
System in the Multiverse [R18]

Wish fulfillment and Action.

dog_2037 · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Meeting Tsunade and Mission To the Land of Veggtables

2 Weeks Later:

Two weeks passed since both Rayon and Naruko came back from the land of birds both them and Anko had not been given any mission which was fine with them as they all individually trained. 

Rayon though took some of the chance to meet up with Anko and had some fun with her but Naruko would always be able to tell making her angry, but Rayon would just give her a jutsu to learn. 

Rayon was happy that she still loved jutsu so much right now both Rayon and Naruko are in the forest of death they been in there for a total of 3 days just training not bothering with the outside. 

"Rayon and Naruko Uzumaki report to the Hokage's office to see the new Hokage immediately". The purple haired Anbu said and vanished immediately. 

Rayon looked at Naruko who wanted to meet the new hokage Rayon already told her who it was, but she still wanted to meet her. 

"Go ahead you two it's most likely a promotion". Anko said as she sat down taking a break from sparring with me and Naruko. 

Rayon and Naruko than instantly went to the Hokage's office. 

Walking through the door they saw Shikamaru who was sighing looking tired neither Rayon or Naruko spared him another look as they saw Tsunade and couldn't help but go wide eyes. 

'Well, he's strong very much so and Minato's daughter is the same they are both very strong but are they threats to the village both of them honestly don't even seem to care'. Tsunade thought to herself. 

"You three have been gathered to give you three your certification as chunin and if you want to your jackets". Tsunade said Shikamaru didn't want to even be here, so he took the jacket and left. 

Rayon didn't want one "Hmm no orange i'm good Rayon let's go eat some ramen". Naruko "Nah I want to work on a mission I've been bored". Rayon said. 

Tsunade raised a brow but couldn't help but smile looking at Naruko ask for Ramen 'Just like Kushina'. 

"Kid if you want a mission, I have the one just for you but you Naruko Uzumaki have to stay and indulge me for a while". Tsunade said, 'I know I'm late, but it wouldn't be bad to at least try to get to know her'. Naruko looked at Rayon whose eyes said do it. 

"Fine but I want a date for real when you come back". Naruko said she was mad for real this time. "Ok ok". Rayon said waving his hands. 

"Rayon the mission starts tomorrow because the one you are to escort to the land of vegetables is not here yet". Tsunade said Rayon nodded "Cool I'm going to go". Rayon told her Walking out of the room. 

"Please come sit down Naruko". Tsunade said a bit eager Shizune couldn't help but smile looking at Naruko the spitting image of her parents. 

"Hey kid you know I always wanted to meet you". Naruko just shrugged "Ok let's cut to it I know you aren't the happiest given how bad things have been, so I just want to ask do you want to leave the village". Naruko shook her head. 

Tsunade sighed "I wished you would show more personality just as you did before but you are closed off I guess that's fine how about I teach you something". Tsunade said Naruko's eyes lit along with a smile. 

Tsunade couldn't help but be happier watching Naruko give her that smile "Ok come on". Tsunade said as she got up out of her share leaving the work to Shizune with Naruko following her. 

Stepping outside Tsunade slammed her fist hard into a tree destroying it. 


Naruko was impressed "I will teach you just that I guarantee you after learning about your chakra control that you will be unstoppable after learning how to use my strength". Tsuande said. 

"Why do you want to teach me this". Naurko asked she already guessed why though. "Hahh you seem to already understand don't make me spell it out just get to learning you will be staying with me for a few days i'm sure your boyfriend will understand". Tsunade said. 

"Well, that's fine with me this will be great to add to my arsenal so let's do it". Tsunade nodded as she got to work on teaching Naruko the way to use her strength technique. 


1 Day Later:

Rayon was now walking alongside the carriage protecting the princess of the land of vegetables who was faking being a boy 'I guess I'm going to fuck another one'. Rayon thought to himself. 

As right on que came the Janin who jumped out and bean attacking the carriage the bodyguards told Haruna to run Rayon just watched take off even before being told to. 

Rayon also didn't do anything as he watched both of them guys who protected her be killed. 

The Janin then went after Haruna who they caught up to easily. 

'No they all died but what does it matter I am nowhere close to my goal so what is the point of living'. Haruna thought to herself. 

"Swift Release Lightning Sword Flash!" 

Rayon flashed into the air and killed all three of the Janin with ease. 

'I am faster than them I probably would have died if I let them take the chance to use their summoning's then magnetic jutsu that would be hard to beat'. Rayon thought to himself. 

Haruka then looked at Rayon shocked "So strong". Rayon without a care walked up to her and tore her clothes off. "S...stop!" Haruna yelled trying to push Rayon away who didn't stop now showing her feminine figure. 

"A..re you going to rape me". Haruna shivered. Rayon just nodded "Yeah Haruna princess of the land of vegetables if you give yourself to me right now, I will help you get your village back plus how bad can it be I'm not ugly aren't I handsome". Rayon said shrugging. 

Haruna then blushed and thought about it 'I have sacrificed others and the last of those I knew maybe it's time to sacrifice myself and well his words aren't wrong. 

"Fine do whatever". Haruna said spreading herself as Rayon just pulled his pants down getting ready to go to work.