

Katherine Flores is a career-driven and independent woman. Katherine's life comes crashing down as her once-perfect fiancée cheats on her and she loses her job. With no way to fund treatment for her mother's life-threatening disease, she gets a job working for Javier after a hard job hunt. To her, Javier is the angel who helped her in her time of need. Little does she know, she was walking into the wolf in sheep's clothing's' den with no escape after bearing his heirs. Forbidden love blooms in the midst of truths, guns, blood, and betrayal.

missbg · Fantasy
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4 Chs


She rubbed her forehead. What she needed now was to get loose. She got up and went to take a bath. She opened up her closet and picked out a blue body con dress with a bare back that was definitely short. She put it on and it was about four inches above her thighs. She was not usually comfortable with such revealing clothes but tonight was 'don't give a f*ck'.

She planned to do whatever she felt like and regrets were for tomorrow morning and painkillers. She slapped on some makeup and nude lipstick that highlighted her naturally plump lips. Finally, she let her striking, wild, curly hair down. She blew a kiss to her reflection ['you're gorgeous baby.'] The voice in her head complimented. "Please tell me something I don't know." She flipped her hair with a cocky expression. After one last evaluation in the mirror, she left.

She took a cab and got to one of the hotspot clubs in New York. She got in and the club was already in full swing at 10:00. She headed straight for the bar. She took three shots of vodka and a cocktail half-finished before she mastered up the courage to get on the dance floor. She swayed her hips from side to side with the beat of the song. She felt strong arms wrap around her waist. ["Mm I like his scent."] She heard Beverly's voice at the back of her head.

She didn't mind he continued to grind as the moved in rhythm. She turned around too meet a familiar pair of winter grey eyes. She placed her hands around his neck and they moved together in envying harmony. She gasped a little when he pulled her closer, till their bodies where sandwiched together. She could now feel what was beneath his black long-sleeved shirt which he folded to his elbow. The feeling of his firm muscles that were hidden beneath the shirt made her imagine what they would look like. She felt tingles just thinking about it. She looked at his magnetic grey eyes ones more. He lightly brushed her hair back and crashed his lips on hers. Exploring, sucking and biting.

She heard no alarm bells from Beverly so she indulged. They fought for dominance and she won. He could taste the sweet cocktail from her beautiful plump lips and she could taste the addictive scent of cigar from his. They were so indulged and Katherine so drunk she didn't remember how they both got to his apartment. They continued to peel each other's clothing off impatiently.

His body looked like that of a perfectly sculpted Greek god and his member didn't disappoint. He teased and made her shudder with ultimate pleasure, her moans where loud and satisfying for him. Once he was in her, thrusting fast and hard, Katherine felt several shock waves wash through her.

Until he also came with an almost animalistic groan. They resumed kissing again still not satisfied, they felt an insatiable hunger for each other which they planned to satisfy well into the night.

Katherine stirred in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she noticed was the luxurious room she was in. She slowly turned to her side only to catch her breath. A man with breath taking looks lay beside her, she immediately recognized him as the man from the restaurant who paid for her food.

His perfectly trimmed stubble grew along his strong jawline, his sculpted nose cast a small shadow above his beautiful pink lips. Flashes of last night came in. She remembered everything, his hooded eyes and grey orbs hidden beneath, his touch that like a drug she couldn't get enough of, his Dom persona that riled her in with his tanned abs and biceps.

She got up despite her pounding head and scrambled for her clothes she quickly put them on. She grabbed her purse but because she was in the hurry the contents spilled over. She hurriedly gathered and stuffed them back in. She tip toed out of the room making sure not to wake him up.

When she got out of the room she immediately realized the two guards that stood on either side of the door. Her eyes flew open when she wondered whether they were here all night and the lines under their eyes was her answered her. She muttered "Sh*t" before she caught herself. She pursed her lips and gave them a quick awkward nod and dashed off not waiting for their response.

She met a group of maids, she just bowed her head in shame and passed by. As if the universe wanted to shun her she met a group of guards who stood idle in their posts. It was obvious the man she slept with was f*cking rich and important. She tried to walk past them discreetly with her head still bowed. "Miss."

She felt her heart leap out and she turned around slowly to the voice. "You're ride is this way." He motioned to a luxurious car painted black. "Oh it's quite okay. I prefer to walk." She wanted to be out of their presence and forget this ever happened. "All five miles?" The man asked.

She sighed and got in. He started the car and it was a smooth ride. She grabbed her phone to check the time but accidentally pressed the camera app. She nearly jumped at her own reflection. Her hair was all over the place, her lipstick smudged and her eye makeup made her look like the walking dead.

Katherine could not believe that she actually walked around the mansion looking like this. She palmed her face and let out a frustrated groan and wiped of the makeup with some wipes from her purse.

She heard her phone ringing. The name made her heart sink 'Violet', she knew she was about to get into hell. She didn't want to answer but then that would make her seem suspicious. She answered in her most cheerful, wide awake voice. "Hello Vio." "Where are you?" She heard a stern and unamused voice at the other end. "What are you talking about? I'm at home in bed." "That's funny because I'm in your house, in your bed and I don't see you. Did you acquire the power of invisibility or something?"

Violet retorts in a stern slightly pissed tone. Katherine needed to think fast. "Well sorry I'm actually in the bakery eating cake. I know you want me to go on a diet but I couldn't resist so I lied to you."

There was silence for a while she thought she bought it. Violet responded "Well someone gives her an Oscar for best actress. I would have believed you if Carter isn't present at the bakery as we speak. Carter, any sign of her?" "Nope, none at all." She heard Carters distant voice she could tell he was speaking through another phone." She sunk into her chair. She was about to let out another lie but Violet's words stopped her. "Tell the truth Katherine."

With a huge sigh and no way to dodge this she confessed. "Yesterday I got demoted." "What?" she heard Violet yell. She continued "I got so mad that I quit and well I was so pent up and frustrated. I was sick of it all, I needed to let loose so I went to the club." Violent was quiet obviously waiting for her to finish.

"It proved really helpful I was relaxed...a little too much, then this stranger came along and one thing led to another I winded up in his bed... without clothes on." Kat made sure to reduce the volume of my voice at the last words so the driver didn't hear not that it wasn't obvious seeing her state.

"...We'll talk about this when you get home." Katherine cut the call. She placed her head on the headrest and sighed. She grabbed the rubber band from her purse and tied her hair before wiping of the makeup with wipes to look less like an escaped mental patient. Soon they arrived in town, he wanted to take her home but she declined.

The last thing she needed was for a one night stand to know where she lived. She took a cab to her apartment block. She paid and got off. She didn't bother scrambling for her keys because the door was open.

She walked in with very hesitant steps for she was about to receive a nagging of a lifetime. She got on her knees as soon as the door shut. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie to you. I'll never lie to you again.

Forgive me just this once. Please spare my ears." She begged profusely with hands clapped together. She was taken aback when she received a hug. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. You've been through so much you deserved that release." Violet said.

Katherine was surprised at first but then she looked down with a bitter smile. "Well, I guess so." For a while she had forgotten all her pain, humiliation, and troubles. This was all thanks to the stranger.

Katherine thanked him in her head. She and Violet got to the kitchen to cook after Katherine complained that she was starving, they talk about Violets marriage and Katherine's sad love life while Katherine took her pills.

Hellooo. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Due to some circumstances I will not be active online till october. I hope you understand. During this time I will try my best to edit my drafts and correct some errors. Thank you.

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