
System in the Multiverse [R18]

Wish fulfillment and Action.

dog_2037 · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Taking the Stone Of Gelel Full On Battle Part 1

"Sorry that we had to call you we are disappointed in ourselves". Natsuhi said as everyone were too busy looking down as well. 

Right now Rayon and all of the girls were staying in a small village an hour away from Kurio village where they needed to be the reason was that they sensed someone to powerful among their enemies. 

Rayon was sitting down as they were all packed inside of a small home after killing it's owner Rayon sat in a chair as they stood before him. 

"Don't worry I should have thought of this that guy has some powerful people with him don't worry though I should have decided to come in the first place". Rayon told them trying to reassure them it wasn't that big of a deal. 

'I need to finish this then I will have three days to get back to the leaf'. Rayon thought to himself. 

"Rayon, I looked closely around the area, and I know their fighting power as I have told 3 of them are strong the fourth is stronger than all of us and the one who seems to be the leader that is leading them is the strongest". Kagero said to Rayon. 

'The funny thing is that they are gliding over sand with magic or whatever the stone Gelel really is I just know it would be a waste not to obtain it'. Rayon thought to himself. 

"We'll be good I want Natsushi Yakumo, Buntan and Kagero to try and take out the main leader if you can there is someone, I want to fight myself". Rayon told the 4. 

All four of them nodded immediately.

"Are you saying they are stronger than us". Tayuya said as she was irritated being treated like them "Don't be mad it's just best this way so don't complain ok". Tayuya just scoffed. 

"Tou and Isaribi, Fubuki and Kujaku and Hebi I believe you can take one alone". Rayon told them. 

"Kotohime, Sasame and Kin you three will be wiping out the entirety of their army if help is needed Tayuya will help but first me and Tayuya need to capture someone". Rayon told them. 

Tayuya smiled the other girls just looked annoyed by her she must have been calling them bitches and just being obnoxious. 

"We move in an hour since the place isn't that far away remember we need to hurry before the sand village decides to send their people, I don't care for hiding that I am from the leaf given I will be leaving soon but it's best that we don't fight the sand". Rayon told them all seriously. 

With everyone getting the information needed Rayon and the girls began talking about light subjects. 

From sewing with Hebi to Family matters with Natsushi.

40 Mintues Later:


Green Light blasted through the sky Rayon jumped up "All of you let's move remember what we need to do but most importantly make sure you all are alive understood". Rayon told them with a light smile that warmed their heart. 

'Whatever'. Rayon created his eagle clone as they all hopped on running Red lightning through the eagle they blasted off at tremendous speed. 


Kurio Village:

20 Minutes Later:

Rayon and the girls had finally made it to the village looking down it was a dirty village that was covered in sand all over there wasn't anyone around so that was good but that was civilians on the ground was a large amount of Haido's knights. 

"You all know what to do Tayuya let's move". Rayon told them as they all jumped down from the eagle as they were spotted right away. 

"Eliminate everyone her until the Gelel stone is completely absorbed by the lord". Yelled one of the three women that looked alike Rayon remembered from the movie. 

"Natsushi!" Rayon yelled Natushi glowing in star chakra created a huge dragon and sent it down at them full force. 


with that everyone split up to begin their assignment. 


With Kujaku and Fubuki: 

Both girls were running through the sand together killing anyone they ran into with ease. 

"Stop right there damnit I won't let you get past". Both of the girls looked at the one that just landed Infront of them with smirks on their faces. 

"Hey do you think it will be easy to kill her I mean it looks easy enough" Fubuuki said without a care. 

Kujaku smiled "You took the words right out of my mouth Rayon did say they all had some special transformation though hope she lives long enough to use it". The girl infront of them laughed. 

"Hahaha I Ranke will kill the both of you with ease". She yelled as lightning swarmed around her. 

Both Fubuki and Kujaku was alarmed "I will back you up be careful". Fubuki said much to Kujaku's surprise she wasn't used to that but thanked her nonetheless. 

Kujaku charged as Fubuki went through hand signs. 

Kujaku held both sword wind enveloped the them "Rotating Ferocious Wind!" A huge wind current blasted through straight towards Ranke. 

Who just grinned "Lightning Shield:". 

The wind landed on the lightning shield that turned into a small circle forcefield blocking it with ease "Haha have it back " She yelled as the wind current blasted right back towards Kujaku. 

Fubuki jumped Infront of her "Ice Release: Ice Rock Dome of Magnificent Nothingness!" Fubuki created an igloo that protected both her and Kujaku. 


The wind collided with the igloo that held up with ease "Hah thank you". Kujaku said a bit annoyed "Don't be like that it's best if we work together, we got such a good job you know both being from mercenary teams and now all we have to do is work together". Fubuki said with a grin. 

"Ye.... Haha You both need to take this seriously die Thunder Sabre!" 

Ranke infused Lightning into her fist and smashed it into the Igloo. 


Breaking the igloo both were sent flying keeping up her attack she used another move. 

"Lightning Tornado!"

A whirlwind of lightning destroyed the ground and area around it as blasted right into both girls. 

"Ahhhhhhhh!" 2x 

Both the girls yelled in pain as the lightning electrocuted them and sent the spiraling through the air as they smashed into nearby village homes. 


"Hahaha is that all you got not even enough to entertain me". Ranke laughed loudly. 

Kujaku's head was hurting badly she wasn't expecting the girl to be so strong 'Shit I need to get closer she definitely is a long-range fighter without that one attack is she still capable of fighting'. Kujaku thought to herself as she was Kujaku struggling to stand. 

"Just give me a chance ok". Kujaku told the tired Fubuki who nodded 'Tch I should at least be able to finish off one brat'. Fubuki thought to herself. 

"Ice Release: Swallow Snow Storm!" 

Kujaku instantly began moving as fast as she could circulating wind nature chakra all over her body to speed her up. 

"Lightning Shield!" Ranke used the shield again defending herself with ease sending back the small miniature swallows right back to Fubuki. 

Without even noticing Kujaku appeared right next to her before Ranke could even surge lightning around her body, she slashed with tremendous force with the wind around her sword she cut through Ranke's arm like butter. 

"Haha go you bitch". Kujaku laughed "Agh Fuck Thunder Sabre!" Without even waiting in anger Ranke slammed her fist in Kujaku's face. 


Kujaku was hit so hard by the fist that it sent her through the village home with ease. 

Fubuki ran over right away into the house to see that she was down she wasn't even moving 'Fuck she's unconscious'. Fubuki thought to herself. 

"Don't think you can get away from me". Lightning blasted through the home Fubuki and Kujaku are in Fubuki quickly jumped out of the house with Kujaku on her shoulder. 

'I need help". Fubuki thought to herself as she ran towards where she could sense the girls fighting the army 'They seem to have all of them almost killed they should be able to help'. Fubuki thought to herself as she ran. 

"Not so fast!" A deep voice resounded behind Fubuki she turned around and saw that she tuned into a deformed monster 'She grew back her arm to fuck what was the point of the attack then'. Fubuki thought to herself as she continued to run. 

With Kin Kotohime and Sasame:

Kin was using her senbon and bells on the soldiers getting passed their armor with her now more potent chakra due to the star chakra she was able to do more damage especially paired with her accuracy. 

Kotohime made short work of the soldiers mainly die to her poison hair techniques that she wrapped around the face of the soldiers although they had armor with the star chakra she was able to make her hair sharper, so it was capable of piercing through the armor with ease. 

Sasame used what little taijutsu she learned and explosive tags she was able to create due to her sealing knowledge she was able to hold her own mainly due to the explosive tags. 

"Hey this is getting easier". Sasame said as she was standing back-to-back with Kin and Kotohime. 

"Yeah with this new chakra I never felt stronger". Kotohime said. 

"Haha just wait until you master it it's a great feeling this chakra makes using chakra so easy to manipulate". Kin said to them. 

"Hey all of you get ready". Running towards the three girls through the soldiers was Fubuki who was carrying Kujaku who was unconscious. 

The girls were shocked at first and then was afraid as they saw a huge monster coming after them. 

"Oh no forcefield of lightning is around that monster we have to try our best to break through it". Fubuki said as she landed next to the girls. 

"You Sasame right take her and get to a safe place you three I need you so we can defeat her". The 2 nodded Sasame shook her head though "I know about seals I guarantee I can be of help". Sasame said with seriousness all over her face. 

"Fine just let's do this". Kin said as she was shaking in fear. Sasame began writing on paper a seal that the girls didn't understand but they decided to protect her until she was done. 

"Fubuki went first as she stood Infront of them". and created spears of ice that blasted through the air straight at Ranke. 

"Hahah i'm untouchable now". The ice dissolved on contact with the lightning forcefield. 

"Here I come!" Ranke yelled playing with them as she wasn't worried at all no one was strong enough to touch her. 

"Here use this seal". Sasame told Fubuki who raised a brow as she turned to her "It's dangerous but it will work you will absorb our chakra completely and we might pass out afterwards or even be in fatal condition but it's better than just dying you might also die do you want to use it". Fubuki was shocked a seal like that was created so were the other girls. 

They knew choices were almost zero. "How do we use it". Kotohime asked "just pour your chakra into it and once it's placed on Fubuki it will go into her immediately". The girls looked at each other and nodded knowing there was no choice. 

Going around the three girls did it and Fubuki took it and placed it on her the seal on the tag went on her cheek and glowed. 

"BOOOOM!" Chakra blasted out of her immediately she was overflowing with chakra looking behind her he found that both girls were already near death and their chakra signature almost nonexistent. 

Fubuki turned serious as she turned back to the monster heading her way "hAHAH all this chakra this is going to be so easy". Fubuki laughed.

"Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals!" Fubuki jumped in the air and used the ice mirror justsu she read in the scroll from Rayon. 

"Hahaha you think this will stop me". The lightning chakra Ranke exploded as she punched the ice mirrors that cracked a bit but didn't show any signs of breaking doing so again gave the same result. 

"Tch This is nothing Lightning Sabre!" The lightning forcefield around her body went to one point at her fist as she smashed it into the ice mirrors destroying it with ease this time. 

"Certain-Kill Ice Spears!" 

"Haha just gi... Blrgh!". 

Fubuki grinned as huge ice spears pierced right through the body of Ranke's transformation killing the body weirdly deflated leaving the huge ice spears still covered with blood. 

"Hahhh finally let's wipe them out as well Ice Release: Swallow Snow Storm!" The soldiers that were still on the ground were killed by the powerful Ice needles. 

"It seems I need to turn this power off ugh!" The chakra turned off it's self like a switch and the seal disappeared off of her cheek. 

"My body hurts ugh my chakra reserves are to did the seal do that to me... I need to get me and those girls to a safe place". Fubuki said to herself.