starting wars. One of the wars unleashed an evil power that Daimi stumble upon.

Universal_Stories_8068 · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: The Collosal’s Hand

The war between humans and giants was decades ago.

Traveling through realms, the humans tried taking over the giant's realm because they thought that the giants were the weakest of all the other races. Humans were greedy and selfish. They wanted power. The way through power is to take over realms.

It was a normal day for the typical giants until the humans had unleashed a fatal attack against the giants. Homes were destroyed and lives were lost.

The giants were friendly and didn't want to have a war until the humans came into their realm and destroyed their homes, don't forget about the time when they went into the cave of giants to steal the collosal's hand which is the most important item in the giant's arsenal.

No one knew what they were going to do with it.

After the humans obtained the hand, they were cocky, It is a testament that they are the best in every way.

{Skipping a few years}

"My lord, we have finished what you have ordered." Said the noble named Bozolo. He was down on one knee, looking downward and displeased.

"Good, with this we could create a powerful weapon that could be used against the Giants." The emperor said with joy.

"Yes, my lord," Bozolo answered.

"Very well, proceed with the creation of the Injection. Our objective is to extract and assimilate the entirety of the blood contained within that ancient hand." The king said while raising his hand, telling the noble to get out of his room.

"Yes, Sir," Bozolo said and left the room

As Bozolo closed the door. The king smiled to himself at the success that could change the shift of the entire realm.

In the lab 4 scientists were standing across from one another, wearing white cloaks and masks. One of them was using a telescope, the other 3 were using a Bio-Transfuse Mechanism Its sleek and metallic appearance exuded an aura of mystery and power, much like the neon-lit city that housed it, this contraption was designed to transfer blood from the colossal hand of a genetically modified giant into a slender, transparent tube leading to the injection. Within the intricate system of gears, wires, and pulsating neon lights, resided the injection. Resembling a small, syringe-like device, the Syndrome possessed the uncanny ability to distinguish and separate the vital crimson fluid from any impurities or foreign substances, retaining only the precious blood required for the injection. As the blood continues to little by little. After a while, it was full.

"Phew." One of the scientists with short black hair smiled because of the success of making the injection.

"It was a success. Good job Lio." The scientist with blond hair said with happiness.

"Yeah, I'm glad It was a success, or else...we would've been killed by the king's guards." A white-haired scientist said.

One of the scientists took off the tube that is connecting the syndrome and also took off some of the wires and fuse. He picked up the small syndrome and handed it over to Malik, the scientist with blonde hair.

Malik, the blond-haired scientist picked up the syndrome and smiled.


"With this...I think humanity could stand a chance against the other races." He said.

Suddenly, two people wearing a black hoods appeared out of nowhere and slashed their daggers at Bob.

Thud. Malik, the scientist with blonde hair fell. Malik couldn't react in time, as he couldn't say a word to stop it. The syndrome fell out of Malik's hand. The hooded man grabs the syndrome at y fast which makes both scientists dumbfounded.

"Fuck! GUARDS THERE'S A—" Getting over the fear that linger in him, Malik screamed. But, Lion's voice was cut short when his head was sliced in half. Lio looked like a half-slice of bread. The blood splatters everywhere due to the sliced-up head. You could even see the skull of the person. Blood spills out like crazy. Then two other scientists were killed.

The last scientist was cowardly hiding in fear but that didn't distract him from calling the guards. He led himself into his demise, his neck was severely cut making his head fly to the other side of the room.

"That took a while." A manly voice came in.

"It wasn't easy, to say the least. The job was well-paid. So, how are the guards outside?" The first thief said.

"All dead to say the least. Our team members were able to take care of it." The second thief replied.

"Keep the syndrome safe." The first thief said.

The injection was handed to the second man.

"Very well, Vio…" The second thief said.

"Don't say my real name, you dumb ass" The first thief said.

Boom. The sound of a bomb was heard. Big chunks of rocks were sent flying everywhere.

"Whoa!" Vio was surprised.

"DUCK!" The second thief shouted.

"Let's split up and meet in the old-ass-looking tree," Vio said.

"Pronto" The second thief answered.

The second thief was able to escape but Vio wasn't able to.

A sharp blade passed right in front of the first thief's eyes. The first thief's back turned and he saw a fine sword that looked like it was crafted by the greatest crafter. Before, the first thief could admire such beauty someone said, "Wow. It seems like some pests are roaming around here." His voice sounded unimpressed.

The man standing on the small debris was the commander of the Night squad explanation can be later my escape is a must.

Luckily Vio had a leftover smoke screen and was able to escape.

Vio was running like a madman towards the tree where they planned to meet.

"Well you took your time, didn't you?" The second thief said with a smirk on his face.

"I almost got killed, you asshole" Vio shouted with anger.

"Let's get this thing to the boss," The second thief said.

"Who's the boss anyways?" Vio asked him.

"Who cares…we are getting paid, that's all I care about." The second Thief replied.

They traveled countlessly for hours, through the mountains.

There was a small hut.

The thieves went in.

"We got it, boss!!" The first thief said.

"Well… Well finally," the unidentified boss said.

The second thief gave the substance to the boss.

"When are we going to get paid?" The second thief said.

"Both of you come here." The boss said.

The thieves went close to the boss.

The boss stabbed one of the thieves, then pulled it out and injected the other.

They started to lose their minds.

There's white liquid coming out of their mouths, their eyes start to bleed out and then turn white.

They rolled around on the ground crazily and then died.

My first novel hope you guys enjoy it, don’t forget to tell me what mistakes I make.

Thank you.

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