
Synergy: My System is Possessed

Dan's life has been on autopilot since a traumatic event, until he reunites with his old friend Melisa, who seems to have undergone a drastic transformation in a short time. However, Melisa is hiding a heavy secret that could change the world forever. Suddenly, Dan gains magical powers of a warrior, but he soon realizes that he is being haunted by the person who possessed those powers before him. As he struggles to make sense of it all, he finds himself trapped in a power struggle that could put his family and loved ones in danger. Dan's grip on reality begins to slip as his powers change him in ways he never imagined. But he is not alone in his fight. With the help of his companions, Dan must defeat god-like beings who are conducting simulations using different worlds, including their own. The truth behind these beings and their simulations is bigger than anything Dan could have ever imagined. As he slowly embraces his powers, he must also save himself and his family from the unknown dangers lurking around every corner. Join Dan on his journey as he fights to protect his world and loved ones against all odds. Will he be able to defeat the god-like beings and uncover the truth behind their simulations? p.s: mc will start out weak and timid. It will take him some time to change for the better. Also, he will not have issues with killing people, but he won't go out of his way to do that. A.N: This is my first story on this site. Please help me get better by leaving suggestions. Extra tags: #smartmc #averagelookingmc #weaktostrong

Karthik_Kumar_5864 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Acceptance and Change - II

Dan entered the living room to the sound of Audrey's voice reverberating in anger. "Who is this?!" she exclaimed, her tone laced with frustration and a tinge of fear. Her face scrunched up, revealing her annoyance. "Why do you keep calling me?!"

Glancing around the room, Dan's eyes fell upon the broken window, its shattered fragments strewn across the floor. Nestled in the midst of the chaos lay a small, crumpled paper. He gingerly picked it up, noticing its weight due to the heavy stone that had been used to hurl it through the window.

Carefully unfolding the paper, Dan anticipated finding a message, and his expectation proved true. Audrey approached him, curiosity mingled with apprehension etched on her face, and posed the question, "What is it?" Her breath caught as her gaze skimmed the ominous words written on the paper:

"It will be a bullet next time."

Dan regretted exposing Audrey to the threatening words, wishing he could have shielded her from this distress. But the damage was done. Overwhelmed by a surge of stress and grief, Audrey's emotions erupted. "Who is doing this?!" she cried out, her voice trembling. "First mom, and now this... What have we done to these people?"

Dan stepped outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of anyone suspicious lurking nearby, but his search proved futile, confirming his initial expectation.

Returning inside, he discovered Audrey still clutching the paper, her eyes fixed upon it as if seeking answers for her worries within the words written on it. He gently took it from her trembling hands, crumpling it once more.

"Who was the call from?" Dan asked, even though he was already aware of the answer.

"I don't know," Audrey replied, her voice tinged with helplessness. She opened the call log on her phone, revealing a series of unfamiliar numbers. "They say that they are the ones who killed mom and that cops can't help us." Her words trembled, interwoven with tears and overwhelming emotions. "It can't be true, right?"

Before Dan could offer any words of solace, Audrey interjected, with desperation in her voice, "If the police won't help, what do we do?"

Her eyes pleaded with Dan, seeking a glimmer of hope, a shred of strength to hold onto. Watching her struggle, he felt a knot forming in his stomach. Audrey had always been his pillar of strength, always there to support him. Now, their roles had reversed, and he needed to find a way to reassure her. As he opened his mouth to respond, a lump formed in his throat, choking back the words. Any reassurances would be empty lies. He knew deep down that these people would never relent, and they had no one to turn to for help. Seeking aid from their relatives or friends would only put them in harm's way.

How can he convince her that everything will be alright when he knew that will never be the case?

Even when he argued with the stranger about further consequences of his actions, he knew deep down that these people will not stop until both of them were left broken and pleading for death. There was no way out without a confrontation; blood was going to be spilled, and he had to decide whose it would be. He wanted to convince the stranger as much as himself that if he stayed quiet or tried to isolate himself once more, everything would return to how it used to be. He could just fade away from this world permanently, allowing his sister to resume her life as she had before. Yet, it was too late for such fantasies now. Every option led him to becoming a killer, something that his sister, who currently looked to him for support, would view him as no better than those who had taken their mother's life.

He was reminded of the stranger's words about not caring what labels were attached to him. He glanced past Audrey to find the stranger standing still, which surprised him as he expected for the stranger to have further arguments.

'I have already said what I had to say' the stranger's words reached Dan's ears alone. 'Whatever you do, just stop whining.' He added one last statement before going away. 'You seem to think you have a choice here.'

As Dan stared into Audrey's eyes and replayed the stranger's words in his mind, he finally accepted the cold truth. There was no other way, he had to see it to the very end; even if it meant he couldn't live with himself any more or his sister would hate him, he had to finish what he had started. After what seemed like an eternity of contemplation, he finally responded to Audrey, projecting as much confidence as he could gather.

"Don't worry, I will speak to the police and figure something out" He hugged her gently to reassure her.

'They won't get away with what they did.' She didn't notice the change in his tone as his composure assured her enough that she nodded her head in agreement.

Requesting Audrey's phone to write down the numbers, Dan retreated to his room, quietly closing the door behind him. With a sense of urgency, he examined the list of unfamiliar numbers, realizing that they followed a distinct pattern. Each day, a single random number would call around the same time, never to be repeated. The pattern extended back several days, suggesting that initially, Audrey hadn't considered them significant. However, as the calls grew in duration, her annoyance had escalated. Dan surmised that she had been attempting to identify the caller, just as she had been doing when he went down to the living room earlier.

'What are you going to do?' He heard the stranger speak next to him.

"Talk to them directly and settle this thing." Dan replied resolutely. Choosing a number at random, he dialed it, listening as it rang for several seconds before someone finally picked up. Yet, on the other end, only silence greeted him.

Frustration mounting, Dan couldn't contain himself any longer. "Listen, I know who you guys are," he asserted, his patience wearing thin. "Why don't you deal with me directly and stop harassing my sister?"

Despite his attempt at negotiation, there was still no response from the person on the other end. Just as he was about to resort to threats, the stranger interrupted his thoughts.

'They know what you can do.' the stranger interjected. 'I doubt they'll agree to another direct confrontation.'

Dan locked eyes with the stranger, seeking answers. "So their plan is to keep harassing us and throwing out some threats?"

The stranger simply shrugged in response.

Dan was lost in thought for a few moments before speaking again. "I will meet you guys at whatever place you choose. You can have as many people you want, I will come alone. I just want to end this." He declared, his voice filled with determination. Yet, there was still no response from the other end of the line.

Still not receiving any answer, Dan pressed on, "You can always come for my family after you deal with me."

Minutes ticked by, the silence hanging heavily in the air. Dan contemplated launching into a barrage of insults at the boss and his brother, hoping to provoke a response, when finally, a voice broke through the stillness.

"We will contact you," the voice uttered, before abruptly ending the call.

Dan let out a weary sigh as he sank down onto the edge of the bed, his mind consumed by thoughts of the impending confrontation.

'You know they will probably gather everyone they have' the stranger's voice broke the silence once more. 'Given their influence and resources, they could have hundreds of people.'

Dan nodded in agreement. "Hmm yeah, they are probably just as cautious as they are angry."

The stranger's next words carried a subtle warning. 'You sure you can take on more people like that woman?'

A smile played across Dan's face at the stranger's concern, amusement glinting in his eyes. "Are you afraid now?" he retorted.

The stranger's expression remained unchanged. 'No. Being brave and being reckless are two different things.'

"Then what do you want me to do ?"

'They're just as desperate as you are," the stranger replied. 'You can bait them into acting on their own.'

Dan shook his head. "It might take too long, I can't wait while Audrey continues to suffer."

The stranger's eyes narrowed, a mixture of recognition and concern flickering across his face.

'You are not planning on making it back.' the stranger asserted, his tone devoid of doubt, as if already aware of Dan's decision.

Dan remained silent, his thoughts swirling within him, contemplating the weight of his impending actions. Finally, he spoke, his voice tinged with a mixture of resignation. "I doubt I will remain the same person after taking so many lives."

His gaze shifted to the partially damaged family photo that had survived the chaotic fight. It rested in the living room before, but he had taken to try and fix it. Grateful that it hadn't been completely destroyed, he carefully opened it, revealing a folded section containing an image of his father. He remembered hiding it years ago, not having the courage to remove it completely. Carefully, he tore out that part of the photo, taking it in his hand. Retrieving a lighter, he set it ablaze, watching as the flames consumed the image and turned it to ash.

As the remnants of his father's presence dissolved into smoke, a solemn determination filled Dan's words. "I won't be able to face Audrey so I will make sure that no one comes after her again." His voice carried a dark and ominous weight. "I will wipe out everyone."

The stranger observed Dan intently before making a suggestion. 'Why don't you start preparing for it, at least?'

When Dan looked at him with a blank stare, he continued. 'Ask the interface again, gather more information about other people like you.'

"Hmm, that could be useful but she barely knew anything at all."

The stranger persisted. 'Still, it's worth a shot.'

"How do I go to that...place?" Dan inquired, "I am not shouting like a mad man again." He added remembering what he did when he was testing his powers.

The stranger paused, deep in thought. 'It said that it was a creation of your interface and I am part of it as well. Maybe...'

Before Dan could inquire further, the stranger abruptly vanished from sight. Confusion furrowed Dan's brow as he sensed the world around him losing its vibrancy, fading into shades of gray and lifelessness, just like when he had used limit break. The once vivid colors drained away, leaving everything indistinguishable and resembling the static of a television screen.

As the seconds ticked by, color gradually flooded back into the world and with it, the same childhood home he had seen before. Whatever the stranger did seemed to have worked.

He found himself standing at the entrance to the living room, his gaze fixed on his mother, who sat on the couch, engrossed in a television show and casually munching on popcorn. A strange mix of emotions washed over him as he realized the surreal nature of the situation. Everything appeared remarkably normal, and he momentarily lost himself in the illusion if not for the knowledge that it was all a fabrication. He slowly made his way towards his mother, standing directly in front of her and blocking her view of the TV.

She was taken aback by Dan's sudden appearance, her voice wavering as she stumbled over her words. "Variable no. 73... *cough* I mean Dan! What are you doing here, honey?"

Dan's curiosity was piqued by her hesitant words and the slip of the tongue, but he knew he had more pressing matters to attend to.

"Cut it out. I want to ask you something."

She fell silent, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "What do you mean, Dan?"

Dan sighed, "I know it's not the real you. You are just a recreation."

She laughed awkwardly and tried to deny his claim, "I don't know what you are talking..."

"I remember when you brought me here before and I put a knife to your throat." He interrupted her and let her know about the previous incident.

She stared at him in disbelief, "How is this possible..."

Before Dan could urge her to drop the act and provide the information he sought, she stood up abruptly and jumped towards him.

"I knew it ! My Dan would always be special !" she exclaimed with delight, embracing him tightly.

Caught off guard by her unexpected reaction, Dan struggled to free himself from her grip, feeling a mix of surprise and annoyance. "Why are you acting like this?" he demanded, his voice tinged with confusion.

Her expression shifted, feigning innocence. "Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Why are you trying to imitate her, even though I know you're just a program?" Dan's irritation grew with each word.

Nonchalantly, she replied, "I am acting just as you wished me to."

"What? I didn't wish for anything like that" Dan retorted, his frustration mounting.

"Not directly, perhaps, but here, I am assigned the role of your mother so that's all I am capable of doing." she explained matter-of-factly.

"Fine," Dan sighed, relenting. "What got you so excited, anyway?"

Her bright smile returned as she said. "If you remember your previous interaction with the system, that means you are not just any ordinary variable."

"So what? Do you get some extra privileges yourself?"

"That too," She tenderly cupped his face in her hands and looked deeply into his eyes, "but more importantly, you get to be part of the main act and be eligible for a big reward."

Dan's focus shifted to her last words. He raised his eyebrows in curiosity, inviting her to elaborate further. "Big reward? What is that?"

"Yes, it can be anything you want." She then started listing off things, "Like Unimaginable power, wealth, world domination or even just love - those are what most people typically desire but it's not limited to those alone."

Dan's mind raced as he grasped the implications of her words. He had made countless mistakes in spite of knowing better and these errors had cost him almost everything. Now he was about to enter a fight without being sure if he would make it out alive - but if there was one thing he could wish for… "Can you bring a person back?"