
Sword Saint Slashing Apart Magic

A sword is more than just a weapon! It's a passion that gives you life! These words were imprinted, fused deep into Gladius's soul. When Gladius finally gains his profound connection to the world and sword, he soon finds himself in a world of Magic & Mages. In this world, he has no powerful noble background, no special Magical power, absolutely nothing. But Gladius didn't give a single damn. His sword will slash through any force of Magic, any noble genius wanting to prove their dominance, any hero looking to take him down, any old monstrous expert that seeks to suppress him. His sword will reach the apex. His life will reach the apex. All mysteries of the universe as a whole, all enjoyment and pleasure, nothing can escape Gladius's sharp grasp.

CosmicPrime · Fantasy
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51 Chs


The elemental forces were the easiest and most standard entry point for anyone across the planet to begin their journey into understanding the mystic arts. These primal elements were essential, woven into the very fabric of the world itself. 

Fire delved into the concept of intense heat, the melting and burning of all matter before its scorching fury. 

Water embodied the tranquility of waves, the life-giving essence that provided nourishment for all living things. 

Nature, or the Earth, represented the soils and materials that blanketed the lands, sustaining all existence.

Wind was the invisible force that carried the very oxygen needed for beings to breathe, an ever-present stream of energy that could never be destroyed or erased. 

And then there were the variant elements, such as the destructive power of lightning that scorched the skies, or the terrifying, bone-chilling freeze of ice that could entomb anything in its frozen grasp.

Gladius rapidly absorbed these elemental insights, his mind like a sponge soaking up every drop of knowledge that filtered through his consciousness. In his heightened state of being one with the world around him, it became even clearer for him to comprehend the mystical principles that governed the flow of the magical force permeating all existence.

His greater comprehension allowed him to expand his sword sense in new ways, unlocking a deeper understanding of the mystical, worldly Sword Force that thrummed through his very being. It was as if the veil of illusion had been lifted from his eyes, granting him a clarity of vision that pierced through to the fundamental truths underlying reality itself.

Time seemed to lose all meaning as Gladius and Arianna became fully immersed in their studies. Under this shared state of intense focus, their auras unknowingly began to draw closer, seamlessly blending into one another in a harmonious dance of mystical energies. 

This intimate convergence only served to heighten the sense of comfort and ease they felt in each other's presence.

It was as if they were both generating a soothing warmth that put their minds and bodies at complete peace, a tranquil cocoon that shielded them from the chaos of the outside world. 

Hours soon passed in this blissful state of unity, the boundaries between them blurring until they became two halves of a single, perfectly attuned whole.

It wasn't until Arianna suddenly blinked her eyes that she awoke from her trance-like reverie. She looked around, noticing that the windows of the grand library had grown incredibly dark, the night having fallen while they were lost in their studies. 

A wry smile curled her lips as she murmured, "So much time has already passed, huh..."

It was quite fantastical how swiftly the hours could fly by when one was in a state of complete and utter focus, utterly absorbed in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. 

She then tossed her gaze toward Gladius, gently shaking his shoulder to rouse him from his own intense trance.

"Hm?" He blinked, looking around with a slightly dazed expression before quickly noticing the telltale darkness that signaled the day's end. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he said, "So, I suppose we will need to depart soon."

"That's right," Arianna confirmed with a nod. "Common mages like me don't have the privileges of staying for as long as we desire. But, we can check out some books to study later on our own time." 

She rose from her seat, stretching languidly as she suggested, "Come on, let's secure an inn for the night and check the guild mission boards tomorrow for some potential employment opportunities."

"Sounds like a plan," Gladius calmly agreed, rising to join her. He was feeling a surge of excitement internally as well, bolstered by all that he had gained from studying the profound "Worldly Flow" text. 

Gladius felt more confident than ever in his ability to control and wield the Sword Force, to have those mystical energies course through his body with heightened potency.

It would be interesting, to say the least, to put these newfound abilities to the test against the powerful nascent beasts that roamed the wilderness beyond the city's walls. 

With their minds set and a renewed sense of purpose driving them forward, Arianna quickly gathered the books they wished to check out before swiftly heading out into the night, guiding them toward one of the city's many inns.


Miles deep into the heart of Emberstar City, nestled within a rich and fancy district where even the buildings themselves seemed to be crafted from higher quality mana stones, an air of affluence and refined power permeated every inch of the realm. 

The mages who walked these streets exuded a more potent, denser magical aura that was utterly suffocating to any common mortal who dared to tread within their domain.

At one particularly opulent area of this noble district, a luxurious, expansive manor took up a tremendous portion of space, its grounds encompassing an area that would put even the grandest of estates to shame. 

The manor itself was designed with glorious runic magic patterns depicting the sky and clouds, giving anyone who approached a sense of walking among the ethereal heavens themselves.

This was the headquarters of a powerful organization within Emberstar City – the Arcane Nexus Collective, a prestigious institution that stood at the forefront of magical research and innovation.

Within these hallowed halls, everything appeared to be operating as usual, with mages of esteemed talent diligently refining their magical studies through intense art studies, the nurturing of their innate spirits, or engaging in lively discussions and debates on the finer points of arcane theory.

Deep within the heart of the Arcane Nexus Collective, there existed a secluded sect reserved for the most talented and exceptional mages of the organization. Here, these elite few were granted their own personal quarters, opulent sanctums befitting their status and accomplishments.

And naturally, owing to the miraculous properties of spatial magic, these quarters were far larger and more lavishly appointed than any ordinary living space, fitted to accommodate the needs and lifestyles of those who dwelled within.

One of these private sanctums harbored an almost imperceptible shimmer continually radiating from its door, a subtle aura that hinted at the profound power contained beyond its threshold. This door exuded a flow of concentrated magical aura far more potent than any of the other chambers, a tangible indicator of the immense might possessed by its occupant.

It was at this very door that a mage came hurrying, his footsteps echoing urgently through the quiet halls. He couldn't simply barge into the room unannounced, so he was forced to rap his knuckles against the sturdy portal, rippling his own magical aura outward in an effort to gain the attention of the mage within.

"Vayn! Is Sir Starforge available?" the mage called out, his voice tinged with a hint of frantic urgency.

"Hm?" A smooth, almost melodic voice flowed out from the other side of the door, carrying a sense of effortless poise and composure. "Keal? Just what has gotten you so worked up?"

The door slowly swung open, revealing a luxurious chamber decorated with glistening magical runes that seemed to pulse with an inner radiance. 

At the center of this opulent sanctum stood a man, calmly meditating with a potent flow of mana caressing his entire being like a lover's gentle embrace.

The mere gaze of this mage, this talented individual named Vayn, caused Keal to shiver involuntarily. Vayn's calm, penetrating stare seemed to hold an innate depth of knowledge, as if he instinctively knew all the answers before they were even asked.

But Keal had pressing news to deliver, and so he stepped across the threshold, the door sealing itself behind him with a resounding thud. 

He wasted no time in relaying the urgent information, quickly stating, "It's truly something strange, Vayn. The four we sent to capture Arianna..."

Vayn's eyes glinted with a newfound spark of interest. "Ah. Finally, an update on this matter. Tell me, how long until they return with her in custody? Unless..." 

A slight frown creased his brow as a new thought occurred to him. "Unless the four encountered some manner of beast while they were en route to bring her back?"

He didn't even entertain the possibility that the mages they had hand-selected for this task would ever fail to apprehend that mere average mage, Arianna. 

But Keal slowly shook his head, taking a deep breath as he revealed the grim truth.

"It's strange. Far too strange. I tried contacting them earlier, but none of them would answer, no matter how many times I attempted to reach them." His expression grew grave as he continued, "I got curious and went out searching for them, using that aura tracker imbued into their staves. And to my shock, all four of them were dead!"


Vayn's eyes narrowed dangerously, his body slowly rising from its meditative pose as a ripple of tangible power seemed to emanate from his very being.