
System in the Multiverse [R18]

Wish fulfillment and Action.

dog_2037 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

Bounties and Becoming a warlord

2 Days Later:

3rd Person Pov:

Rayon and Yamato were reading the newspaper well not the newspaper more importantly their new bounties. 

Yamato was in a great mood even though she was a bit irritated she was still in a really good mood looking at the bounty she just got Rayon as well. 

The Newspaper headline said. 

[The birth of the Chaos Pirates the rise of new Conqueors] 

['Prince of Chaos' Chaos D Rayon Dead or Alive 600,000,000 Berries] 

['Oni Princess' Yamato Dead or Alive 550,000,000 Berries] 

"Well damn Yamato look at us we look awesome, and our bounties are extremely high for our first bounties". Rayon told her. 

Yamato nodded "Really that's great where are we going right now" Yamato asked happily now in a really good mood. 

"Well, we are going to an island we should arrive in a few days in the meantime why don't we spar". Rayon asked. 

Yamato looked at Rayon seriously "You know I am stronger than you". She said bluntly 'That hurt my feelings'. Rayon thought to himself, but he knew she was right. 

"I don't care I want to improve and fighting you is the best way to do it since we are both conquerors". Rayon told her from what he could tell she couldn't use infusion or any of the more powerful versions of Haki, yet he could see that she had almost no control over her fruit as well. 

"Ok let's do it now then". Yamato said excitedly Rayon unsheathed his sword and Yamato picked up her club as they dashed at each other. 



2 Days Later:

Thriller Bark:

Right now, The Straw hats have just defeated Moria and his crew but they were in a state of fear and shock at the arrival of an extremely powerful adversary the Tyrant Kuma. 

While staring down at them Kuma held his bible while also taking the time to talk to the marines about the situation, he had just encountered seeing that Moria had just been taken down. 

"He's going to obliterate us!". yelled a random pirate in the crowd as the crowd began going crazy.

two figures could be seen heading in their direction at an extremely quick speed those two figures were Rayon and Yamato who were speeding towards them with extreme speed. 


In the next second both Rayon and Yamato appeared standing tall Infront of the straw hats and Zoro who just walked up. 

Looking at them Zoro was surprised but didn't think anything of it as he gripped his sword and asked, "Who are you two are you both with that Kuma bastard". Zoro said as he aimed his sword at Rayon and Yamato. 

Rayon just looked at him and grinned "None of your buissness". Yamato turned and looked at Zoro as well She recognized him since she memorized most newspapers when bored at sea. 

"Oh, you are the sword guy Zoro right that's kind of cool" Yamato yelled out breaking the silence completely with her loudness everyone there didn't really understand what was going on the straw hats though were preparing to fight.

"I can't believe we will have to fight two other marines". Ussop said Sanji walked up next to Zoro and Sanji smiled looking at Yamato as he was going to start acting dumb, but he knew now was not the time surprisingly. 

Robin on the other hand seeing this instantly told both Zoro and Sanji to stop as she began sweating a bit "Those two are pirates extremely dangerous ones at that but I don't think they are here for us". Robin said concerned Zoro and Sanji raised a brow.

"The newly created Chaos Pirates Captain Chaos D Rayon with a bounty of 600 million berries and his vice-Captain Yamato with a bounty of 550 million what are you two doing here". Kuma who was standing on the ship now Infront of everyone said with his monotone voice, but his surprise was clear. 

Rayon shrugged "We actually came to kill Moria but seeing that the straw hats got to it first that is quite disappointing". Rayon said as he disappeared from his spot and swung his sword imbued with lightning killing him with quick ease. 

Everyone was shocked as they didn't see him move except for both Yamato and Kuma. 

"What how did he move so fast". Ussop asked in surprise. No one had an answer. 

Rayon then looked at Kuma with a smirk "Call the guy you were on the phone with I would like to join the 7 warlord I believe I more than qualify". Rayon told Kuma. 

Kuma heard this and thought for a bit as he didn't think that it was a bad idea but at the same time, he couldn't fathom why someone like Rayon would want to join the warlords of the sea. 

"Unless you want to fight, I don't mind I don't know who would win but I think me, and Yamato can take you if we try hard enough, we might even get stronger during the fight". Rayon told him honestly. 

Yamato smiled "Yeah we should just fight this is exactly what I need at that I feel to get to the next level of Haki". Yamato said excitedly.

Kuma seeing that the situation was a bit out of hand sighed as he made the call when he did the snail came alive and it looked as if he was on the phone with the fleet admiral. 

[Kuma why have you called this line what is the situation] Sengoku asked. 

[Moria has been defeated by the straw hats Chaos D Rayon and Yamato have appeared and Chaos has killed Moria he now declares that he wants to be a Warlord is it possible for him to become one or not] Kuma said quickly. 

[That is actually no problem on one condition that he brings in the straw hat pirates] Sengoku replied. 

The straw hats who heard this was afraid since they just heard how strong Rayon and Yamato where they knew they didn't have a chance if a fight broke out even if Luffy was a awake. 

Rayon was thinking about it 'Should I mean Luffy will go to impel down eventually considering Ace should have been captured by Blackbeard already' Rayon thought to himself considering what to do. 

Yamato hearing this and seeing Rayon thinking decided to step in "No Rayon I don't know why you want to become a warlord, but I can't let you do that as a friend of Ace you cannot take in his little brother". Yamato said even though she didn't want to go against Rayon. 

Rayon looked at her for a bit "I didn't even make a choice yet and you are already going against me". Rayon said in irritation 'Who does this bitch think she is'. Rayon thought to himself.

"I could feel it you were going to say yes". Rayon griitted his teeth "Are we going to have a problem Yamato I am your captain". Rayon said now pissed. 

As red lightning shot out of him showing his conquerors Haki Yamato though didn't back down as she did the same two red bubbles of lightning then collided. 


Dark red lightning clashed creating shockwaves and destroying the area around them pushing the straw hats back and knocking out along with even killing some of the random pirates. 

After a few more seconds the clash died down as both Rayon and Yamato decided to give in Rayon looked at Yamato thinking of fighting but shook his head in irritation "Tch fuck it no I won't bring in the straw hats". Rayon said bringing relieved sighs to the straw hats who were shivering at the power showed by Rayon and Yamato. 

Kuma watched but couldn't help but be amazed at both Rayon and Yamato's power he looked at them and knew they would surely be leaders of the new generation.

[What Happened Kuma] Sengoku asked. 

[A light argument between Rayon and Yamato but the thing is Rayon has said no to bringing in the straw hats would you like to revoke him from joining the warlord] Kuma replied. 

[No let them join I have things to take care of] Sengoku replied. 

With that the call was over Rayon grinned seeing how easy it was to get the spot but still was slightly irritated as he looked at Yamato, he knew it would be trouble dealing with somebody as strong as her on his ship especially when it came to the mc and Ace. 

Rayon looked over at Yamato in annoyance and said, "Let's get out of here no reason to stay since straw hat is sleep anyway no one else here I want to meet". Rayon said to Yamato who could tell Rayon was angry she wanted to apologize. 

Rayon didn't feel like bothering with that right now so he shrugged her off as he began walking away but before he could go further, he remembered Robin was here as well. 

"Hey Nico Robin, do you want to join my crew". Rayon asked getting surprised gasps from the straw hats and Yamato Kuma on tother hand wasn't surprised he could tell Rayon was ambitious and Robin was a huge deal for any ambition one could have. 

Robin hearing this didn't know what to do of course she wanted to stay with the straw hats, but she didn't know how Rayon would react "Will you force me". Robin asked seriously. 

Rayon thought about it for a bit he scanned his surroundings 'Kuma works for dragon, Yamato is stronger than me nope bad idea damn I didn't even get to go after Shisui from Zoro'. Sighing Rayon shook his head. 

"Nah just worth a try I got to go now". Rayon said grumbling. Yamato who was behind looked at them and sighed "See you all again one day tell straw-hat I would like to meet him I have heard lots about him from his brother". The straw hats nodded with a smile and thanked Yamato since they knew they would be captured or worse without her around. 

They said their goodbyes some more until she began running after Rayon. 

"Now why don't I start with capturing you". Kuma said. The straw hats then realized that they had to fight before Rayon and Yamato even got here. 


With Rayon: 

Finally making it back to the ship Rayon was pissed he was showed up by his own crewmate not one but twice in one setting he knew everyone could tell that he didn't want to fight Yamato because she was stronger. 

"W.wait Rayon I am really sorry". Yamato said bowing with a bit of a sorry expression knowing what she did was wrong. 

'System go'. Rayon said in his mind as the ship began moving Rayon turned around and looked at her before going into the captain's quarters. 

"Yamato fuck you we will be going straight to Sabaody so just go eat or something we should arrive there soon". Rayon said harshly as he slammed the door behind him. 

Yamato just clenched her weapon and sighing 'I know what I did was wrong, but I had to how could I call Ace a friend if I let him just take them in or worse kill them, I know that Rayon would have done it if I wasn't stronger just now' Yamato thought to herself. 

Sighing as she sat on the deck watching the sea with her final thoughts thinking about what Kozuki Oden would do in that situation.