
System's POV

"What you do in life, Echoes in Eternity." The System, who goes by the code name, Thirteen, defied the System God in order to give his previous Hosts’ the chance to change their Fates. Unfortunately, he was killed by his Father, the System God, and was sent to the world of Pangea to struggle like the Cannon Fodders that he fought so hard to protect. Armed with his knowledge as a System, Thirteen vowed to change not only his Fate, but the Fate of others whose destinies were tied up with him. In a world torn by power and corruption, a fallen System will bring out a symphony of change, or lead it to its destruction. ---------------- Chapter release schedule: 2 Chapters everyday.

Elyon · Fantasy
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375 Chs

  Something Of Equivalent Exchange

"Zion, my dear friend, where are you right now?" Camazotz rested his hand on the ten-year-old's shoulder and gave the latter the most devilish smile he could muster. "Please tell me your location. I promise I won't send my friends to hunt you down."

"Mmm. I am currently in Mammon's City," Thirteen replied casually. "Feel free to visit me anytime."

"Tsk!" Camazotz would always ask the young human boy about his location whenever he saw the latter in the Conference Room of the Apocalypse. 

He was hoping that Thirteen would slip up so that his whereabouts would finally be known to him.

In the past three years, the members of the Order of the Apocalypse had shown the boy's face to their subordinates, as well as their acquaintances.

They even discreetly placed a bounty on his head, but it was not to kill him. The bounty was only asking for any relevant information related to him, especially where he was currently at.