
I Pity You

That's it...the water in the the pot...just exploded. I pushed him out the seat and got on top of him and started laying down some punches with all my might in the middle of the aisle. Before I knew it, everyone was yelling fight. Every chant made me punch harder. Blood started pouring every time I punched now. But I kept going. "Don't test me! I yelled as I kept going. He kept struggling. The aisle had drops of blood all over it. "Stop!" I turned to see the school principal with absolute horror. 3 security guards ran up on the bus. I looked down at Eyolonda to see his nose broken, his lip busted and both his eyes purple. My eyesight grew blurry. I then fell over.

I woke up in a unfamiliar setting. I was not in MY bed. I sat up and got out immediately and ran into the other room. Just then it hit me, I was in my grandmas house. Grandma and my dad with sitting there... Crying? I went over to them. "Uh... grandma?" No answer. I went to tap her shoulder. I did, she looked up... she didn't say anything. "Is everything okay?" my dad said concerned. I-I just felt something touch my shoulder." Grandma said. " Must've been a fly," she added. My eyes grew wide. I then tapped my dad's shoulder. He put his hand on his shoulder then brushed off it. Then I saw a light as bright as the sun in the corner of my eyes. I turned around, it was a small light. "Follow me," the light said. At this point I was confused. I needed answers, but I followed anyway. The light started moving forward, I followed. Then everything started getting darker and darker. Then lighter lighter, more lighter until I could see. We were in front of a grave stone. " Here lies Red Rosehart a child who was shot with Taser. My eye grew even wider. I am dead? I was shot with a taser? "Yes, the security guard had to do what was right, too bad the damage was unintentionally fatal." The light said. Follow me, it added, I followed. Again, everything went dark... then light again. We were in a hospital. Eyolonda was in the hospital bed. He had a bunch of wrapping around his face. I looked down. "Do you wish to live?" the light said. I looked at the light. "can you answer my question?" I said. "Yes" he replied. Where will I be? I asked it. You will be in a different world as a different species. "Now, I will give you perks no one has in that world." Remember use your anger for good." "Wait, who are you" I yelled after it as darkness filled in. "I'm what you might call god..."