
I woke up on the RIGHT side of the bed

"Hey! Wake up creator! Hey, I said wake up already!"

I open my eyes.

"The hell? Where am I? When did the pitt get such comfy beds? Ugh..." a wave of nausea hits me and I almost vomit. "...damn I feel like shit."

I sit up and look around me, my eyes as wide as they could possibly be.

"This is...my old room...wait what?! Hold on that doesn't make sense."

I pull the sheets off of me and rush to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

There, looking back in the reflection...was 15 year old. With short, black hair, big, ash eyes, long eyelashes and girlish face to complete the pretty boy look. I look like my young highschool self. The boy who would become a lead singer in a boy band next year. Always took people for granted and looked down on people due to his good looks.' I glare at the person in the mirror.

"Tch, you were such a scumbag."

I start to wash my face, trying to clear my head.

"I agree, you seemed like such a jerk." I hear a kid like voice say.

I immediately look to my left, where the voice came from. I meet eyes with what looks like a wolf pup.

"What?" I ask it.

"What do you mean "what"? Never seen a wolf before? That's what you named your fighting style after, and yet tou don't know whay a wold looks like?" It says, shaking it's head.

I look at in utter shock.

'Okay so I wake up in my past self and now I'm speaking to a talking dog. This LITERALLY MAKES NO SENSE! Okay....okay...think rationally, calm down.' I stare at the dog with my newfound composure.

"You're a talking dog, how do you exp-"

"Wolf...I'm a wolf not a dog." it says, interrupting me.

I sigh "Okay still. You're a talking wolf, it's not like talking animals is normal." I tell it. I swear I see it shrug when I say this.

"Fair enough. Anyways I'm your system guide, congratulations on getting your own system!" It says in glee.

I stare at it with a blank face. "Do you expect that to make sense? I need some details on what the hell is happening."

It plops down and sighs. "Fine, fine. What do you want me to explain?" It asks.

I think for a minute but I quickly get my anwser. "Literally everything please."

it gets frustrated and starts pacing around me. "Why can't you just figure it out already." It sighs. "Alright well you better sit tight this is going to take awhile to explain."



'To sum it up. I've been given a "system" due to becoming so powerfull in the Mutt Pitt. The system as he explains it, is "The ability to get significantly stronger but only by doing specific things related to your fighting style." He told me that he was my "guide" and that he will always be around to help me when I need it. He tells me I will get a quest from my system in about an hour. He continues to explain that not completing a quest will result in punishment.'

"Okay but what's the punishment?" I ask it.

It looks up at me and tilts it's head, as if in deep thought. He then snaps back to me. "Depends on the quest I suppose."

"You suppose? Are you being vague on purpose or something?" I say.

It droops it's head down, and looks back up at me with irritation in it's voice. "Just stop asking so many damn questions! Everything will explain itself later on so just let me tell you the basics!" It says.

I hadn't noticed until now but it hasn't moved it's mouth while talking. Leaving me with another question I want to ask. I look at it again, it's clearly angry so I decide not to ask.

We stand in silence for a few seconds, just staring at eachother.

It sighs. "Just enjoy yourself for awhile. I'm sure having some time to yourself will help. I'll come check on you in a hour. Until then, have fun."

"Alright...but before you go could I get your name?" I ask it.

It seems happy when ask it this. "Call me Okami, and if your wondering I'm a guy. So don't you dare call me a girl just because I sound like a kid." He says the last part in a harsh tone.

I raise my hands in surrender. "Okay I won't, I won't."

As soon as I say this he dissappears.

I blink a few times and then rub my eyes. 'Nope, okay...he really just dissappeared...that's definitely not weird.'

I shake my head and look back towards the mirror. Taking in my face one last time. 'This feels so surreal.'

I start moving my head around to get a few more angles of my face.

'I miss my long hair...short hair doesn't suit me anymore.'

I turn on the faucet, scooping water in my hands and splashing my face. 'This is so much better than the Mutt Pitt. It feels so good to be back here.'

As I dry off my face I realize something and my eyes widen. 'If I'm back then that means...'

I hear a knock on my bedroom door and I rush to it immediately, swinging open the door.

There stands my younger sister with a surprised look on her face. I start to tear up and tears fall down my face.

She looks at me in a confused manner. "What's up with you? Did you not get your way again?" She says with a smirk on her face.

'Right...we weren't on the best of terms were we?' I think to myself.

I wipe the tears out of my eyes and smile at her. She gives me a judgmental look and crosses her arms. "Seriously, what's up with you?" She ask in a harsh tone.

I grab her by the shooulders and pull her into a hug, trying ny best not to cry again.

"I'm...so...sorry...for everything. I'm so happy to be your brother, and I'm sorry for not being a very good one."

I start to hug her tighter, not eanting to let her go.

'I wish...I wish I could tell you everything. I know I wasn't a very good brother to you in the past but...I've got a second chance now and I'm going to make good of it.'

She grabs my shoulders and slowly backs out of the hug. She stares at me with a confused look on her face.

"Seriously, what happened? Why are you acting so weird?" She asks.

I look down at the floor and shake my head. "Nothing...It's nothing. I'm just uh...sorry."

She gives me another confused look.

"Well...okay...anyways mom and dad are downstairs, they wanted you to come down and talk to them about something." She starts walking away after she tells me.

I stand there, stunned. 'I'm really back...'

I get myself properly dressed in clothes.

'I haven't worn any real clothing in forever. This feels like a dream, but I don't want it to end.'

I leave my bedroom and head downstairs. I see my mother and father sitting down the couch. I manage to hold back tears but it takes everything I have to do it.

"Hey, mom and dad."

They look up at me. "Ah, there you are Taejin. Sit down we need to have a talk." My dad says.

I sit down next to them.

"What did you need to talk about?" I ask.

'This is about my behavior at school. I can remember it clearly. Around 2 weeks ago from now, I started bullying everyone at my school who didn't do what I told them to.'

I sigh to myself and shake my head.

"This is about me bullying my classmates isn't it?" I ask my parents in shame.

My mom and dad look at eachother and then look back at me.

"Jin, you need to stop this behavior. We won't be nice about it anymore. We won't except it anymore. If we get another call then we won't be giving you any spending money anymore." My mom tells me.

I look down at the floor.

'When I first heard this I git angry and ended up calling my parents some terrible things. After that they decided to move me into my own house and enrolled me in a new school.'

I sigh to myself.

'This was one of the most critical moments in my life. I always bullied other students. I thought they would never be able to touch my because my family is so rich...I wish I could punch my past self in the face sometimes...'

I look up at my parents.

"I promise it won't happen again." I tell them, bowing my head.

They seem take aback and look at eachother.

"Um...alright, as long as you won't do it again then it's fine. Make sure to apologize to them when you get the chance." My mom says.

I reassure her and excuse myself from the room.

I get back in my room and sit down on my bed. 'It's gonna be hard to get used to this...I'm...I'm really back, It's so hard to believe.'


I look up in front of me and see a familiar wolf pup.

"You're about to get your first quest! Be prepared, a blue window is going to pop up anytime now." He says.

"Okay but how do you know?" I ask.

Instead of getting an anwser the wolf *poofs* out of existence.



A blue window pops up in front of my face and I nearly jump out of my skin.

"Aghhh what the hell!!"

I put my hands on my knees and start hyperventilating. 'Holy shit that was a jump scare and a half!'

I take a glance up at the window. it reads...

You have a new quest!

Communicate with your first wolf or dog! 0/1

PS: Communicating with a wolf will triple your rewards.

Reward: ???

'...Communicate? So just pet talk them and stuff? Sounds easy enough. I should be able to get a ride to a wolf enclosure...then it's settled. I'll just do what these quests want me too. Maybe they can help me take down the bastards who put me in that damned cage...'

I clench my fists and grit my teeth.

"...The Sono Company. The people...who killed my family..."