
Sword : XI

A story of a boy wanting to be a knight but do you like kings? This story will take part of a prophecy of knights Join me as I tell about tale of young knights taking over Camelot.

Tharealchase · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: Training!

(Roshiu and his mom are in the forest)

Mom: So my son,before learning the sword you need the body to handle it ! ( mom smiles as she raises her sleeve flexing her bicep with a wink)

roshiu : (side eye) so we aren't using any swords…..

mom : Having just a sword doesn't mean you can learn it from swinging or battles.

Mom: you have to first learn who you are as a swordsman. What path will you follow? Will you use the power you gain for good or to deceive and show superiority to others? It takes these to learn to start your journey on being a swordsman.

roshiu : I didn't think this far ahead mom! Wow you're amazing i'll do whatever it takes! Let's get started !

Mom: awww my little boy okay i'm fired up roshiu for your first day of training …. You'll be running from here to the mountains back home . (mother says with devious smile )

roshiu : i what.. ( roshiu faints)

Mom: ( picks up roshiu and slaps in back) now get going !!!!

roshiu : okay okay

Day 1 ( passes trees ) ( passes river roshiu sees a bear and her cubs )

( as roshiu looks forward a branch is ahead roshiu eyes instantly help him foresee the tree) ( roshiu doesn't notice)

Day 2 ( roshiu running passes a tree, he run pass a river , he makes it to the mountain and faints )

Day 4 : (roshiu running fast through trees jumps on branch to the other side of the river )

( roshiu takes longer path to get to mountains this time, he finally makes it to the mountain and back home)

(As he enters his house)

( roshiu mom attacks)

(Roshiu Dodges he counters with a right hook )

(Mom parry roshiu fist she throws a kick )

(Roshiu dodges and throws his shirt to make his mom lose sight)

( she smirks as she sense his presence from above)

(Roshiu is grabbed and thrown to the ground )

Mom: my win Haha! ( smiles)

Roshiu : hmmm no fair i was so close!

Mom: (kisses head) it's only been four days and you're naturally adapting everything i throw …

Mom : (smirks) I really did make a prodigy child with your mothers seeds !

roshiu : gross….. Sooo mom, do we start sword training soon?

Mom: ( stands) sigh okay roshiu ! We start sword training tomorrow ! and don't forget to eat and do your nightly routines.

( As roshiu runs to his room and goes straight into his nightly push ups and other things his bloods boils as he starts swinging a sword for the first time tomorrow a boy can dream! Next , What is a sword?