

Ayaan Walton has born in a influential family. Who has Power of Swords. But due to his parents being powerless he was disliked by everyone and not given any love or value by his own family. What they did not knew is Ayaan had many abilities to make them kneel infront of him. But Ayaan had one ability which can either make him a legend or kill himself. Yes Kill Himself. He has a power which given him another body But in another World. This world was has the power of Magic. And is the Archenemy of Ayaan's world. They have fought before and prophesied to fight again. Ayaan did not know he has another body as his consciousness get lost when he sleeps. And if he sleeps the other body is awake. Both are living as Different person for now. A tale of A man facing Himself as an main villain. Which side is good and which is bad. Sword or Magic Come On The Journey With The Perspective Of Both World.!

EmmptyMiind · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 11 : Black Advaya

Swordsmanship of Defra was divided into tiers from Tier 1 to Tier 7. Even the founders of the 12 Big families were of Tier 6 and never been able to reach Tier 7. It is said to be that there was a swordsman in the founder's era who achieved that feat and was strongest in entire Defra. His name was Yushin Helestia. But how he looked , what happened to him, where is he now, was he really existed or not no one knows. It was just an Legend.

But now Ayaan knew it's not just a Legend everything is real. He found the Book Of Yushin's Basic Swordsmanship.

"Why father didn't learn it or he tried to to but failed. Guess I will ask about it later when the situation will be right. Now I only have one work to do make his techniques mine". Ayaan had questions in his mind who's answers he wished to know desperately.

Ayaan was very determined to make this treasure all his without any delay as anytime when his father notice the missing book he will start finding it and his cover will be blown.

"I have very less time I have to learn every content of this book without missing a single page and then return it to same place. I will start practicing after that. "

He that started learning all the contents from next day. First two three days he tried waking up at night late but he was unable to do that. He can delay his sleep maximum 30 minutes to 1 hour. Then he tried to get up early in the morning but he faced same thing in the morning too. He didn't wake up form any alarm or any method. He felt that strange but he did not had any time to think about anything at all but only the Yushin's Sword Techniques seemed important to him for now.

For the next 1 month He only focused on learning the contents of the book and he was done memorizing all of it in that time thanks to his skill Absorber.

"I am all done with the book, now all remains is to practice that skill and refine it. Will I get a wooden sword if I ask mom about it. It is a bit difficult but there is no harm in trying. Now if I think about it Dad didn't find the book missing in a whole month. Does he not know he have this kind of book or he just thinks it is fake. Whatever the case It was good for me " Ayaan was thinking while putting that book back where it belong but he made all the pages rigged so no one can understand it even if they finds it now.

"If dad didn't know about the value of this book it can get into anyone's hand if I leave it here, even if he knows wouldn't mattered anyways since he has given up on all these things many years ago. So he will not use that for himself. Now since its rigged only I have all the information of it. I have to do everything in my hand from which I can get stronger than all the Swordsman alive"

Ayaan got his wooden sword after insisting to Jane for coupe of days. But even with the wooden sword he was not able to perform any techniques as his body was small for them. He tried to maintain his posture many time but failure was only thing he was maintaining. So he gave up the practice for now and started Advaya Gathering method which was common method used by everyone from poor to rich. Its increases usable Advaya in the body which makes the swordsmanship skill possible to perform.

In born Advaya Skills were the only skills which does not consume any Advaya. That is why people who gets any Attack or Defence skill as in born Advaya skills they are considered to become powerful than others in future. Ayaan did not had any of the both but he had skills which were somewhat similar in strength to those.

The book had the every single bit of information regarding Advaya and the instructions for the people who were trying to absorb and use Advaya. The instructions were to try and consume Advaya from the nature and purify in by gathering around your heart. After that form a space in you sub consciousness and fill that space with that Advaya. The larger the space will be the more skills you can use. Once this was done it will become more of a natural process for body to absorb purify and fill Advaya simultaneously. And to gain more space and fasten the rate of replenishment of Advaya naturally you will have to train and Advance you Advaya Rank. Its training was simple you just need to train you mental power through any means you want.

The first part of instruction is to feel the Advaya in the nature. Ayaan tried whole day but couldn't felt any Advaya. After three days of trying he sensed some in the air but he was far behind from gathering it in his body then around heart.

"Why I am slow? Does my skill are not working. It should have been fast for me. I can't complain I have do this, it does not matter how long it takes since I started too early than others maybe this is the disadvantage I am facing because of that." Ayaan was thinking after finally sensing it.

He was complaining but he didn't knew the normal time for geniuses to sense Advaya for the first time in nature was a week or even more and he had done that in just three days.

After a full month now he can sense Advaya anywhere it was present.

"Now It feels like I can absorb it in my body But I have be careful of over intake. I have will overdo, it can result in any of the organ failure in my body."

Ayaan was determined in only 3 months he had memorized the whole content of Yushin's Basic Swordsmanship and done the Sensing part for Advaya gathering. It was all good till now as he started the process of absorbing. It was done in only few hours. Now the Advaya was near in his body. Now he has to purify the whole absorbed Advaya in on go and fill it in the space created by his sub consciousness. So he decided to do tomorrow early in morning because of his strange sleeping habits.

Next day he made some excuse to his mom about not coming out of his room till the dinner time. He was taking the process slowly, he was purifying it and placing it in a circle around his heart. After he was done of that he made his brain empty of every single thought and started focusing like someone does meditation the only different thing was he was trying to fall in his sub conscious mind and carry all Advaya with him. It took him almost 2 hours of deep focus. He then was able to view the space where he has to gather all his Advaya. It was a somewhat big in space and pitch black nothing was visible except darkness. Advaya was flowing into that space smoothly without any restrictions. Advaya has blue as its original color but here it was becoming black after flowing into that space. It was a information which was still unknown to Ayaan. No has told him about the existence of different colored Advaya.

When all the Advaya was gone into that space he opened his eyes back losing all the focus.

"That was some kind of an experience" Ayaan thought after all the process

"And what was that black Advaya and the I don't think I got more Advaya than I should have. The duality should have given it twice the amount. The black Advaya which I got was it the Duality's work. I have to ask the teacher about Black Advaya when tomorrow." Ayaan was thinking all that before Jane finally came into his room to took him for the dinner.