

Katherine Flores is a career-driven and independent woman. Katherine's life comes crashing down as her once-perfect fiancée cheats on her and she loses her job. With no way to fund treatment for her mother's life-threatening disease, she gets a job working for Javier after a hard job hunt. To her, Javier is the angel who helped her in her time of need. Little does she know, she was walking into the wolf in sheep's clothing's' den with no escape after bearing his heirs. Forbidden love blooms in the midst of truths, guns, blood, and betrayal.

missbg · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Violet stayed the night over but left at the crack of dawn to get ready for work. Katherine lay in bed for most of the day. When she gained enough energy she grabbed her laptop from the center table and began job hunting.

She landed herself five interviews. Her phone started buzzing from the counter, it was her father. She picked it "Hello dad. How are you doing?" "…Not so well." "What's wrong?" His voice was Grimm. "Your mother was diagnosed with breast cancer." Katherine felt her heart stop for moment. "What… what do you mean? Is she alright." "Not quite. The doctor said she would need at least sixteen thousand for treatment."

Katherine felt sting in her eye "Can I speak to her." Her dad handed the phone to her mother. "Hello sweetie." "Mom. Everything is going to be okay. I'll find the money somehow. We'll get through this. You will be alright." "How can I burden you with my problems, just make sure to keep safe, don't do anything dangerous." "Your problem is my problem mother. Don't give up hope. There's still hope." *hick*" She wiped away the stream of tears on her face. "Mom promise me you will not do anything stupid." "Sweetie." "PROMISE ME MOM!" "…I promise."

The call ended and she tossed the phone on the center table. She sunk into the couch and let the tears flow while she thought. She had five thousand in her bank account. She wasn't one to borrow from people so asking her friends for help was out of the question. Right now her only hope was those interviews.

The next morning she got ready. She made sure to look really professional but not too obvious. Luckily the times allocated for the interviews did not clash. It was 12:00 before she was halfway done with her interviews. The last one was the position of secretary to the CEO. She had been a secretary several times before becoming a branch director so she was confident about this. The company dealt in car manufacturing, mostly sport and luxury ones.

Katherine's POV

'ALTO SOVRANO' was the name of the company. The company is worth billions, with loyal customers who are happy to splurge on their innovative cars luxury cars. Yet another interviewee came out in tears. "Miss Katherine Flores." I got up and walked confidently like I always do only to have my confidence crumbled when I met a familiar pair of grey orbs on the huge monitor behind the desk. 'SH*T!'

I quickly masked my surprise. Separating my personal life from my professional one is one thing I'm good at. I politely greet him and the others like nothing ever happened with my professional smile. I hear his deep voice ring through the monitor "Take your seat and let's begin." I could swear I saw a mischievous grin flash on his face for a second.

"It says here that you graduated from…" He proceeds to ask me the basic questions and I answer with confidence. Then the man on monitor starts to speak. "It says her that you resigned from your old job. I'd like to know why?" "I resigned due to due to illogical demotion." "May I know the details?" His asked as he intertwined his fingers and brought them to his chin looking very intrigued." "Well I was called to his office out of the blue and told I was demoted from my position as branch director and when I asked him why he simply said because it was his company and he felt like it. I tried to reason with him but he was not taking any. I told him it was against the contract which makes it unlawful I could sue him, he still did not listen so I quite."

"So why didn't you sue him?" I felt that he was prying too much for an interview but I held myself and answered. "I didn't want to waste precious time and money to sue him when I could find a better Job and a boss who separates personal life from work." "Personal life?" He enquired. "It's a long story." I had to draw the line there. "So, Miss Flores can you separate personal life from your professional one?" "I pride myself in being able to do that best." I keep a neutral smile as I answer. I could swear I heard him chuckle. "So what made you want this job since it still a demotion from your original position as branch director?" "Sir, I have worked as a secretary longer than as a branch director so I'm really confident in my skills in that area. I want to gain the trust of my maybe co-workers and work my way up if possible." "I see. Can you tell me what you know about this company?" "ALTO SAVRANO, meaning high sovereign, is an Italian company was created 9 years ago and has managed to take the market by storm. It has swept a decent amount of awards for its innovative cars. It has managed to bring many critics to love their cars. It founder Javier Hernandez Kingston, is praised for his outstanding leadership and management skills in his company."

"Do you know any other things about him?" "No, his face is usually blurred in the media and he usually talks through representatives." "Well Miss Flores. My name is Javier Hernandez Kingston and the result will be announced in twenty-four hours. Have a nice day." My eyes flew open and I was utterly stunned. "Yes…Goodbye." I left the meeting room a bit shocked. When I entered my car I proceeded to bang my head in the steering wheel before uttering some profanities. I prayed that the other ones had a higher pay than this one. I started my car and gripped the steering wheel with sweaty palms.

I barely managed to get home. I change into a baggy t-shirt, one of my favorite outfits. The next few hours where hell, sixteen thousand dollars was no joke. I can't worry my brother who is in the military, currently deployed far away. I can only hope for the best. Right now I have a looming fear of losing my mother and it making my heart sting. "Mom, you'll definitely be okay." My hopes began to falter when I began to get messages from the companies that interviewed me. They sated that I was I was either overqualified or didn't suit the image. 'Fit the image.' What kind of dumb excuse was that? I got a call from an unknown number, I stared at the caller id for a while before dismissing the call. I was in no mood to deal with strangers problems today. The phone continued forcing me to answer the phone in an irritated voice "Hello."

Unknown: "Miss me babe."

Katherine: "…Who's this?"

Unknown: "Can't believe you can't recognize the voice of your own fiancée."

*Call disconnected.*

I placed the phone on the couch and went into the kitchen to prepare something to eat. I settle on spaghetti and meatballs because I was really hungry. Ignoring my phone I dig in and enjoy myself. I wash my plate and clean up the kitchen, Ryan had left eleven missed calls and 7 voice mails which I ignored and deleted without listening. To release some stress I play some music on my sound system, not so loud that it would disturb the neighbors but just enough to felt the music. I swayed my hips to the beat and engulfed myself in carefree land. The constant ringing of my phone finally snapped, had it not been for the message I was waiting for from the company I would have muted it or switched it off and if I blocked this number he'll just use a different one.

I picked it up and answered.

Katherine: [WHAT?]

Ray: I missed you.

Katherine: [Now listen here, stop f*cking calling me or I'll-]

Ray: [How is job hunting going?]

Katherine: [Huh?]

Ray: [I have connections to every business in this city and they will not hire if I say so. Now be a good little girl and run crawl back to me and maybe I'll take you in as a cleaner.]

Katherine: […To hell with you.]

I threw my phone away and began biting my nails. It's a bad habit that kicks in when I get worried. Ray wasn't bluffing when he said that he had a lot of connections, all he had to do was say the word and no one in this city would hire me. How then will I pay of my mom medical bills, nothing can happen to her. Fear set in at the thought of losing a parent. If I don't get me a job I'll have to ask my brother for help and that means I have to tell him about moms condition. If I do that he is sure to get worried sick and might lose his life in the field. I lay on the couch with my arm on my forehead while I thought of a solution.




I jerked up, only to be hit by beams of the morning sun. I lazily trudge to the window and close the curtains. I brush away the bit of hair plastered to the corner of my lips and rubbed my eyes to adjust my vision. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Still a bit sleepy I walk over and grabbed my phone and switched it on, hoping that I at least got one Job.

I felt my heart skip a beat and a huge wave of relief washed over me. I got the job. I fell to my knees with tears of joy. My joy suddenly vanished when I saw the time I was to report. I immediately jumped into the shower and got ready. It's now seven and I'm supposed to get there by eight. Taking into consideration the city's traffic and the distance I'll have to call on my luckiest stars to get me there on time. I hope into my car and speed of all the while praying that the traffic wasn't that bad. My prayers answered I manage to reached the CEO's office five minutes earlier.

ANNOUNCEMENT Hello dear reader. I know an appology would not surfice to quel your disappointment in my next to no updates in a loong time. I am deeply sorry. I just dont seem to have a talent for keeping

my draft in check(pendrives). I will do better I will try my best to complete at least half of the stories i have uploaded so far. No promises, i cant predict what sick trick life might pull on me again.

Here is the order of completion:

Syndicates heir

Knowing me

My tyrannical father is a ruler

missbgcreators' thoughts