
Symphony of Voices

Awoken by everlasting dreams, my memories can be replaced. Awoken by myself the soul is replaced. Awoken by others death is smiling. Awoken by friends the god above watches. Awoken by him and I stay sane.

Alpha1444 · Horror
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14 Chs

A Change

He awoke. No I did. it was the same room. Nothing changed, maybe we're safe. I'm safe. Thinking within my head I knew the solution. You do.

the white room that was enveloping me and my surroundings stayed the same, this mostly corresponds with the thesis within my head.

To be awake is to be safe. Sleeping does not trigger the nightmares that disguise themselves as dreams and yet while I was asleep before, they never stopped.

The answer to this thesis is that the "dreams" are in fact artificial. The voices that surround us periodically are the cause. The message that was written only lasted for a minute max. As such it wasn't a dream.

Why not?

A dream wouldn't be so short. Especially when it has gained nothing from its host. Host?

You already know this answer dont you. Ah yes I do, within this world, darkness envelopes all, and the cause of it are the parasites that call themselves "dreams," in reality they are more like demons.

Do you finally remember? Remember what? Nevermind.

Who are you? I am you...

I don't remember myself?

You will...in time.

Broken thoughts disappearing within I remembered briefly of the glowing chains. Perhaps they signified a new being becoming me. Before I woke up.

The thought would only send shivers down my spine, yet even before I awoke a fragment may have entered my mind.

Throwing any doubts I had away I began trying to recall who I was before becoming an experiment.

Through constant repetition I glimpsed into my forbidden memories and discovered only that the experiment was voluntary.

As an orphan of sorts I remember that just before I put myself into this situation my life had been on the more difficult side. When considering the fact that I was having trouble eating everyday I can once again begin to imagine why the choice was made to become a subject.

Glancing at the white wall I discovered the markings again only this time it was gibberish. Completely indecipherable.

Moving closer I reached my hand out, as if to touch it. Yet the result was disappointing.

As if mocking me the markings flashed and then disappeared into the wall, like water being absorbed within a sponge.

Sighing I sprawled my limbs across the floor and stared at the ceiling. There was nothing for me here. The scientists took everything away. As if wanting to observe the human condition after suffering such boring isolation.

Despite the numerous years of research behind such a subject.

Silence constantly filled the room, allowing me to hear the beats of my heart. As if to distract myself I began to speak.

"What is my name?"

As if they had been waiting for my reply the letters began to seep out from the wall once again, black like ink they began to spell out a name.


Confused I spoke aloud once more.

"Are you sure?"


Returning to silence I began to realize something, if dreams were demons then do they have powers?

Yes they do. Wait how do you know, yet we are the same?

I am a demon that has seeped into your soul and will slowly become you.

What, why are you telling me this then?

The process has already begun, according to the scale of technology within your civilization there is nothing that can be used to reverse the process. Is that the reason for this research facility that I seemed to have volunteered for?

Probably, but from what I can sense there is a brand surrounding these walls that mostly contain demon powers.

So does that mean dreams are just humans being dragged down to hell?

Well we don't neccesarily live in this so called doman hell, us demons are born and nurtured from humanity's darkest thoughts. Hence the reason for dreams and nightmares I guess.


Awaking from my stupor I recalled the conversation with my own demon. Dreams are just a base for demons to fester and humans are trying to perhaps nurture or control the powers that emerge from this merging of demons and humans.

Perhaps there is something I can do to save myself.

There is nothing.


Answering my shout of strength was silence, smiling to myself I realized something, while demons appear to have supernatural powers if they aren't able to fully merge with their host, the host is the one in control.

Closing my eyes I sat in silence once again.

The most acceptable solution to this was probably to remain in control, however there wasn't exactly a concrete way to do that. Breaking my thought a sound alarmed me.

"This is head researcher zero zero twelve, release the isolation of patient four."

As if answering the speaker the walls surrounding me began to move upwards and a dim light of orange began to shine through. As the walls climbed higher the light soon enveloped my body and to avoid temporary blindness I closed my eyes, only to reopen them just five seconds later.

My surroundings were now different.