
Waking up to a new life

Waking up Sykkuno got up from hid bed to make some coffee to drink for his streams. Going through his cupboards he didn't see any of the coffee mic he would usually use for his coffee before looking into the window.

Staring back at him was a motorcycle helmet. Confused Sykkuno thought that he was dreaming and pinched his arm. Feeling the slightest of pain he staggered back before seeing a bathroom. Quickly entering the bathroom he saw his reflection.

Staring at his reflection for a moment Sykkuno checked his pockets before seeing a wallet with $100, a phone, a phone chip, some foods and drink, and a Pixel Pad with a chip.

After seeing the items he had from his first day of NoPixel 4.0 he slumped to his floor.

'This can't be real.' He thought before he put the chip into the phone and went to his bank details and saw State ID: 1120 Yuno Sykk.

Confirming his fear Sykkuno didn't know what to do for a bit as he thought of the people from his previous life. Taking a few minutes to collect himself Sykkuno decided to make sure he can survive in the hazardous city of Los Santos as Yuno Sykk.

1 Hour Later 12:00 PM

After getting his bearings together Sykkuno, now going as Yuno Sykk, decided to do some work as a tow truck driver.

Remembering how things went in this the NoPixel WL Server, Yuno decided to do towing to improve his reputation to get Lockpicks, Crowbars, and Lockpick Blueprints for his future endeavors.

Although the city looks a lot like it does from the video game he knew that if he wants to survive he has to live like he did as Yuno Sykk. Making his way to the tow yard he saw a few faces that he knew from the video game. Deciding to not engage with them at this point in time Yuno chose to leave from the back entrance and through the side so that he wouldn't encounter the characters of people he knew.

2 Hours Later 14:00 / 2:00 PM

Finally arriving to the tow yard Yuno discovered two things.

First the city was bigger that he thought.

The Second thing was that he needed a car immediately.

After signing in as a tow truck driver he was about to leave for Moseleys when he bumped into someone.

"Sorry about that." He said before turning to see who he bumped into.

"That's fine buddy, but next time please watch where your going." They said in a Brooklyn accent as Yuno saw who he bumped into.

Staring at this person Yuno knew who he had met. Standing in front of him was a character of a friend he had made named Geega. He didn't know if she was the same as from his online interactions so he froze in place.

Seeing how he froze up Geega's character spoke to him in a taller manner.

"I know I'm gorgeous but please don't gocke at me." She said in a teasing tone.

Realizing that the way he froze up Yuno quickly recomposed himself before speaking.

"Sorry I'm not good at social interactions." He said before extending his hand "I'm Yuno." He said as Geega's character looked at his extended hand before shaking it.

"The names Giorno Gambino, but you can call me GiGi." She said as she signed in and noticed his name.

"Wanna do some towing together?" She asked as Yuno contemplated before agreeing while mentally sweating in his mind.

'This wasn't going how I hoped it would." He thought as they got a tow truck out from behind the building and did some towing.

5 Hours Later 17:00 / 5:00 PM

Spending time doing towing the two talked about themselves as they opened their phones and looked at their rep with the tow yard.

"Sweet I'm at 35 stars with the guy." She said in a happy tone before turning to Yuno.

"What about you Yuno?" She asked wondering what his star were at.

Checking his stars he saw that he was at 50. Confused Yuno thought of what that ment before answering GiGi.

"Really you have more stars than me that sexist." She said before sighing.

Seeing that his first friend in the city, since he woke up in the 4.0 city, was down Yuno asked her what was wrong.

"Nothing really I just moved to the city today and really hoped that I can escape my past as a... you know what let's let this go and do more towing." She said as she started the truck before noticing they needed gas.

On the way to the gas station Yuno thought of what to do. On one hand if he let's the issue go then he can avoid any potential problems in the future. On the other hand his heart is telling him to try and comfort her.

As GiGi got out to pay for the gas Yuno Said that he'll pay for it. Thankfull for the gesture GiGi got back in the truck and waited for the gas to fill until Yuno asked her a question.

"What was your life like before you came into the city." He said as he waited for the tank to fill up.

"Nothing much just wanted to escape poverty and figure that the grass was greener on this city." She said as Yuno listened and waited for more but got silence in return.

"Is that it?" He asked confused at her answer.

Looking at him for a moment GiGi was confused before she figured out the problem.

"OH My God you thought that I had some serious issue when I complained about the stars didn't you?" She said with a grin as she looked at him.

"Well yeah I thought it was something more serious when you said that in a angry tone." He explained as he put the hose back before getting in the truck.

Smirking GiGi laughed before they left to do more towing.

3 Hours Later 20:00 / 8:00 PM

After they finished their last tow they returned to the tow yard with a smile on their faces. Looking into their Pixel Pads they saw what stars they had.

Giorno Gambino 75 Stars

Yuno Sykk 90 Star

Complaining about the stars GiGi returned the truck before they went to the tow yard worker to get their money.

Giorno Gambino $3,360 + $3,150 = $6,510

Yuno Sykk $3,360 + $3,780 = $7,140

[I did $420 as a fixed income and did $42 as 10% for one star. After that I multiplied the $42 timed the stars for an increase for a bonus from the reputation they have as their stars. Math is hard but I have to do it for the dedicated for this story.]

Suprised by the amount of money they got from the jobs they did the two of them were excited.

"Yes this is what I hoped for." GiGi said happy while Yuno breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the way Yuno sighed GiGi asked what the sigh was for.

"Of I'm just happy this job payed well." He said as they exited and talked about what they were going to use they money they got for.

"Me I'm probably going to save it sor the future." GiGi said as they walked back to their apartment's before she asked what he was going to do with his money.

"I'm going to save up to buy a car." He said surprising GiGi who asked what he was going to do with it. Explaining his thoughts GiGi agreed and decided to buy a car as well after thinking about it, deciding it was better to drive then walk forever.

2 Hours Later 22:00 / 10:00 PM

After making their way back to the apartments they bid one another farewell before retiring for the night.

Upon returning to his apartment Yuno sighed before opening his Pixel Pad and looked at homes in Fudge Lane.

Seeing the house Lotte / MinksofMars? [Forgot her streamer name but it's close I think] had, before he scammed her with Raymond Romanove / Rayc for her house, Yuno decided that he'll save his money for the house after he got a car as he fell asleep.