
Sword saint in the the multiverse

A decently average man with a comfortable job at a tax firm gets transmigrated into the body of his Kensei Character from for honor and is sent into the multiverse with all the skills they would have, even a mythical sheath (cuz apparently only one character gets one) Let us see how a 70 renown kensei deals with new and familiar worlds. (He will also have a katana and tanto because let’s be honest, it’s pretty unacceptable to see someone use the Japanese equivalent of a greatsword in enclosed rooms)

Catstodian · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Chapter 6: the summary

While the legend of the ghost came underway, the Kensei's own tale begun to spin. He wandered helping any he could, many saw him as the Avatar of Hachiman (the Japanese war god) come to take retribution on the invaders.

Many would flock under his growing banner, from surviving samurai families and normal common people alike. He is infact credited to being the pioneer of the Ashigaru which would be widespread by the 14th century, 200 some years later. He trained them in the use of the spear and how to stand in lines well enough.

Soon enough he amassed and army of vengeful peasants, and they marched onto the unsuspecting mongols and defeated them. They celebrated and worked spread of a samurai with a giant sword raising an army to fight against the invaders.

Finally after a few days and fully wiping out the mongols in the southern most part of Tsushima, a tense and long meeting between the Kensei and lord Shimura occurred. And so the debate of large levy army vs small but skilled professional army began. With the Kensei's urging, shimura came to the conclusion that a mix of the two would be the best ideal army in most situations.

They came to a steady conclusion but did have a bit of a problem with Kensei's brutality, though he only showed it to the mongols and traitors. He was worried that the extreme violence seemed so normalized to him.

The same night the castle would fall leaving one more before reaching the khan. More common people rallied to his banners, even many warrior monks who are seeking vengeance for the desecration of their temples.

The Kensei himself was not a very social person, he preferred to speak with action rather than words. He left the speaking to lords and the merchants. But that is what they liked about him, he needs not waste his and other time with calculated and long winded speeches; because he leads them by example. Never will he lead them astray they said, and he had not up to this point so why would he doubt them?

Lord shimura appointed Kensei commander of the soldiers who rallied under his banners and assigned some samurai to keep an eye on them.

Soon just like the south, central Tsushima was cleared of all mongol and bandit activities; the roads patrolled by the Kensei's people.

Lord shimura had his vices against Kensei but even he had to admit the effectiveness of these "Ashigaru".

The last castle now under siege soon it would be time to breach the walls. Unfortunately Jin Sakai had to Jin Sakai, and the Ghost had to Ghost. When Kensei and lord shimura breached the walls uncontested, they thought they'd run right into an ambush. No, they found the Jin… no the Ghost standing amongst the bodies of the mongols, their drink poisoned the night before.

The Kensei sighed in disappointment, he told the horrified lord that he'd let him deal with these familiar matters while he takes his force to peruse the fleeing Khan. Shimura still in shock could only nod, watching the ashigaru March out passing the bodies of the mongols as they went further north. Now he grimly set his attention to his beloved nephew.

They swept over what's left of Tsushima with righteous vengeance, they soon came upon the Kahn's Fort like a flood of man and iron. In the end, by the time the ghost arrived, the khan and their men where dead. Not to mention they had already amassed supplies to sail across.

Before any lord or shogun said a word the ships took off never to be seen again. So goes the legend of the Kensei of Tsushima.