
Thus the Dragon Spoke

I was born as nothing but a sore loser.

That is the conclusion I reached upon I aged over twenty years old without doing particulary anything special, I didn't even have something that I could be proud of or excel at all. Indeed, many people usually said to me that I still have long way to go in life, but there's no way to denying that there are nothing like some sorts of expectation are weighting me down.

Instead, the one who was everyone hoped on are my elder twin brother. He is a genius, that was few words that could describe him very well. Excel physically and academically, even accelarated few years when he still on school and receive his degree at mere three years of college.

His social skill are so great that he could even befriend a stranger in nick of times after they meet, also he has many prestigious achievement that I could talk for a whole day. Meanwhile, I am the sore sight of my family, I was the third son of a five membered family and I was usually get insulted by most people who compare me to my brother as good for nothing.

While my brother goes to work as a researcher at certain big named company somewhere out there in Japan, I becomed a worker at my hometown Funeral Parlor. My positions are the Undertarkers, Grave Diggers, or whatever you want to call it. Sometimes I also arrange the whole funeral but that was only happened when there are lots of people died.

Somewhere between new years and entrance ceremony for school and college kids are the most busiest season, as for some reasons there are lot people that will needed to tended of as they already meets with their untimely death.

That's maybe also the reason that I saw death as something imminent, yet I was afraid of it because that very reason. Death knows no time, place, space, or even anything. Its shall came to everyone with its own way.

I already matured to the point where I was living off by myself, rented a cheap apartement on my hometown just to get away from my demanding parent that wants me to continue to college, but I always refuse with the reason that I already have a stabile income.

But, the truth are so far from that. In reality, the reasons on why am I refused my parents will are because one simple thing; I feel truly inferior to my brother. I am tired of getting compared to him, at any time or any occasion. My parents hope for me were well-meaned but there's just something deep within myself that couldn't accept, and it was the inferiority complex of mine.

I spent my days with doing my job as an Undertaker and keeps doing whatever things that caught my interest, while I just scrap by everyday just for living but it was definitely better than staying at my parents home as they pressured me with their demands.

Truly, this life of mine are filled with nothing specials. I was lose on the term of everything against my twin elder brother, that's why I stop hoping and ended up succumbing to become the very man I am today.

I become what everyone so-called weebs and became well-known as that weird Undertaker who would unhesitatingly played mobile game at the Funeral Parlor, at least when there are no ceremonies being held, I am a free soul but I still knew time and place on where I shouldn't put any stupid stunts as my reputation are already on state of jeopardy.

I became a man who led a life with his own way and hands, many experience came through me naturally and they were kept inside my mind and my heart, I will not forget them anytime soon.

Still, who would expect that I would meet my end in another world? Not me, definitely.

But the words that Dragon spoke to me gave me a glimpse of hope, its actually seeks conversations by questioning me.

"Why didn't you scream dan plea for mercy?" were the question that the Dragon gave to me.

I, who was still in the state of confusion, only able to tilted my head. I could understands what its trying to say, but whether it questions on why am I gave up so easily or just really courageously accepting to my own death were something that amazed it.

Whatever is it, I get the feeling that I should answer the question with haste as the pressure are too much to me.

"Maybe, because I was pretty close to something that smells death."

That was the only answer that I could came up with, as for the matter of fact, that must be the only sole reason on why I just sit my legs and waiting to ended.

"Hmm, is that so. Usually, most of people who goes to my lair were screaming or praying, but accepting are something that was definitely new things to happen.,"

The voice of the Dragon was kind of deep, reminds me with the voice of typical wise old man from some sorts of Anime that I used to watch. Its voice shows no sign of weakness, there's no pressure to be felt on them, however.

"Humans are usually came to think that anything is permitted as long they maintain their daily lives and their very essence of being a living creature. They herd like sheeps, but has keen minds of wolf packs."

"It is indeed true, but if you are good for nothing human who wishes to be something special while having inferiority feeling towards everything... maybe, being dead is better."

"Who do you speaks of?"

"Myself, of course."

"You, feeling inferior?"


"With whom to be exact?"


"Why is that?"

"Because I couldn't do anything properly and held everything in the place, there's always something that came up as problem that will greets me, just like an old friend."

Then I let out a self-depreciating chuckel while the Dragon gaze are still fixtated at me.

It seems the Dragon are trying to judge whether what I said was true or not, but in no time its closed those fiery golden gaze while sighing.

"Seems you are pretty serious with your previous words, I could read your mind."


I could only snort, looks unimpressed. It's not really surprising for a Dragon to be able to reads mind.

I see that all the time in fiction.

"But, there's one question that I want to ask you."

The Dragons spoke once more, it still closed both of its eyes. Somehow I get the impressions that he was scheming something, but maybe that was just my feeling.

"Please, by all means. Ask away."

"Do you really want to be an inferior being forever?"

The question thickens again.

It's the second chapter. I am trying to write as fast as I can. I enjoy taking my story with shorter chapter for so many reasons, but I spill one of them now. It was less pressuring.

TheVanishingVisagecreators' thoughts