

Ayaan Walton has born in a influential family. Who has Power of Swords. But due to his parents being powerless he was disliked by everyone and not given any love or value by his own family. What they did not knew is Ayaan had many abilities to make them kneel infront of him. But Ayaan had one ability which can either make him a legend or kill himself. Yes Kill Himself. He has a power which given him another body But in another World. This world was has the power of Magic. And is the Archenemy of Ayaan's world. They have fought before and prophesied to fight again. Ayaan did not know he has another body as his consciousness get lost when he sleeps. And if he sleeps the other body is awake. Both are living as Different person for now. A tale of A man facing Himself as an main villain. Which side is good and which is bad. Sword or Magic Come On The Journey With The Perspective Of Both World.!

EmmptyMiind · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 20 : Man Of Legends

Ethan was working very hard to achieve his previous physique. He wanted to attain more of what he was capable of previously. While priest used to go for work, he worked on his training at that time and at night he tried to increase his Advaya. 

He was doing this without missing a single day. Like that 3 months was passed now, he was in his prime condition. He gained more than what he used to have in every department. 

He was ready now for priest's condition. Today was the day he would ask more detail about that swordsman who can beat mages in land of mages. Ethan was physically more fit than any other mage of his age and even some who are older. more than half of mages exist do not train physically to them this is a not worth at all. Rather than training physically they like to train more in mage speciality. Ethan was sitting outside on a large stone placed near the house of priest. The stone was in shadow of a big tree near the stone.. It was Ethan's precious spot. He always used to sit there during his rest after training or waiting for priest to come home. Similarly like always he was waiting for the priest to come home by sitting there. But there was something different today he was more eager than always while waiting for him. His eagerness can be understandable afterall between Ethan and his only path only few moments were left.

"Is he late today or I am becoming more impatient" Ethan was speaking to himself

"Let's stop thinking about this anymore and wait patiently afterall he will come home eventually or where would he go."

Ethan waited for 2 more hours but priest did not come home. Now Ethan was growing more and more tensed rather than impatient and finally he decided to visit the temple. He ran as fast as he could without stopping for even a second. He reached the temple , from outside it seemed normal like everyday also it's door was opened indicating priest's presence there. Ethan calmed down took some deep breathes as he was somewhat grew to be exhausted between all the tension and running he did to reach here. After regaining his breath back he slowly walked towards the front door of the temple. 

He pushed the door slowly to open, after opening he went inside where there was no one in his vision area. 

"Old man where are you? Are you here or not? Old Man!!!"Ethan voice was very tensed.

He was trying to look everywhere inside  but did not find any traces of priest there. He went to the next floor where priest from other temple come to visit resides. 

He saw sign of magic spells used there some of the wooden doors were broken the corridor. There were 6 rooms in that floor. Among them the first 4 floors were empty but in the fifth one there was the priest lying on the floor unconscious. 


Ethan was so shocked to see him lying there that he could not mutter a single word from his mouth in that shock. He immediately went to priest to check upon him. The priest was on his last breath with injuries all over his body. Ethan was not able to cope up anything which was in front of him.

Ethan's eyes were wide opened in sudden shock he received and then the priest spoke " Ethan I don't have much time left so please come here I have something to tell you before die."

Ethan with only instinct walked forward and moved his ear close to the mouth of the priest. 

The Priest gathered all of his remaining life force in him and started telling every useful thing he had for Ethan for the last time in every low and cracking voice

"Listen Ethan the path which you want to take is a tough one you already know that. The hardships you will have to face while pursuing this journey is a nightmare which everybody avoids. As you know the war against Defra the planet with swordsman in which we suffered defeat. Therefore everybody detests even a sword here. But you have no choice left so you have to be strong. Not just strong but strong enough to overthrow the current king of this nation. Only that way you can save your life and avenge your father's death. The people who made me like this were sent from the Royal Family to make ensure son of Alex does not live anymore. They want to exterminate the entire family of Alex so they do not have to worry about you taking revenge against them. I also heard them talking about your curse which made to a conclusion that it is also done by them. But why they are after you if they know you can not learn any magic spells. It the only thing I am not able to comprehend. Whatever it is you have to leave this place immediately. The person I talked about who can teach you swordsmanship of a level which can even beat circle 8 or 9 mage, he is Man of Legends who was alive in the era of war and was originally from Defra His name is 'Yushin'. I do not know why is he here or how is he alive but I definitely know he the strongest to ever in exist in both the worlds. He is rumoured to be residing in the deep forests of Kingdom Zen, which is also the neighbouring Kingdom of ours. So you will not have more difficulty in crossing the border. Also I don't know if he will teach you or not but I heard from someone that he is delaying his death by sacrificing his strength in order to find atleast on disciple to leave his legacy behind. He is your best shot in taking your revenge. I have already talked to a man named Reza in village nearby he will make sure that you can cross the border without being captured to murdered."

After hearing all of that Ethan had an outburst of emotion he was holding up till now and with all that loud crying he said " I can't live you here . You can still live if we can manage to go to another priest.

The priest smiled at him and said" You don't have to do anything my time is over here. Go on your journey. When you will accomplish and will make yourself a big name in future I will also be part of your story and with only that my life is fulfilled. Now you can go Ethan.

Just after saying that the priest stopped breathing.