

Ayaan Walton has born in a influential family. Who has Power of Swords. But due to his parents being powerless he was disliked by everyone and not given any love or value by his own family. What they did not knew is Ayaan had many abilities to make them kneel infront of him. But Ayaan had one ability which can either make him a legend or kill himself. Yes Kill Himself. He has a power which given him another body But in another World. This world was has the power of Magic. And is the Archenemy of Ayaan's world. They have fought before and prophesied to fight again. Ayaan did not know he has another body as his consciousness get lost when he sleeps. And if he sleeps the other body is awake. Both are living as Different person for now. A tale of A man facing Himself as an main villain. Which side is good and which is bad. Sword or Magic Come On The Journey With The Perspective Of Both World.!

EmmptyMiind · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 4 : Vague

It was midnight Ayaan was awake thinking about everything has happened today . After witnessing the Advaya assessment he was sure this world has many things to offer and take . The best thing to survive in this world was to become strong , enough strong to dominate this world .

He got lucky or not he don't know but for now to move forward he have to work hard than the rest of others .

However one thing always was on his mind how he got his thinking and understanding power this early. He knew things that he had never seen, learned or heard but how was the question . His brain was functioning like an normal adult with a body of 1 week baby. He even knew hat this is abnormal for babies somehow. He thought about it for long enough to make his brain hurt and finally left it for now and gone to sleep.

In Morning there was a huge crowd of people everybody heard about him having 2 Advaya skills.

Kratos was only one among the family members. He was Well dressed even in the Morning he was taller than Charles with normal body type , clean shaved and long black hair , wearing grey shirt with Black Pants having his blazer was on his hands.

He asked Charles " Is it really true that Ayaan got 2 Advaya Skills in assessment"?

" Yes It is , however his second skill has no rank and description " Charles replied

Kratos Paused for 3 to 4 second and then spoke " Don't mind me but I think the second skill is vague as everyone only gets one... it's probably just a name present their without any actual function to it ".

As all people waiting outside heard Kratos words there expressions became dull. They started finding reason to leave as nothing big was happening there to waste their time. The other skill Absorber he got was nothing sort of special for them it was an average Advaya skill. Ayaan was happy by the crowd's reaction as he didn't wanted to be in light till he was strong. And also people thinking duality is a vague skill was the reason to be more happy as less people know about duality will benifit him more .

He then again opened his skill window to see the skill which was basically a cheat the world has given him.

Advaya Rank 3

Advaya Skills : Duality ( Z Rank ), Absorber

(B Rank)

1. Duality : Everything A person can get

you will get double of it with

same amount of work.

2. Absorber: You can learn things faster

than rest of world.

Skills : -----

Strength: 0 Agility: 0

Durability: 0 Advaya: 0

Advaya Skills were of total 5 ranks D , C , B , A , S .

Z rank was something new in this world that is why the machine was not able to detect it's rank and description.

" Why I have everything 0 if I get double of everything"

"Ah... Becouse zero multiply 2 is equal to zero"

Ayaan was so busy on his own thinking he did not noticed that Kratos was standing at front of him glaring intensely at him.

" Did he noticed something about me. Did he found out I am different. What is it now , what will he do to me . "

"Don't Worry" , Kratos said

These two words made Ayaan calm and stop overthinking.

He then continued , " Even if your Second skill is vague, you still have a B rank skill which is also good and help you to stand still in front of your competitors in future"

"Is he refering about competitors as his son and daughter and marking me as a threat or is he just here to console me that I have got a vague skill " , Ayaan was trying to make a meaning behind Kratos words.

"I will Get you a best all round trainer when you will start walking and talking . Till then rest all your might becouse you will be having a busy future ahead" Kratos was saying these while leaving the house.

Ayaan now knew that not a single person of this family except his parents are well wisher of his. They all will became a potential threat in future for him. Now he had to became strong in Dark so now one can knew about his progress not till he can defend himself from any threat. He was determined to work hard to work harder than everyone and get double the benefits of it. Duality has given him hope. But that will be for some other time now he can barely do anything except for eat , sleep , day repeat schedule.

But there was something he didn't knew about duality , that it will give him something more than what he desires which will cause an uproar in his life be it this world or that world.