

Ayaan Walton has born in a influential family. Who has Power of Swords. But due to his parents being powerless he was disliked by everyone and not given any love or value by his own family. What they did not knew is Ayaan had many abilities to make them kneel infront of him. But Ayaan had one ability which can either make him a legend or kill himself. Yes Kill Himself. He has a power which given him another body But in another World. This world was has the power of Magic. And is the Archenemy of Ayaan's world. They have fought before and prophesied to fight again. Ayaan did not know he has another body as his consciousness get lost when he sleeps. And if he sleeps the other body is awake. Both are living as Different person for now. A tale of A man facing Himself as an main villain. Which side is good and which is bad. Sword or Magic Come On The Journey With The Perspective Of Both World.!

EmmptyMiind · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 9 : A Year Later, Ethan

The night has come on Defra. Ayaan was sleeping while being awake at the time in his other body

Ethan was a year old now too.

Same like his other self Ayaan he also now knew how speak and walk. But He didn't have the privilege unlike Ayaan to train under a Master. His father was teaching him all things. From History of Viscosa to basic of Powers and it's evolutions.

"That's it for now Ethan I have to go to work. I will teach you rest tomorrow. Don't Go anywhere while I am gone" Alex said While leaving for his work.

"Ok Dad"

"He is Very Talented at understanding. Whatever I teach him he learns everything very fast. If I had less work then I would have been able to teach him faster. I have been saving money since one year for the expenses of his education in capital city. There are lot of Academy's in Capital City for Children to Learn Magic. At the age of ten I will send him there.

It's not like I can't teach him. But with so many years after loosing my power I can not provide him the practical exposure he can get in those Academics. In these next coming 9 year I will try to make him the best Aspiring Mage before he goes to the capital on his own." Alex was Thinking all this on his way to the place he works.

He worked at the only Inn in that area as a multi tasking servent on day and now he was also doing night job too of a guard at a merchants house. Both his working places were far from his home so that also use consumed his lot of time. Also With that much of work he only earned a handful of 5 silver 50 bronze coin in a month in which he had to save some for future use of his son and spend the rest for expenses of necessary things. Since he was doing two jobs now His earning ensured food for them without any difficulty while saving some money too.

While Alex was gone Ethan was trying to practice the basic Advaya Gathering method to become a First Circle Mage his father taught him. He didn't had any book to get help all he can do is to practice make mistake correct that mistake and practice again.

"I don't think it's working, somehow I am stuck in middle of it even when I have thinking power of an adult" Ethan was talking to himself.

"To become a 1st Circle Mage Dad said the process was to breathe only three times in a minute and gather the Advaya from different parts of body towards the heart and when you see image of an Circle around it you have to slowly make all the Advaya float into that circle's Area."

"Also he said me to remember the colour of the Circle when it forms becouse once even a single drop of Advaya enters inside it's area it will be of Advaya's colour which depend on it's rank."

The colour of Circle states about the Elements affinity of that person so if he or she fails to notice then they had to wait for next circle to form to know about it.

"I'll have to be careful, I can't put any Advaya in Circle before I see the color"

"Let's do it again since i have nothing to do anyways"

After 6 hours he was finally successful and he made a circle and when he saw its color he was confused as he had no information about this color.

"Dad haven't told me anything about this color".

The color of his circle was pure white.

"Let's not delay this anymore if I failed now at this stage my work of days will be in vain since I have finally succeeded after so many failed trails".

Slowly, he started filling his circle after 1 hour he finally filled that circle completely.

"Yes finally I did it I am a first circle mage now I can perform basic magic. Let me see what rewards i got."

Ethan was excited. It was first time Ethan got something to cherish for.

He then opened his status window there were many new magic spells but all spells were beginner level of different categories like Lightning, Fire , Water , Earth, Air, Ice.

"Is this normal? Isn't dad told me I would get a category of new spells. But I got 6 new categories of it".

"I would asked him about this when he will return".

He was happy he had achieved this thing at a very young age no one had done this in his age he was the first child to achieve this feat. He was very excited to tell his dad because he knew that his dad always thinks becouse of his condition he is not giving right facilities to his son. So he would be very happy to hear that despite anything his son can achieve everything.

"I hope this can give dad some moments of joy as he always works day and night to save money for me".

"I want to make him proud"

Alex finally returned home before dinner time. Ethan was waiting for this moment as soon as he entered the house he ran towards him shouting " I had done it dad now I am a First Circle Mage".

"What....." ? Alex was shocked

After a pause

"Your are not lying to make me happy. Are you?

Ethan nodded for a No.

"You are really a first circle mage now."

Alex was too shocked that he froze at his position for a while

"So what was the colour of your circle. Since you hurried to get a first circle you probably got your circle light blue for air

Or if your were lucky you would have one of your parents affinity. Mine was fire and your mother's was Lightning. So what did you get my son ?"

"Ummm It was pure white colour and about that affinity I have got all of them" Ethan replied.

"whhhhaaaaaaat.... Is this real.. tell me if I am dreaming."

"Yes Dad, it's true"

"You know there was only a single person in with a pure white Circle to ever exist in history of Viscosa." Alex said

"Who was that person dad?" Ethan Asked.

Alex then Continued "He was the First-ever King after the Discovery of Advaya. Strongest Among everyone. No-one was powerful than him.

He Once had fought Alone Against The 12 most powerful people of the planet Defra in the War and made them retreat. Had his own brother not killed him by giving him poison, we would not have lost that war today."