
Sword Of Phoenix

In the vast and uncertain universe lies a tale of tragedy and redemption. This story follows the life of an enigmatic individual, who once led a thriving civilization that fell into ruin due to a catastrophic failure. Escaping to Earth, they seek solace and a fresh start. However, the relic they carry from their doomed world holds unimaginable power and a lurking danger that threatens both Earth and their newfound home. Through flashbacks, readers witness the fall of their civilization, where a series of unforeseen events led to its destruction. This journey is not only a physical adventure but an emotional one, seeking forgiveness and a chance to atone for their past mistakes. The relic brought by them to Earth isn't just a simple artifact; it's a weapon of immense, ancient power. As Intergalactic attempts to keep it hidden and protected, malevolent forces emerge from across the universe, drawn by the allure of the weapon. An intense struggle for control ensues as Off-worlders, reluctant but determined, finds themselves at the center of a cosmic brawl

CandyLoopies · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Echoes of Unity

(20 Years Ago)

The Glokoma Crystal planet is facing a crisis as rebellious groups take control and hold the inhabitants as hostages. Seeking aid, the planet's leader calls upon Jutarn, a respected leader of Globe93M, to lead a rescue mission. The Obsidian Vanguard, a bold group of insurgents, has seized control of several small cities on the planet. Kaelan, the brave leader of Squad Q, along with his loyal friend Katumba and Agvayu, have successfully reclaimed most of these cities. However, a significant challenge lies ahead as they plan to free the majestic city of Prismarite, a shining jewel among the urban centers.

Amidst the turmoil, High Councilor Ms. Elara of Glokoma stands firm and unyielding. Cloaked in robes that cascade like celestial waves, she embodies the very essence of her endangered realm. Her vibrant red hair is elegantly entwined with radiant serpent-like companions, their graceful forms akin to glowing ropes. Emerald eyes shimmer against her radiant honey-hued complexion, casting a presence as distinctive as a lioness forging a path for her young. As she steps onto the deck of the Globe93M starship, a warm welcome and assisting hand come from none other than Jutarn, a resolute leader with a heart as boundless as the cosmos.

Inside the starship's hall, the cadence of futuristic innovation echoes like a harmonious melody. Advanced devices, reminiscent of expertly crafted instruments, elegantly meld with a mesmerizing nebulae design that graces the walls. At the heart of this setting stands a central round table, its meticulously fashioned surface serving as a stage for a technological marvel – a holographic hub that displays Prismarite's vibrant cityscape. An adjacent portal beckons, encouraging minds to convene and strategize around the captivating visual. The holographic projection springs to life, vividly capturing Prismarite's essence – from its soaring spires to its bustling streets – in a breathtaking fusion of technology and artistry that kindles inspiration and sparks inventive thought.

With all members gathering around the round table, they take their respective seats.

Elara's voice carried a sincere gratitude as she addressed the assembly. "First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt thanks to the valiant and unwavering soldiers of Globe 93M who have come forth in our hour of need, and to the remarkable Jutarn, whose swift response exemplifies true leadership. Witnessing the prowess of Kaelan and his steadfast comrade has been a privilege – their unity and unwavering strength have been a beacon of hope. I dare say, in all my travels across the galaxies, I have never encountered such remarkable mastery over the elements, particularly the breathtaking control of air. Kaelan, a lone force, vanquished an entire fleet of adversaries, a feat beyond imagination. With bated breath, I entrust the fate of Prismarite's liberation to you, Kaelan, believing that your ingenuity and determination will pave the path to our city's salvation."

Nyxar sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance, as he addressed Elara. "Well, well, my dear High Councilor, I must say your gratitude is misplaced. That insignificant brat you so lavishly praise is hardly worth your admiration. If you were to lay eyes upon me, you'd comprehend the vast chasm between his feeble abilities and my true might. A solitary force like me could effortlessly dismantle this planet-wide nuisance posed by these inconsequential rebels."

Jutarn interrupts Nyxar's discourse, his tone measured and focused. "Nyxar, the matter at hand isn't a contest of supremacy between you and Kaelan. Let us direct our attention to the pressing issue – the liberation of the hostages held captive within Prismarite. Observe, if you will," he gestures toward the holographic projection at the center of the round table.

"This city is situated in an exposed expanse, a desolate terrain devoid of any natural cover, be it trees or stones. There is no refuge to exploit for covert entry. Moreover, we've already received a cautionary communication from the leader of the rebellious faction, Zyroxan. Their ultimatum is stark: any hint of a vehicle or entity approaching Prismarite and the hostages face dire consequences."

Jutarn's eyes convey a sense of urgency as he continues, "Compounding the challenge, the city's placement amid this barren landscape bestows upon us a high level of visibility, making surreptitious infiltration nearly impossible. Our discussion must now center on strategic solutions to overcome these obstacles."

Kaelan's brow furrows with uncertainty, his confusion evident in his voice as he queries, "Kahusa(Leader), I'm still grappling with a question – why exactly does this rebellious group harbor such an intense interest in Prismarite? And what prompts them to station a considerable number of their elite fighters within its walls for defense? There seems to be an underlying motive or strategy at play here, and I'm eager to unravel it."

Jutarn commends Kaelan for his insightful query, saying, "Well done, Kaelan. Your inquisitiveness is spot on. And now, I believe, Elara is the perfect individual to shed light on this matter."

With grace, Elara rises, her aura commanding attention, while Jutarn initiates the holographic display, unveiling the intricate core structure of the planet. Her address to the assembly carries an air of captivating revelation, "Honored comrades, I implore you to direct your focus to the delicate equilibrium between our planet's outer shell and its very core. Nestled within Glokoma's heart resides a coveted rarity – a compound known as 4.603BY, a treasure of exceptional worth within the enigmatic realm of the galaxy's black market. The precise functions and motives tied to this compound's allure remain veiled in secrecy, yet its significance remains unwavering and unparalleled."

Elara's voice gains urgency and emotion as she presses on, her words carrying a palpable tension, "Now, let me lay bare the harsh reality – Prismarite's importance doesn't solely rest in its closeness to the core, but in its distinct accessibility. This city occupies a spot where the distance to our planet's outer layer is significantly shortened, making it a disturbingly convenient spot for massive machinery to dig."

With a firm gesture, Elara signals to Jutarn, causing the holographic display to shift. A live satellite feed of Prismarite's heart comes into view. Her hand raised towards the hologram, her voice trembles slightly, "Witness the proof before us – a massive excavation machine looming ominously at the heart of the city. Our careful calculations stand on the brink of disaster, marked by an ominous countdown." Her voice wavers as her gaze scans the projected data, "Merely five days – that's the narrow window we have. If we can't halt their unyielding advance, if this nightmare becomes reality, our cherished world will face an irreversible collapse. Our people will lose not just their homes, but the very bedrock of their existence and precious connections."

The weight of her words hangs heavy in the air, her brave façade momentarily faltering as tears threaten to breach her resolve. She steadies herself, a poignant symbol of the dire situation that compels them all to action.

Katumba's voice cuts through the tension, a firm yet comforting presence as he assures, "Elara, rest assured, the safety of everyone, and the very sanctity of this planet, is our unwavering commitment."

With a resolute gaze, Katumba turns to Jutarn, his determination unyielding, "Perhaps we can harness the might of our advanced teleportation technology or consider reaching out to the Mage's Guild for aid..." Jutarn interjects, his voice measured, "Let us not dwell on resources beyond our reach, Katumba. Some sacrifices outweigh the solutions they offer."

Jutarn's words usher forth a thoughtful silence, inviting further contributions. Katumba exchanges a knowing glance with his comrades, and with a glance back at Elara, he nods. "Indeed, Jutarn. We must rely on the strength of our collective ingenuity, not merely what lies beyond. Let's pool our minds, share our insights, and forge a path to safeguard our world."

In that moment, determination fills the room, each member of the assembly ready to forge their ideas into a shield against impending disaster.

Nyxar steps forward, a bold proposition on his lips, "In the grand scheme of things, our priority should be the entire planet and its populace, not solely fixating on a mere fifty hostages. I propose we unleash the might of my 'Soul of Dead' ability, wreaking havoc upon Zyroxan and his forces, bringing swift retribution."

Kaelan's reaction is immediate and fiery. He rises from his seat, anger etched on his features, and his voice carries a fervent intensity as he retorts, his finger jabbing accusingly at Nyxar, "Do not even entertain the thought of wielding that treacherous ability of yours, which blindly ushers death without discrimination between the righteous and the wicked."

Nyxar's voice escalates, a crescendo of frustration drowning out Kaelan's retort, "Oh, come on! Are you seriously banking on those airborne antics of yours, expecting them to be the saviors? It's like trying to tickle a mountain into submission!" A chorus of laughter from Nyxar's comrades echoes in the background, fueling the fiery exchange.

Jutarn's voice cuts through the uproar, a thunderous authority laced with a stern edge, "Enough, Nyxar! I won't tolerate recklessness that jeopardizes innocent lives. Let me make this crystal clear – we're not here to play a numbers game with lives. The notion of sacrificing one half to save the other is an affront to our purpose. Nyxar, heed my words – should even a single hostage meet harm, the weight of their fate will rest squarely upon your shoulders. And make no mistake, the consequences will be swift and unrelenting, reaching far beyond you."

The room falls into an eerie silence, tension hanging thick as Jutarn's warning reverberates, a sober reminder of the gravity of their mission. As if in unison, the assembly responds, their voices solemn and resolute, "Crystal clear, Kahusa (Leader)."

In the midst of the assembly, a hesitant figure rises, one of Nyxar's squad members, her demeanor a mix of shyness and nervousness. Encouraged by Jutarn's urging, Menusis takes a step forward, her voice wavering yet determined, "Um, Kahusa, if I could...?"

Jutarn's nod grants her permission, and with a trembling hand, Menusis presents a rudimentary drawing that she had been quietly working on throughout the meeting. As her sketch materializes in the holographic display, a hush blankets the room, all eyes drawn to the unfolding image.

However, Nyxar's voice cuts through the silence, laden with scorn and mockery, "Well, well, well, what have we here? A butterfly, Menusis? Or perhaps an exclusive collection of your doodles, meticulously crafted inside our very spaceship?"

A collective hiss ripples through Nyxar's comrades, their dissatisfaction palpable at his hurtful comment. Yet, amidst the tension, Kaelan's eyes convey a silent message of encouragement to Menusis, signaling her to rise above the insult and steadfastly convey her message.

Menusis's voice wavers, an undercurrent of stage fright evident as she pushes through her words, "Um, well, you see, in my drawing... I've, um, sort of sketched a small, uh, path beneath the barren terrain where Prismarite's, um, city stands." Her voice falters, betraying a clear struggle with nervousness.

She stammers on, her voice breaking slightly, "M-my suggestion is, perhaps, we could begin... by digging a tunnel from our, um, base on the surface and proceed... underneath the land until we reach the point where the colossal machinery is... um, drilling beneath the planet's crust. And then, maybe, we could, uh, use that... er, pot hole Elara mentioned, the one that's, um, about the size of a football ground." A soft sigh escapes her, her confidence almost extinguished. "Through that hole, we could, maybe, ascend into the city without, uh, alerting them. Um, Kahusa, what do you think?"

Jutarn's voice holds genuine interest as he acknowledges the promising solution, seeing it as a potential game-changer. He turns to Statistical Officer Rilivz and asks if their deep understanding and analysis of the situation could provide some insights.

Soon after, Statistical Officer Rilivz enters the hall, immediately grabbing attention. With a poised demeanor, Rilivz's slender figure combines timeless elegance with a futuristic touch. His eyes, illuminated by a constant flow of data, mirror the complexities of his brilliant mind. Silvery skin reveals intricate neural circuits, blending machinery and intellect. Rilivz emanates calm confidence, a steady presence amid uncertainty, showcasing the power of knowledge guided by a clear purpose.

Rilivz, true to his reserved nature, bypasses pleasantries and casual conversations, focusing only on their colleagues or superiors. He strides directly to Jutarn and begins speaking, "Ladies and gentlemen, Menusis' proposal may indeed offer a viable avenue to infiltrate the heavily fortified precincts of Prismarite city."

Kaelan subtly offers Menusis a thumbs-up, and she responds with an endearing smile, their shared amusement shared in quiet giggles. Rilivz resumes, delving into the plan, "So, if we manage to dig a tunnel at a depth of less than 2 km, it should remain undetectable by the rebels' radar system. A mere hiccup compared to our robust 10 km radar network, fortified with the indestructible kilosas metal and powered by minimal bolt energy..."

Agvayu, ever the provocateur, interjects with a playful grin, "Oh, Rilivz, not again with your infatuation for tech gadgets. Anyone could whip up those doodads." Rilivz's retort is swift and fiery, his face contorted with mock anger, "Oh, really, Agvayu? And you, dear Agvayu, what's with your perpetual obsession with physics, huh? Maybe I'll just pop a pill and get it, too." Agvayu, visibly incensed, fires back, "Don't even think about touching my physics realm."

Rilivz counters, "And don't even consider slighting my precious instruments." The two engage in a playful headbutt, their mock rivalry escalating. Jutarn, with an embarrassed smile in Elara's direction, intervenes, pulling Rilivz away from Agvayu, while Katumba and Kaelan separate Agvayu, all the while attempting to suppress their own laughter. Amidst the amusing chaos, Jutarn regains composure, addressing Rilivz, "Ahem, well, Rilivz, if you could please continue."

Rilivz's composed tone carries on, "To implement this strategy, we propose a course of action. First, we initiate a drilling operation, proceeding in parallel to the surface until we approach approximately 500 meters shy of the terminus of the planet's drilling process. At this juncture, the operatives involved will undertake manual excavation for the final 500 meters, minimizing unnecessary signal emissions that may result from mechanical drilling. Subsequently, we shall arrange underground transportation for these operatives to the designated drilling point. It is imperative that each of you possesses a time clipper watch, as the entirety of the procedure will unfold beneath the surface, veiling precise timing from external detection."

Katumba enthusiastically agrees with Rilivz's points, turning to Jutarn with a satisfied grin, "Indeed, Jaturn, in that case, it appears we might wrap up this mission ahead of schedule. Let's dive right into the process."

However, Rilivz's delicate cough punctuates the enthusiasm, and they interject, "Ahem, allow me to clarify, Katumba. The implementation will be carried out by a designated team of merely five operators, responsible for the meticulous extraction of the hostages." Katumba's astonishment is palpable, her voice laced with surprise, "Rilivz, are you pulling my leg? The most formidable of Zyroxan's warriors are stationed within Prismarite, and you propose a mere quintet to carry out this operation? I'd venture to suggest that you catch up on your rest."

The room fills with a mix of amusement and disbelief, Katumba's astonishment humorously underscoring the magnitude of the challenge before them.

Rilivz swiftly throws several pictures onto the hologram projector, showing various details of the city's activities. He speaks with urgency, "Look at these pictures, Katumba. They show why we can't take a break. The huge machinery is very close to the hole, making it tight for more people to pass through. It's also impossible to go between the machinery and the hole's wall while the machine is running."

Confused by the situation, Katumba asks Rilivz, "So, my friend, what do you suggest for this tough mission?"

Responding to Katumba's query, Rilivz explains, "Since the drilling process involves a sizable needle inserted into the planet's crust, this massive needle within the machinery requires replacement twice daily. Based on our photo evidence, we've observed a group of five distinctively attired individuals entering the machinery through some form of central entry point or elevator. These X-ray images reveal that these five individuals navigate to the machine's tips to replace the needle's end. During this replacement, the machinery halts for approximately five minutes. Within this window, the operators have an opportunity to eliminate the individuals, don their attire, and gain access to the central elevator. This route allows them to ascend to the top."

However, Nyxar interjects with a perplexed question, "But why wear their grimy clothes?" A slightly nervous Rilivz responds, avoiding Nyxar's gaze, "Because those clothes are distinctive and must undergo scanning. Only individuals wearing these clothes can access the elevator, as a fierce blaze engulfs anyone else attempting to use it."

Agvayu raises a playful concern, "But, my friend who's utterly enamored with tech, what awaits us at the top? Won't the security there give us a warm welcome of death and, um, perhaps a friendly round of head-cutting?"

Rilivz responds with a lighthearted tone, "Oh, worry not. There's a mere handful of security personnel, not more than ten, around the drill. Their primary focus is on managing the hostages, you see. Now, unless your daily quota of a hundred pushups is solely for insect eradication, I believe we're in good shape."

Agvayu leans in to whisper to Kaelan, "One of these days, I'm tempted to sneak into his bedroom and give him a nice, cozy pillow suffocation. Oh, what a glorious day that'll be."

Rilivz, catching wind of Agvayu's words, retorts with a mixture of surprise and indignation, "Hold on, hold on! Did I just hear you correctly? Come on, let's have that statement right from your mouth."

Jaturn swiftly intervenes, a touch of humor tinging his voice, "Hold your pillows and suspend any pillow-fighting plans, Agvayu. Let's get back on track, shall we?" His tone grows more serious as he addresses the group, "Now, we have a solid plan laid out. Before we proceed, let's discuss who's stepping up for this mission. Elara, I fully comprehend the gravity of your people's predicament. Place your trust in us, as you've done for the other cities. Each hostage will return safely. But, please, hold your intentions momentarily, because I won't permit you to charge into this operation just yet."

Nyxar's voice drips with arrogance as he asserts, "Marida and I are more than sufficient to handle this operation. The rest can simply catch some shut-eye or take leisurely strolls around the spaceship."

Jaturn interjects, his tone still lighthearted, "Absolutely, Nyxar. But you know, in hazardous terrain, it's often recommended that the kids stick close to their parents. So, how about taking Agvayu, Katumba, and, of course, Kaelan? Oh, wait, Nyxar, you're not a kid. They are, though."

The trio chuckles and chimes in together, "Yes, sir, Nyxar. Please let us join you."

Ignoring the banter, Nyxar strides out of the hall, his dismissive gesture conveyed through a wave of indifference between his fingers. "Whatever, Jutarn. If they're keen, they can tag along. I'll even hold their hands," he quips as he exits.

Kaelan politely requests permission to depart from Jaturn as he readies himself for the upcoming mission. He then proceeds to exit the hall, casually draping his arms over Agvayu's and Katumba's shoulders. A playful smile graces his lips as he remarks, "This guy's ego is truly on par with a planet's size. But no need to fret. Let's get ready and make Elara proud." As the doors swing open, a radiant burst of light floods the room, infusing it with brilliance.