

Ayaan Walton has born in a influential family. Who has Power of Swords. But due to his parents being powerless he was disliked by everyone and not given any love or value by his own family. What they did not knew is Ayaan had many abilities to make them kneel infront of him. But Ayaan had one ability which can either make him a legend or kill himself. Yes Kill Himself. He has a power which given him another body But in another World. This world was has the power of Magic. And is the Archenemy of Ayaan's world. They have fought before and prophesied to fight again. Ayaan did not know he has another body as his consciousness get lost when he sleeps. And if he sleeps the other body is awake. Both are living as Different person for now. A tale of A man facing Himself as an main villain. Which side is good and which is bad. Sword or Magic Come On The Journey With The Perspective Of Both World.!

EmmptyMiind · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 5 : Born Again

It was a peaceful night after hectic couple of days for Ayaan.

"Ah..... it's so stressful here it would have been nice if I was born in somewhere I don't have to fear my life ending any moment."

"It seems I have no option now I have to adjust with what I got. "

"And if I ignore all those dangerous things I have most loving parents . I have to become strong if not for me for them then. "

"Isn't our son making face like adult who is in deep thinking." Jane said

"Yes , but what kind thoughts is a week old baby is having to make this type of expression." Charles replied

"What does a baby can think of at this age Isn't normal ones just sleep and eat."

"He is not normal . Our son is special." jane replied

There was this conversation going on between Jane and Charles but on the other hand Ayaan was not paying any attention to it his was busy planning his next step.


All these thoughts started to fade as Ayaan was falling asleep. But it was different from normal it felt like his soul was escaping his body.

"Why I am feeling like this, it's just sleep but I am feeling more than that. Is is really..."

He slept without completing his inner thoughts.

It was black all of a sudden everywhere around him.

It's was like he was asleep and awoke both at the same time.

After that he felt dizzy and fallen unconscious.

An old primitive house was the only thing in vast area surrounded by trees. There was no electricity no bulb nothing technological in that house. All Around Candles were providing the lights. It was morning time and rain was pouring heavily. Till now by noticing the details we can assume that we are in somewhere distant with only few houses it was a place where nothing can reach.

There was a man running in rain towards the house . He was on his mid 30's with tall build had long hair and beard , wearing a brown rugged coat with a old grey pant. He was running towards the house with all his might with medicines. He was shortened of breathe.

"I have to run fast otherwise it will be too late".

"Medicines these days are too costly it took time to arrange money which got me late . Please God let everything be okay "

He conditions were not too good either he was running only through his will power if he stops even for 2 seconds he will fall because of dizziness.

As soon he reached there he shouted I am here with the medicines please save my wife and child.

A lady came out of room and started lecturing him for being late without even noticing his deteriorated condition.

"Sorry.... fo.. for being late.... I have done everything t... to be here.. on time but it seems li..like I reached late eventually. But please..... save her and.... and our child. I will be thankful to you for rest of my.... life" the man said while taking long breathes.

"I will do whatever I can you please wait here "

She took the medicines and went again inside the room. It was silent only raining sound was present. At some intervals a female voice crying from pain are heard. After 10 minutes A child's cry started echoing in the house. That women again came out of the room this time with a baby

"It's a boy and she is safe for now but nothing can be said" women said

"Thank You for this favour " He bowed to her while speaking

He took the baby from her and she left .

While holding the baby he noticed he was Awake not crying running his eyes here and there.

" When everyone cries you are not crying. Your are strong from brith "

"Your name will be Ethan "

"Ethan Morph"

Then He entered the room and saw his wife in miserable condition she was alive but looked so weak as she was on line of death and life.

" Are you okay honey ? You need anything? Where are your medicines ? " He was panicking

"It's alright I am good. I Want to live with my son. It's just Paining everywhere in my body and I am so tired of it that I want to close my eyes and sleep."

"No please don't , keep your eyes open please don't close it "

"Here hold our son . You have to live for him "

She smiled while holding her son and then said " Be whatever you want don't let anyone control you. I am going away but from There I will be Always watching you " She then kissed him and Continued " I am sorry Alex I know I will be leaving you so raise him with love from my side too. And don't you dare come to me you always have to be with him"

She then slowly closed her eyes and went still.

He hugged her tightly and started crying heavily.

"Why this to me. I never asked for anything you just had to keep my wife and son safe. Why God"

Ethan was confused from his birth he was confused about everything. Why this all was familiar to him. Why he can understand everything from language to his relation with them.

" I know babies can not think like this or understand everything. Then why I can do. and this very familiar sensation I am feeling when I just have born. " Do I have reincarnated or something But I don't remember anything about past this day it's just all information is preserved but the question how is extinct."

He then saw his mother saying her last words, even he was just borned she was his mom who gave life to him, he started crying , even if he doesn't have any attachment to her in those half an hour but he knew he will be missing her for the rest of his life now.

Alex went outside to bring a priest. In this heavy rain he brought the priest done her last rituals and said his final words to her while crying like a mad man.

All this time Ethan was trying to think hard about the confusing things he was feeling.

"It seems like I had already lived through this recently. But I just borned in this world"

When the priest was returning he said to Alex " Bring him for Advaya Potential I know what you had gone through but this is important for every person. You and your wife were strong members of VPOG before you were betrayed and got your power stealed. So there's a chance he will have great powers like his parents. In the evening before the night you can come anytime "

"Thank You sir priest" Alex said