
Is it Living?

"But is it really living if you're just surviving?" William Asked.

This was a question that Elijah pondered for about an hour as he followed this... guardian angel to wherever he may lead. Although to Elijah, the streets where he'd decided to nap were rather nice, William led him to some even nicer places. William led Elijah to beautiful places that were free of pests, at least from sight.

Elijah looked over at the beautiful white haired man, frowning when he thought of asking the stranger what he meant. Elijah thought that living and surviving are the same thing, I mean, it's life. "Hey... William." Elijah asked, deciding it couldn't be that bad.

"Hmm?" William looked back at Elijah, his golden eyes seemed to look right through Elijah. "I was just wondering... What did you mean earlier?" Elijah asked, and when he received a confused look he continued, "The thing with living and surviving." Elijah finished.

"Ah... You really don't know? It's a saying, a pretty commonly known one at that." William said with a raised brow, he's surprised Elijah doesn't know the meaning of it. "Well, to live is to have fun, and to survive is to breathe, eat, and sleep. To be alive is to enjoy life, and to survive is to only be healthy enough to continue." William explained as he walked.

Elijah still found himself thinking about it, even after having an explanation. Yes, he should have known that's what it meant, but should it really be that important? You can't live unless you survive, after all.

"Hey William? Where are we going?" Elijah asked, deciding to move on to a different topic, because his thoughts no longer really make sense to what he actually feels. "It's a surprise!" William said with a cheerful smile, but only received a scowl from Elijah. "Just tell me." Elijah said, stopping in his tracks.

William stopped too and faced Elijah with a sigh, "If you must know, we're going to a blossom forest where I have stored some useful items from when I was alive." William replied, knowing that Elijah will not listen to him otherwise, "I'm teaching you magic." And with that, William started walking again.

"W-wait! Magic? You're teaching me magic?" Elijah asked, shocked. He never once thought that in his lifetime he would buy magic lessons, but now a complete stranger is teaching him magic for free?! How lucky can someone get?

"You ask a lot of questions, you know that?" William sighed, though he's not impatient. In fact, his entire demeanor seems to whisper gentleness, patience, and happiness, such that cannot be found in someone living much anymore.

Elijah fell into silence and William chuckled before answering his questions, letting Elijah know that he isn't bothered at all through his happy tone, "Well, I used to be a very capable magic user. I'm sure you can learn some very useful things from me." William said.

Elijah stared at William, and then looked at the sea of green known as a forest, "Is that the blossom forest?" Since it's summer, the trees won't have blossoms anymore, and besides, very few of the trees actually blossom. "Yes, we're almost there." William said, leading Elijah through for quite some time.

When the two finally got there, William stopped and looked around, causing Elijah to fidget, "What? What's wrong?" Elijah asked, beginning to look around with William. "Nothing's wrong, I've just got to find the switch." William replied, and from what he said, Elijah stopped, "Um... Switch?" Elijah feels confused.

"Ah! Here it is!" William would then pull a certain branch that made a door appear, a door that leads to... nothing. Or, maybe it is something. From the looks of it, this is a warp door. "A—" But Elijah was cut off when William opened the door to reveal a huge library of books, and Elijah felt awestruck.

How could someone learn this many magic books in one lifetime? Elijah looked at William like he was crazy, and William chuckled. "You don't have to learn it all, obviously. That would be crazy. This library wasn't just mine, I also shared it with friends, and they shared it with theirs. It's called the magic library, it's a spell that was made by another friend of mine. A brilliant girl, she is." William sighed, but that made Elijah wonder just how old this Guardian angel really is, considering new spells haven't been made in a very long time according to his history class.

Elijah snapped out of it when William began speaking again, "I bound the spell to this tree because I could never cast it properly at the time. Only I can access the access point though. I'll be sure to teach you the spell first. Perhaps you'd be better at it than I was back then." William said, but Elijah doubts that, despite the knowing tone that William has. Why does he sound like he knows something Elijah doesn't? That somehow Elijah will succeed?

Elijah stopped suddenly, "Hey wait." Elijah started, now giving William a skeptical look, "Why are you really helping me? What are you hiding?" Elijah asked, stepping away from the door. "No one just offers up this much knowledge for no reason, and for free at that." Elijah faced William, once again glaring at the taller man. Elijah won't be fooled so easily.

William only gave Elijah a softened look, a look that only made Elijah feel even more annoyed, "Because I am your guardian angel. As your guardian, I'm meant to care for you." William said in a gentle voice. Elijah would then cut in angrily, "Then where were you when my father would beat me?! When my parents fight, and when I was left with no food?! Huh?! Where were you when—" William covered Elijah's mouth, and somehow, this touch calmed Elijah down. It must be some kind of magic, it must be, because the calm that washed over Elijah so suddenly was so strong he could just take a nap in this forest. "I couldn't. I can only come to you in your greatest need... You could die if I don't lead you through this..." William said softly into Elijah's ear.

Once William released Elijah, Elijah snapped out of his trance, but he still didn't feel angry anymore. "... Okay, I'm sorry, but I still don't trust you." Elijah said, sitting down under the tree and looking at the magic library. "That's alright Elijah, I don't expect you to trust me so soon. I'll bring the book out to you." William replied before walking into the door.

Elijah waited for William with his head tilted back against the tree, wondering what would have happened had he not met William, if William chose to help in the background as Elijah thought guardian angels are supposed to. William said he would die, but was that really true?

Once William returned Elijah perked up, and then he slumped when he saw the pile of books that William brought with him. Did Elijah really have to read? "This is the very basics. The what to's and what not to's. The rules and safety... All of the most important things you need to know before beginning. Read this, and then we will get started." William said, his voice having the sound of finality, showing that he will not give Elijah any other option if he really wants to learn magic.

"Do I really have to...?" Elijah asked with a groan, but although he didn't want to do it, he decided that he would. Although he says he doesn't trust William, he feels there's some reason for him wanting to so hastily teach Elijah these things, and Elijah has decided he'll take this opportunity to at least learn magic.

"Yes. It's for your safety, Elijah." William replied, taking a seat against the other side of the tree, "Do take your time, don't exhaust yourself. We will have to find a place for you to stay, since you do not trust me and my magic room." William said.

Elijah sighed and cracked open the first book, beginning to read the knowledge these boring yet useful books had to tell. As Elijah continued to read, he realized just how important these books really are, and that they aren't all too boring. He's finding himself enjoying reading them.

Elijah would continue to read for hours before he was pulled from his reading by a hand on his shoulder. Elijah looked up to see the obvious, William. "Huh?" Elijah asked, only just beginning to feel how tired he really feels.

"It's time to go." William said, there's a seriousness in his tone as he looked into the distance at something Elijah couldn't see, even if he tried squinting. Elijah stood up and nodded, he can feel how anxious William is.

"Alright. ... Can we go into that library? I really want to read for longer." This must have surprised William, because he looked down at Elijah with curious eyes before nodding. "Yes, we can." William replied, opening that door up once more and waiting on Elijah before entering himself.

When Elijah entered the library he saw so much more than he did with just the door being open. Each shelf was lined with gold and each book had its own color for what element it would belong to. There was furniture, purple windows, and... other people! Though... They didn't seem to be very chatty.

"No one here can hear each other unless they come in together or touch each other." Kairos said, noticing how Elijah is staring at people. "It's another spell meant to help people focus. And another thing, the library is alive." William said.