

Ayaan Walton has born in a influential family. Who has Power of Swords. But due to his parents being powerless he was disliked by everyone and not given any love or value by his own family. What they did not knew is Ayaan had many abilities to make them kneel infront of him. But Ayaan had one ability which can either make him a legend or kill himself. Yes Kill Himself. He has a power which given him another body But in another World. This world was has the power of Magic. And is the Archenemy of Ayaan's world. They have fought before and prophesied to fight again. Ayaan did not know he has another body as his consciousness get lost when he sleeps. And if he sleeps the other body is awake. Both are living as Different person for now. A tale of A man facing Himself as an main villain. Which side is good and which is bad. Sword or Magic Come On The Journey With The Perspective Of Both World.!

EmmptyMiind · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 14 : Training (1)

Ayaan and Ethan both were training. Their training was only of stamina, agility and raw strength. While Denice was also teaching Ayaan important things to survive in Defra. History of Big Families their disputes, how they work what are significance of them, What fields they are expert in all of that. Through Denice Ayaan learned that Walton's were expert in Sword manifestation without having an actual sword only through their Advaya. They had their influence on an area of entire Country. But everything worked normally elections were conducted on regular basis , Government were formed, A president is declared who is strongest among the government officials. In top 100 rank there were more that 40 government officials. And the current president of the Walton's influenced area is in top 10 of that list, higher than the current head of Walton's family.

Denice was training Ayaan every morning for 1 hour and after that she would teach him all the extra stuff.

About more than one and half year had been passed only in basic training. Now Ayaan was 3 years of age. He knew all basic things about Defra and his body was strengthen too. Denice had worked so hard for him, She never took a single day leave she was taking care of him like her own child. Once in every month she would take him anywhere he wished to keep him interested so he would not get bored of only one type of training. He was her first student who also had so much talent so she cared for him deeply.

"Your basic training ends today. You have two days to rest after that we will start your Advaya Gathering after that you will train with sword and I also want to inform you, the duration of our class is going to extend for 1 hour daily from now on. You will be having less time for yourself" Denice Said to Ayaan while he was training.

"So you will teach me sword techniques" Ayaan replied to her.

"No. Don't try climb two stairs at once. I will be teaching Advaya Gathering process first when you will succeed in it you will be having your basic swordsmanship training. Then if you will master it before my time ends here I teach teach you Some basic Techniques."

Denice was strict in what she wanted to teach. She doesn't teach Ayaan nothing more or less than what has told him.

Ayaan was learning basic Yushin's Swordsmanship which he was not capable of learning before. For 2 months now everyday at evening he used learn that all by himself.

Ayaan was keeping that as a secret from Denice.

Although Ayaan was learning the best Basic Swordsmanship but he was still excited for his teacher's Sword training.

Before all that now Ayaan has to figure something out.

"How much time I fake for Advaya Gathering so that it passes Fast without any hint of doubt to her."

Two days went past, it was the day of his Advaya Gathering. Denice was on time like she usually is. She said the same instructions Ayaan followed when he was leaning that one and half years ago. He was behaving like it's his first time hearing all this. He was even asking doubts from her to make sure she never doubt him.

"You have to sense Advaya from the nature try to focus and expand your senses when you will feel it don't do anything just maintain that feeling for as much time as you can." Denice was giving instructions to Ayaan.

Ayaan was focusing like Denice was instructing him. He could feel all the Advaya in the nature but he have to Focus for 4-5 days before telling her he can sense it.

"If I tells her now she won't believe as it will be too fast for anyone".

He faked like that for 4 days, he was planning on telling her on the 6th day. But on 5th day he was bored so much by doing nothing. He started to feel agitated by this.

"It's too much now for me to endure this fake focusing trial. I sensed it on the 3rd day and I was probably slow from the geniuses so it's safe to tell her now since it's the 5th day today. She won't doubt me now. I can not do this even one more day. I am just wasting my valuable time." Ayaan was thinking all that while pretending to focus.

Denice was sitting beside him. She was not wasting her opportunity to train herself. She was training her mental strength to increase Advaya Rank. She was currently on Advaya Rank 11.

Ayaan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her. She was on Tier 6 nothing can miss her senses. She immediately knew Ayaan was looking at her.

"Why did you break your focus?" Denice asked Ayaan while her eyes being still closed

"I sensed it teacher. It took me so long I think I am not a genius but I am happy since I sensed it within a week." Ayaan said while pretending to be happy.

Denice was shocked she immediately opened her eyes and looked at him.

"What happened why is she this shocked did I made any mistake. Is she suspicious that I lied to her." Ayaan Thought in his mind and then said " Why are you looking at me like this teacher? Is something wrong? Did I made any mistake?"

"Are you serious? Did you really sensed Advaya?" Denice was still shocked.

"Yes I sensed it" Ayaan replied to her.

She took sometime before responding to Ayaan.

"Are you kidding about not being a genius when you are much above them. Even great genius won't have sensed Advaya before a week and you did it in only 5 days" Denice said to him in confusing tonality.

"What geniuses take more than a week to sense it. I brought this on myself. Yeah that's right Why didn't I checked up on that fact Before jumping into my conclusion. If I told her now that I did that in only 3 days what type of expression she would make." Ayaan was talking to himself.

He did not know what to say now. He had no excuse as he was not prepared for this situation.

He thought for sometime and then said " Really Am I Talented. I thought geniuses can do it in just 3 days."

"That's Absurd, no one can do it in 3 days. It's only possible if one of family founder gets reincarnated with their memory intact and try to sense Advaya for first time" Denice Replied.

"Wait what I had knowledge Before even knowing anything and I am not exaggerating but I am pretty extraordinary. Am I a founder who get reincarnated."

"What an Fantasy To fantasize about"