

Ayaan Walton has born in a influential family. Who has Power of Swords. But due to his parents being powerless he was disliked by everyone and not given any love or value by his own family. What they did not knew is Ayaan had many abilities to make them kneel infront of him. But Ayaan had one ability which can either make him a legend or kill himself. Yes Kill Himself. He has a power which given him another body But in another World. This world was has the power of Magic. And is the Archenemy of Ayaan's world. They have fought before and prophesied to fight again. Ayaan did not know he has another body as his consciousness get lost when he sleeps. And if he sleeps the other body is awake. Both are living as Different person for now. A tale of A man facing Himself as an main villain. Which side is good and which is bad. Sword or Magic Come On The Journey With The Perspective Of Both World.!

EmmptyMiind · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 17 : More Than A Curse

Ethan tried almost 1 year to learn any simple spell of 1st circle but failed to do so.

After trying and failing many times. They thought something was abnormal, a 1st circle spell is a very easy to learn spell which can hardly take a month to learn for even a below average talent. Ethan was not some below average talent rather he fall onto the category of geniuses. So they decided to talk to the village priest about this matter.

"Sir please take a look at my son he is not being able to lean any kind of 1st circle spell or higher." Alex said in most respected tone he could have said that.

"But when I did the Advaya procedure he seemed a rare talent to me. How is he unable to learn spells. How many days it has been since you have been trying" the priest replied in confused manner.

"It's been one year. But there has not been a single positivity which we could celebrate in that time period " Alex was still talking in very respected tone.

"It has been this long. Why didn't you visited me earlier ?" The priest looked somewhat angry

"We were not sure of the problem and also we didn't wanted to cause more trouble for you when you are already in this state" Alex had his head still lowered

"You don't have to worry about me. It's my duty to solve the problems of this village which I can"

The priest continued " Now come with me I have to look thoroughly to identify what is the main cause of this "

Ethan also had his head lowered throughout this whole time. He did not spoke a single world. He was hoping to get some good results from here.

"If I would happen to be normal from like other children of his age are, this could have been less of a shock to me now. But I had brain of an adult I know the grave situation I am in , if this problems doesn't gets solved I will be get stepped on by everyone throughout my whole life till I die."


"Etha..n are you..."

"Ethan are you listening" Alex was calling for him

"Sorry I was thinking about something" Ethan was lost in his thoughts

"Lets go inside" Alex said to Ethan in consoling tone

After that they went inside the office room of the priest. The priest was waiting for them there. He had a scroll in his hand.

"Ethan come here and sit on this chair" The priest asked Ethan

Ethan followed his command and went beside him and sat on chair.

"Alright, now close your eyes and try to gather your all focus on the center of your forehead in a small point" The priest after saying that unfolded the scroll which was made with a piece of cloth and tied that on the eye of Ethan.

Ethan felt a burning sensation all over his eyes. He couldn't control his emotions and screamed out load in pain.

"Don't loose your focus Ethan. Try to maintain it as long as you can . I know this is hard but you wil have to do it." The priest was shouting so Ethan could hear him over his load scream

"What is happening. Why did not you used some easier method . He is just a child how can he endure that much pain while maintaining focus at the same time." It was the first time Alex dropped his formal speech while talking to the priest.

"Other methods can not discover all sorts of problem but this scroll can. It was the only choice. He just have endure it for one more minute." Despite the Alex informal way of talking, The priest still was talking in very warm and consolidating manner.

"I am sorry sir I was just worried for my son. Please forgive me for my behavior"

"Don't worry, such things can happen after all you are father of this child" The priest maintained his warm nature

The required time had been passed. Ethan did succeed in maintaining the the focus like he has been told. The priest took of the scroll from his eyes. Nothing was changer in Ethan's eye. He was same like before. The priest looked in the scroll. Both Ethan and Alex could see the tensed look on his face while reading the scroll.

"What is it sir? What is it showing? Please tell us. " Alex was frightened by the only thought of his son being permanently disabled from being able to use any spell.

And somewhat his fear came true..... almost.

"It is saying that Ethan is cursed with a curse of fate which is prohibiting him from learning any spells." The priest answered to Alex with a heavy heart.

"So can you not undo the curse?" Alex was desperate in his voice

"No it's beyond my capabilities. It is either done by 8th or 9th circle mage or a priest with divine Powers."

Priest with divine Powers were very rare to find they were like 1 in a million people.

Priest continued " Only method is to find that person who put that curse and make him withdraw it or kill him to make the curse disappear".

It's been another 2 months after visiting the priest. Nothing has changed the curse was still intact.

Ethan grew to be more darker in his thoughts and lifestyle.

Alex knew his son would fall in Abyss of madness if the curse will be there for some more time.

"I have to go to the city to find more about this. That's the only option to save my son. Even if that bastard king who once was my friend will try kill me. I have to do this"

Alex has already made up his mind for his son he have to face that danger.

"Son you don't have to worry I will find its cure no matter what. You will become a great mage in future definitely and for that I have to go to the city."

Ethan was silent all along. He dreams were shattered of becoming a mage. He knew his father was trying to consolidate him with no actual hope of undoing this curse he has. He was cursing his faith which was already cursed.

Alex knew his son's condition so he did not said anything more to him and went to city to find any type of cure for his son.

"Ethan be alright till I come back, I will do my best to find the cure of it" Alex said while going far from Ethan. Ethan was looking at his back. He didn't knew that will be the last time he could see his father this close