

If Gods dies, what would you do? If there's no other savior for you to lean on, where will you go? The Story of how 4 races unite each other for one purpose, to win and to strive.

The misery of no one to lean on, the agony of no one to ask for help on, the despair of knowing that no one can help you but yourselves, the fear to strive knowing your life's on the line. Would you take the gamble?

The misery, agony, despair and fear starts when Gods and Goddesses made the very gravest mistake on their lives that can endanger not just then, but on every living beings.

— Sanctuary of Gods —

(Meeting of 4 Gods and Goddess)

"It's time to judge these wicked beings to lessen the threat!" — Apollo

"I agree with Apollo, they're sinners who deserved to perish, not live on a prison, what if someone free them?!" — Athena

"Calm down, we put them on Hell's Prison to let them live since they are once our creation." — Hades

— Hell's Prison —

Hell's Prison is where the sinners who made a very grave mistakes and who wanted revenge. The sinners are called "Asuras". They are powerful enough to kill a God.

Hell's Prison doesn't have any exit, only Entrance and only opens randomly to put people who deserves to be called Asura. Prison's Hell is so vast that you cannot see any boundaries nor Limit.

"Disgraceful! They defied our Heavenly Rules and slaughtered many people just for revenge! They don't deserve these kind of things!" — Zeus

"May I speak?" — System

"You may" — The rest

"Thank you, as you all already know, the Asuras are defiled beings who will do everything to take revenge, they're rogue and lawless. For me, it's better to make use of them by putting them on Monster Glade." — System

*Monster Glade*

(Where monster resides and a abandoned world, because Divine power doesn't work at Monster Glade, thus Gods and Goddess abandoned the Monster Glade.)

"Sounds like a plan, however how can we make sure they will kill each other there? Monster Glade had many holes, how would you deal with it?" — Apollo

"We can put our Divine Soldiers on every holes, even though we can't use divine power there, Divine Soldiers are capable using Aura, good enough to slaughter hundreds of Asuras." — System

*Divine Soldiers*

(People who are blessed by a God/Goddess.)


(An energy that is also known as Ki, where you can strengthen your body or weapons by coating it with Aura.)

"Do not be worried about trivial things, if they don't eliminate the monsters, then they will die." — System

"I favor this." — Hades & Athena

"Then, make preparations, and finish it as soon as possible." — Zeus

"As you command." — System

System teleported every Asuras living in Hell's Prison unto Monster Glades, and deployed hundreds of Divine Soldiers to every holes Monster Glades had.


"Why are we here?! Fuck! Monsters!" — Random Asura

*Clang — Boom — accck!! — h-help!!"

"This is fun! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!" — Roger (one of the powerful general in Asuras)


The war between Asuras and Monsters lasted for a day, Asuras settles down on the very place where they got teleported.