
Syanic Earth: Worldwide Cataclysm

In a future Earth where humans live alongside a race of fox-eared and tailed Vulpi, most of the globe has fallen under the new Kneapexist government established by the Global Federation of World Justice. With the Vulpi being persecuted by the new order, the US struggles to remain in democracy. Shien Niang and his friends who play the UICA's MMORPG, Syanic Earth: Year 3225, find themselves trapped in the very game they love as their families in the real-world are endangered by a Federation plot against the UICA. Real-world or virtual world, neither world is safe. Even with the coming war, an ancient musical evil is awakening...

PhilipHShen · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

An Idol's Appeal

Cubic Flakpanzer

Level 65

HP: [3,823/71,450]

Together, Shien and Elysia finished off the flakpanzer. The floating vehicle fell, disintegrating into blue hexagons.

"Eyy! Nice job, goon squad!" Naivern landed.

The gang cheered. They finally destroyed the cubic flakpanzer that occupied the Saberdome Arena's entrance. Phoenicia used the gunspeeder to destroy the remaining cubic soldiers.

"Many thanks to you all, courageous players!" The purple-haired android landed in front of the group. "A pleasure to see you again, Phoenicia."

"Greetings, Ampyria!" Phoenicia bowed. "How do you do?"

"You know it, Phoenicia. Always on duty, detecting any forms of insubordination."

"Everyone," Phoenicia turned to the group. "This is Ampyria Valdyrion of the Syanic Police Force."

"Greetings to you all!"

"Hi, Ampyria!" Shien pounced close to Phoenicia. "Those dice are so cool!"

"I must say," Enshiron made his butler bow. "With such power, you have quite the exquisite beauty!"

"Why, a thank you to all!" Ampyria placed her hands on her hips. "After all, I am the most beautiful android!"

Phoenicia rolled her eyes. Ampyria's purple eyes tightened in a glare at Ritom. He tried to sneak away, but Ampyria rushed in front of him.

"Ritom Qalvic!" Ampyria yelled.

"Ah, hi, Ampyria!" Ritom sweated. "I was just… um…"

"Still causing upheaval at Enshiron's Kyyrhim Bistro with your gambling tactics, I see?"

"Oh! Well, you know, it's… ah… just chillax, okay?"

"I suggest we take the pleasure of hearing the two participate in their periodic commotion!" Phoenicia whispered to the gang.

"Really?" Naivern grinned. "Everyday commotion, eh? Oh my word, then this is gonna be sweet!"

"I heard a report today that you caused chaos once again!" Ampyria pointed at Ritom.

"Eh, what chaos?" Ritom picked his ear.

"Two words, you cheated, again!"

"That was three words! Haha!"

Ampyria slapped Ritom.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"That was for contradicting me, under code violation 512901!"

"But, but…"


"That's for talking back! Code violation 34752!

"What? Why?"


"For questioning me! That's under code violation 40300928!"

"Stop! Just stop!" Ritom tackled Ampyria.

"Insubordination!" Ampyria forced him to the ground.

The group chuckled as Ritom and Ampyria wrestled with each other. It ended with Ampyria forcing Ritom on the ground.

"Okay, now I understand why Ritom's like one of the few that doesn't get along with his android guide!" Naivern slapped her knee in laughter.

"Stop laughing!" Ritom flailed about on the ground.

Shien rolled on the floor, laughing his brains out.

"I could just ban your account again, you dopey mechanic!" Ampyria pressed her foot on Ritom's face.

"It's, heroic mechanic! Geez, get it right!" Ritom groaned.

"Luckily for you, I can't do that!"

"Ooo? Why is that?" Ritom laughed. "Haha, loser! Ms, I am so pretty that I am the queen of the world!"

Ritom squealed as Ampyria hardened her foot on his head.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you!" Ampyria said. "Want to know why? Because you will die!

"Huh?" Ritom gasped. "Say that again?"

"Banning your account would kill you in real life!

"Wait!" Shien jumped up. "What?"

The gang stopped laughing.

"Yes," Ampyria let Ritom go. "We found out that players who die here will have their accounts completely terminated. We androids researched the ongoing media outside this world, finding those same players in your world die simultaneously with their accounts."

"Holy crap!" Naivern shouted. "You're kidding!"

"I am not."

"Oh, shoot," Shien gulped.

"That would explain the dark tabs and weird death effects we have seen earlier," Ritom stood up.

"That's dire news for all of us," Enshiron said. "I say, things just keep on getting better."

"No," Elysia blinked. "It can't be! What do we do now?"

The group was silent.

"I know this is hard for you players," Ampyria flipped her dice. "So far, the Syanic Earth Police have sent a notification for you all to be cautious about this phenomenon. However, you all will receive more details from a UICA commander."

"A UICA member?" Ritom asked.

"Yes. She will fill everyone in about what to do. Follow me."


Ampyria led them through the circular hallway of the dome-shaped building. The sunset sky could be seen through the transparent glass of the dome. The arena was bustling with players and chatter. Blue, white soldier droids of the Syanic Police Force and other android guides were leading them into a large auditorium full of blue chairs. Shien and the others sat down in the middle, staring at the colorful stage.

"Been a while, the last time we were here," Shien sat next to Phoenicia.

"Indeed," Phoenicia blinked her green cybernetic eyes. "It was far more subtle than the peculiar circumstances we are currently facing."

"Please, make yourselves comfortable," Ampyria smiled. "I assure you, you all will have your questions answered."

Ampyria escorted another group of players into the auditorium.

"I hope we find a way out of this mess," Ritom crossed his arms.

"Me too, Ritom," Naivern leaned back next to Elysia. "Can't believe we could die here."

"Yeah, this is crazy," Elysia twitched her ears. "I hope we can get out of here alive."

"Perhaps this UICA commander Ampyria enlightened us about will help ease our frazzled minds," Enshiron said.

The group looked at the stage to see a few people talking.

"Wait!" Shien pointed. "Is that?"

The gang looked. There was a brown haired young lady with shining blue eyes talking to a spiky-haired android man. The beautiful girl had yellow cross-shaped earrings. She had a blue scarf that matched her blue ninja outfit that revealed her midriff.

"Yo!" Naivern stood up. "Call me crazy, but that's Mivangeline Shuruuko!"

"Oh my gosh! It's her!" Shien's eyes glittered. "She's so pretty! It's my chance to finally meet her!"

"My goodness!" Enshiron grinned. "The renowned Shuruuko has quite the beauty that makes the hearts of men fly!"

"Wait, who?" Elysia blinked. "Who is that?"

"You're kidding, right?" Naivern elbowed Elysia.

"I recall she is considered a popular idol in your world, correct?" Phoenicia asked.

"Yes!" Shien jumped up and down. "Oh my gosh! Mivangeline's songs just mesmerize your ears! I can't wait to talk to her!"

"Shien seems crazy about her," Elysia wagged her Vulpi tail.

"Girl, you have no idea," Naivern winked. "Shien and I have been following Mivangeline's channel ever since middle school!"

"Ahem!" The android man took the microphone out of the stand.

The crowd quieted down. Mivangeline sat at the side of the stage.

"Who's that?" Shien asked.

"Another android companion of mine, Chloridium Atomaytion," Phoenicia smiled. "He's a talented beatboxer. We often refer to him as Chloride."

"Thank you! Thank you all for coming!" Chlrodium bowed. "I know these are difficult times, but we have called you all here today to provide vital information that may help you all return to your world."

The audience looked at Chloridium, eager to hear what the droid beatboxer would tell them.

"We androids intercepted an encrypted message from the UICA," Chloridium said.

Everyone scratched their heads.

"Wait, the UICA?"

"Can we trust them?"

"What does he mean?"

"That message," Ritom pointed out. "The same one Phoenicia read to us!"

"A plausible conclusion," Phoenicia said.

Shien and the others nodded.

"We understand that it may be difficult to trust the UICA at such a pressing time," Chloridium continued. "However, I would like to pass this mic over to a commander of the UICA. She will fill you in with what all players can do at this moment."

Chloridium nodded to Mivangeline. She walked up to the stage towards him. The crowd gasped, in awe of her beauty.

"Woah! It's Shuruuko!"

"Really? That Japanese singer?"

"Ooo! She's hot!"

"Oh my gosh!" Shien flailed his legs around. "It's her! It's her!"

Naivern grinned at Ritom and Enshiron. They chuckled, knowing that Shien longed to meet Mivangeline in person. Chloridium gave Mivangeline the mic, nodding to her. She nodded back and walked to the front of the stage. She looked at the crowd, clutching onto the mic with both hands. Everyone was anxious to hear her voice, for Mivangeline rarely talked to audiences when she performed.

"Um," Mivangeline timidly spoke. "Hi… Hi everyone."

The crowd cheered for her.

"Wooo! We love you, Mivangeline!"

"You go, Shuruuko!"

"Can we hear you sing again?"

Mivangeline blushed, waving to everyone sheepishly. Shien's group could hear men whistling at her. Mivangeline looked back at Chloridium. The android man gave her a thumbs up. He then gave another gesture with his hands. Mivangeline took a deep breath and faced the crowd.

"I… I am Mivangeline Shuruuko," She did her best to continue. "I am a… uh…. commander for the UICA. I need to tell you… important information."

"Whoa, she works with the UICA?" Ritom raised an eyebrow. "Didn't know that. Cool stuff."

"The UICA is not behind the World Cybertrap! This has all been a Federation plot to invade America!"

The entire auditorium boomed with confusion.

"The UICA didn't do this?"

"So who's responsible?"

"Is the Federation good or bad?"

"Told ya, guys!" Ritom snapped his finger.

"We know, Ritom," Shien replied.

Mivangeline looked at Chloridium again. He gave off another hand gesture. She cleared her throat.

"Uh…hi? Everyone!" Mivangeline made herself raise her voice. "I know... I know this is not easy to understand. But um, like Chloridium said, well... the UICA gave a message to the androids about… about how to get out of the game."

The crowd stopped their commotion to listen.

"A… according to the androids... " Mivangeline continued. "The UICA is going to help, but… ah, they say that we must beat the game."

The gang could hear the auditorium roaring with misery.

"But nobody has ever defeated the three factions," Elysia said.

"The Cubic Regime was already a big problem," Naivern mentioned. "But I mean, the other factions! Farming my gear from the DJ Ascendance's district full of bionic super commandos was like falling into a purgatory!"

"Don't forget the Dynastiotron Dynasty," Shien tilted his head. "Their ronin sharpshooters are no fun."

"Please remain calm!" Ampyria announced.

Mivangeline sweated. She looked back at Chloridium, feeling her hands trembling on the mic. Chloridium rolled his fists, signaling her to speak up.

"Ev… everyone…" She murmured.

The people lashed at her with anger.

"Hey! What's the big idea with the UICA?"

"Trapping us here was bad enough! What more do you want?"

"The UICA are enemies! Get off the stage!"

Mivangeline turned pale. She gulped, feeling her sweat trickle down her face. She blankly stared at the crowd, immobilized by their anger.

"Hey, Mivangeline!" Chloridium walked to her. "Can you hear me? Mivangeline!"

She didn't respond. Mivangeline stood still, unable to speak. She could feel tears fusing with her hot sweat. Chloridum tried to talk to her, wiping her face with a napkin.

"Poor girl," Naivern said. "People are so mean! What do we do now?"

Ampyria signaled the Syanic Police droids to interfere.

"Hey, where's Shien?" Elysia asked.

The gang looked to see that Shien was nowhere to be found.

"Look," Phoenicia pointed.

They looked at the stage to see Shien hopping up to Mivangeline. He spoke to her a bit and hugged her. He then took the mic.

"Just shut the hell up!" Shien roared at the mic.

The people covered their ears to the microphone's screech. The auditorium was abruptly silenced. Mivangeline sniffed as Chloridium did his best to comfort her.

"If I were you, I'd listen very closely!" Shien barked with unimaginable power. "Mivangeline is trying hard to give you people valuable information! Info that could save your life! Yet, you all thank her by being a mob!"

Everyone froze, afraid to say anything against Shien.

"Seriously, she doesn't have to give you the info, right? Mivangeline doesn't need to waste the effort for any of you!" Shien continued with authority. "She could just let you all die! Do you want that? Huh? Tell me!"

The people looked down, uncertain of how to respond.

"That's what I thought!" Shien's stomped the ground, making everyone flinch. "Let Mivangeline finish speaking! And if you have a problem with that, then get out!"

Everyone was pale white. Nobody made a sound. Shien then gave the mic back to Mivangeline. She slowly took the mic from his hands, feeling the chilly fear Shien inflicted on the entire auditorium. Mivangeline looked at Shien, who smiled at her.

"Keep going," He said. "You got this."

Mivangeline made a small nod. She turned to the crowd. Nobody dared to make a sound, seeing Shien standing next to her.

"Um, okay?" Mivangeline began. "I know… I know this is difficult, but to help, we are um, working with the Syanic Police Force to begin, a campaign against the three factions."

She swiped a tab. Every player found a blue tab hovering in front of them.

Invitation Saved into Your Archive

Campaign Party Name: Combating the Trio

Accept the Invitation?

"I… I know it's hard to believe the UICA is helping," Mivangeline pulled her hair back. "But, if, um, there would be a small chance that beating the game would set us free, I think we stand a better chance together."

She looked around. Nobody said a word as Shien observed the crowd like an owl looking for a mouse to catch.

"Also, well," Mivangeline cleared her throat. "I am certain, you all heard from the Syanic Police Force that we die in real life if we die here. It, um, so it would be in your best interest to join. So, we can survive."

Mivangeline turned to Shien. He gave off a radiant smile.

"Then," Mivangeline looked back at the people. "Then that would um, would be all. Thank uh, thank you for your time."