
Chapter 4: Pack

'Greyback kidnapped kids, killed the parents. When the kids were made werewolves, then they teach them how to hate muggles and wizards alike.'

'If I'm not wrong, that was the mentality of Greyback back when I read the book.'

A sigh escaped the lips of Syrme.

'What a mess, now what do I do with the kids and the rest of the pack.'


"Go to your house don't come out. Just a moment ago there was a kid that needed directions, and you help him get to his parents." Syrme used Memory manipulation on the other guy that saw the whole fight.

The man turned around and went without saying anything.

A lot more of howlings were heard.

'They are close.'

Syrme ran to the river nearby and hide in the top of the trees.

"He is over here!" A voice yelled to other groups.

"Who could have killed the boss!? We need to be careful. The boss said that the whole city was protected from anyone getting out and in. So, whoever it is, is strong enough to pass the barrier." Another voice said.

'Great, 1...2...6...8 werewolves.'

'Tonight is not a full moon, so I don't have to worry about fighting some big doggy.'

'System, buy me three potent smell-bomb, a chemical respirator mask and... are they weak to silver?'

"He is close!" The man running through the trees said between gasp for air.

When the group was near the tree were Syrme was situated, he waited for them to be just at the bottom of where he was located.

Syrme put his mask and threw the smell-bombs.

When the first guy was looking to where the bombs were thrown, he jumped on top of him and stabbed him in the heart.


Without wasting time, Syrme ran to the other three close by.

"A KID?! Wha-!"

Eye, liver.





Kick to the chin.

Taking force from the spinning in the last one he jumped to another one with enough force-

'Renewal Taekwondo - Hwechook!'

The force of the spinning and the reinforced leg combined impacted the head of the last guy.

And his head rolled to the floor.

'For god's sake, if I'm going to keep like this when I'm older I'm going to turn into a cold-blood killer. I don't enjoy taking a life, but...'

Syrme was looking around to the mess he made when he notices some itching in his arm.

'Mhm? What is this?'

Syrme looked to his arm to see a claw-like mark all the way to the shoulder.

'How did I not notice this?!'

'System, am I infected?'

[No, you are not infected with lycanthropy]

Syrme let out a relieved sigh.

'I need to find where they were staying.'

'I think these people were all of them, but there are kids left.'

'This is year is 1986, January. So I believe Fenrir was still recovering and trying to recruit.'

Syrme took out his mask and headed to the deep woods.


Syrme reached the cave with haste, reinforced his eyes to see better in the dark and headed deeper into it.

'Here, this is where they sleep and eat.'

There was a lot of food and mattresses over the floor.

"Who are you?" A childish voice said in the corners of the cave. Syrme looked to the voice owner to find a male kid about 7 or 8 years, a little taller than him.

"My name is Syrme. Are there others with you?" Syrme asked the other kid.

"Why would I tell you that?" The kid asked with suspicion and crossed arms.

"I am searching for several missing kids that disappeared with their parents when they were in the woods visiting a touristic cave nearby." Syrme said to the boy. The boy narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean... disappeared?" The boy asked.

"Exactly like it sounds, kids disappeared, parents found dead." Syrme clarified to the 7-year-old kid.

The face of the kid passed through several emotions. Suspicion, doubt, then a different kind of suspicion and for the last, realisation. Syrme already had some idea of what were the thoughts of the kid.

"Do you have somewhere to live apart from this place?" Syrme asked slowly.

The boy shook his head one time.

"What is your name?" Syrme questioned.

"Alex." Alex said, defeated.

"Are there others with you?" Syrme asked one more time.

"5 more. I thought... I thought that-" Alex cut himself before speaking, trying to come with a response.

"It's okay. I think I know more or less what happened here." Syrme sighed again.

'Obliviated? Possibly.'

'Misinformed and kept in the dark with excuses and lies about what happened when you got here, more likely.'

"As you are aware, you are a werewolf. Before I tell you more about what is going to happen to you and the rest, I think it's for the best if everyone is listening."

Reaching the place where the rest of the kids were sleeping, Alex tried to wake up everyone.

"Alex? What is going on...What time is it?" A kid of the same age as Alex said yawning.

"This boy right here was searching for us and... and I think you need to hear what he has to say." Alex said with eyes downcast.

"Him? A midget like him wanted to meet us? What for?" Another kid said with a snarl.

'This is going to be a long talk.'


"So you are saying that we were kidnapped and people are looking for us?" The boy named Mike said.

"Our parents didn't abandon us?" A girl with blond strawberry hair said between sobs.

"What are we going to do?" The youngest boy, Sebastian, asked.

"You are all werewolves and possibly magical. Because being a muggle and get infected with lycanthropy is rare. Usually, when muggles get infected are destined to die from the bite." Syrme said to the group.

"You can't go to civilisation at the moment because you don't have a place to live and if some of you have it, then you could put in danger what's left your families. The wizards would send obliviators, and some of you could end up worse than here." Syrme explained sadly.

"I could renovate this cave, put a ward around the entrance, so muggles don't get close and try to live here for a while with you, in the meantime we could try to think about a solution." Syrme proposed.

"I... think it is a good idea." The timid girl said.

"What about food?" Sebas asked.

"And what about the guys that kidnapped us!?" Mike jumped.

"AHH! It's true! What about them!" The girl shrieked.

"It's okay. They are not going to come here again." Syrme explained calmly.

"Did they leave the country? It is because of you?" Alex asked, curiously.

"Let's just say that they are not going to come, and leave it at that."

"Okay... I guess I trust you for now." Alex said slowly.

[ Stats ]

Lvl: 34

EXP: 40,000/310,000


-Name: Harry Potter

-True Name: Syrme

-Race: Human

-Age: 6 years


-Strenght: 22

-Vitality: 33

-Dexterity: 50

-Intelligence: 43

-Wisdom: 56

-Charisma: 30

-Luck: 3

Points unassigned: 105


Origin: Dreams, Knowledge.

Magic Circuits: 30C

Magical Core: B

Magical Trigger: Here I dream, here I learn.



-???: ???

-Death Wisdom: A

-ID: Create/Escape: C

-Spellcasting: A

-Speech: B

-Instinct: C

-Occlumency: B

-Thought acceleration: A

-Memory Partition: C

-Paranza Corta: B

-Reinforcement: C

-Northern ITF Taekwondo: C

-Renewal Taekwondo: B

-Memory Manipulation: C

-Apparition: B


{ID: Create/Escape: C}

Creating and escaping a dimensional space around you that depending on the level of the skill, it introduces more things and beings into the said dimension. Warning: Someone with enough space awareness could discover the dimension.

{Spellcating: A}

This skill consists of the proficiency of spellcasting either by voice or by thought. For this skill is necessary to have a magical core or magical circuits in the caster. For any skill with the requisite of magecraft is needs a magical trigger, also known as an aria.

{Speech: B}

Conversation understanding, speech managing, and Skills related to voice are improved.

{Instinct: C}

Rare Skill that only comes with experience. The user has a better intuition about what is going on around you. When it comes to following a path, you 'feel' if something could go wrong.

{Occlumency: B}

The practice of the mind. More organised thoughts. Creation of mindscape and protection of the mind. Occlumency is the art of one's mind.

{Thought acceleration: A}

With the need for the magical trigger. The thought of caster is accelerated for the amount of time the caster wishes. Warning: Using this skill for an extended period could cause migraines.

{Memory Partition: C}

It is the ability to partition their thoughts to form multiple independent thought processes. While normal people can only have a single "room" in their brain and focus on one thought, partitioning adds partitions to the one room to create multiple rooms.

{Paranza Corta: B}

Style of blade/knife fighting of Italian origin. Paranza Corta centre itself around blocking strikes and responding with counter attacks of quick stabbing motions in very delicate zones of the body. Jugular vein, kidney, eye, carotid artery, brachial artery, wrists, heart, lungs, liver, femur artery, etc.

{Reinforcement: C}

Purpose of pushing a basis to the utmost limit. It is the foundation of all Magecraft that enhance the existence of the target by pouring Magical Energy. Success requires a good grasp of the inner structure to fill openings with Magical Energy. Reinforcing the purpose of existence would be increasing the sharpness of a knife, the nourishment of food, or in the case of a living creature, physical strength, and durability.

{Northern ITF Taekwondo: C}

Art developed in modern North Korea. This type of Taekwondo is derived from ITF Taekwondo which favours straight, fast attacks and, unlike WTF Taekwondo, allows all forms of fighting without protection.

{Renewal Taekwondo: B}

Art developed in modern South Korea. It is emphasised in strong, linear kicks like its base WTF Taekwondo. Some skills are directly linked with WTF Taekwondo.

{Memory Manipulation: C}

It is an alteration of the mind's records to make a person forget about a specific event. Effectiveness is limited by the number of deviations between what the target remembers and what the people around them remember. Basic spell of magecraft.

{Apparition: B}

Method to travel used by the wizarding world. This is accomplished by having the user focus on the desired location in their mind and then purposely disappearing from that spot to reappear at the place the user envisioned.


Chapter Finished

GadigWalkercreators' thoughts