
System's POV

"What you do in life, Echoes in Eternity." The System, who goes by the code name, Thirteen, defied the System God in order to give his previous Hosts’ the chance to change their Fates. Unfortunately, he was killed by his Father, the System God, and was sent to the world of Pangea to struggle like the Cannon Fodders that he fought so hard to protect. Armed with his knowledge as a System, Thirteen vowed to change not only his Fate, but the Fate of others whose destinies were tied up with him. In a world torn by power and corruption, a fallen System will bring out a symphony of change, or lead it to its destruction. ---------------- Chapter release schedule: 2 Chapters everyday.

Elyon · Fantasy
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384 Chs

The Puppet Master 

Somewhere inside a secluded Forest in the Sumatran Kingdom…

"How are the plans for the war coming along?" a Tigerkin with black stripes in his hair asked. "Will we be able to mobilize in a month?"

"At the earliest, yes," an Old Tigerkin wearing glasses replied. "But according to my informant in the Palace, the Conservative Faction is trying to convince the King that launching a war against the Barbarians will just cause hardships for the people.

"Fortunately, our faction has more members than them, Lord Brigham. Because of this, the pleas of the Conservative Faction will not change anything. At most, they can delay the war for two to three months. But, this war will push through no matter what."

Brigham shook his head firmly. "The war must not be delayed. If we can't move out in a month, we should move out after two months. Tell everyone in the capital to push for this proposal. Make sure to start the war propaganda as well.