

(their will be POV change) (No harem) This is my first fanfic, just trying it out …. Bored

Nerdio · Movies
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3 Chs

The Start

In the same High rise apartment on the top level of coruscant, I was looking at my Spider suit that was up on display stand in my room.

A voice ran out of my watch. "Sir, I would suggest against this mission. The risk of being caught and arrested by the republic is high."

I smiled as I took off my spider-looking suit from the display stand. "Haha, if I do get caught, I have a plan for that."

Alfred did a bow and said, "As you wish." As his holographic image disappeared.

I took off my suit from the display case and started to slip on my suit with a smile on my face. I was proud of my suit. Primarily blue with red gloves, boots, mid-section, and mask, a onesie. A webbing pattern covers the red portions of the suit, starting at the mask. The suit also has a black spider in the center of the chest and a larger red spider on the back. If you looked closely at the suit, you could quickly tell it was made of very high-quality material, high-tech, and durable.

The Eye lenses of the suit were modeled after Camera shutters, giving me a squinting look whenever I look close in and providing a greater depth of field, and helping to filter any extra stimuli. As well as filming anything I do while using the suit.

And at the wrists of my suit were my web shooters that looked like bracelets. But they held many capabilities. The web-shooters can shoot thin strands of highly durable and elastic web-like substance. The high flexible tensile strength and durability of the synthetic webbing are sufficient to support the weight of small to medium-sized Star-fighters. I can use the web shooters offensively by "webbing" any of my opponents or using different types of synthetic webbing for more killer applications.

I can also use them for transport by swinging on web lines. The amount of force the web fluid can be fired at is enough to easily send a person flying, which I have found very useful for combat

When I took on some thugs in the past.

On the waste of my suit, there were thirty capsules of web fluid used for refilling my web shooters. There were also two holsters on my waist holding two A-180 pistol blasters. The pistol has a highly versatile design that could be easily reconfigured into a blaster rifle, sniper rifle, or ion launcher, depending on the situation.

The pistol, at the weapon's core, featured a crescent-shaped trigger and a cylindrical-shaped upper design. It was the perfect blaster for almost any situation I might find myself in, in the future.

After purposefully getting bit by my experiment, I gained superhuman reflexes, senses, strength, speed, durability, agility, stamina, durability, equilibrium, regeneration, and enhanced vision. After some testing, these were the results, as well as a sort of Sense I call my Spider-sense.

Overall I got a total upgrade on my body, imbuing me with the ability to control the electrostatic reaction between my body and any surface on an interatomic level. In other words, I can bond/stick myself to any character/surface I want to.

My senses were so dialed up that I get too much stimuli that my senses alert me of any danger before it even happens. But sometimes, I get extra stimuli making it harder to focus, and my suit helps to filter out the extra stimuli.

"Hey Alfred, pull up the least guarded entrance of the Ship," I commanded, and in the head-up display of my mask, a holographic image of a Venator class star destroyer showing the least guarded entrance appeared.

"Sir, the ship is in the military district, so you won't be able to take a speeder, it was even hard to get in some recon droids In the area without being caught" Alfred informed me my head.

I nodded, coruscant is the Main military section of the republic, I shouldn't be able to enter the area by any normal means.

I looked around the room and saw a small box that I'd seen thousands of times before that was wrapped in red and blue wrapping paper with a holographic letter being projected out of the top of it saying "To my little Boy."

'How did this get out?' I thought as I grabbed the present and shoved it into one of the drawers of my desk with a frown on my face. It was a present from my mother that I had never opened. She was supposed to open it with me like we always did every birthday. But she never made it home one day, so I have never opened it.





I was now all suited up, but the suit was several sizes bigger to fit properly. I then pressed the spider emblem on my chest, and the suit compressed perfectly against my skin, making it a perfect fit.

I was now ready for the mission. I walked to the apartment's balcony and looked around at the other skyscrapers as a smile appeared on my face forgetting all about the bad times as good memories replaced them.

"A leap of faith…."

I walked up to the railing of the balcony and jumped up onto it, and looked down below, I wasn't the least bit scared of heights, feeling the breeze of the wind on my face as my smile grew bigger and bigger. If anything I love heights.

'We'll time to get going,' I thought as I leaped and did a long backflip off my balcony and plummeted to the bustling street bellow filled with all types of people.

As I fell, I couldn't help but feel free, and it felt amazing as if nothing was restraining me.

As I looked at the ever-approaching ground, I did a thwip hand signal/command with right hand. A strand of web fluid shot out of my web shooter, attaching itself to a nearby skyscraper as I grabbed onto it swinging myself forward as I did the same Thwip hand signal with my left hand shooting out a web to another skyscraper, making me swing from skyscraper to skyscraper as I grew closer to my destination. The military district.