

In the enchanting world of "Sword Immortal Mortal World," readers embark on a thrilling journey through a realm where ancient swords hold unimaginable power. At the heart of this tale is Yang chi, a young and unassuming martial artist living in a secluded village. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses a latent talent for wielding the legendary "Sword of Immortality," a weapon said to have the ability to reshape the fate of the mortal world. When a sinister force led by the enigmatic Warlord Zhuo threatens to plunge the mortal world into darkness, Yang chi is thrust into a destiny he never anticipated. Guided by a wise and reclusive sword master, he embarks on a perilous quest to unlock the true potential of the Sword of Immortality and protect the balance of the mortal realm. As Yang chi encounters powerful foes, ancient secrets, and unexpected allies, he must navigate a treacherous path filled with moral dilemmas and personal sacrifices. Along the way, he discovers the profound connection between the sword, his own identity, and the fate of the entire world. "Sword Immortal Mortal World" is a captivating blend of martial arts, magic, and self-discovery, weaving a rich tapestry of adventure, honor, and the enduring battle between light and darkness. This epic novel explores themes of destiny, heroism, and the transformative power of one's choices in a mesmerizing world where swords hold the key to immortality and the salvation of a mortal realm hanging in the balance.

longrunhen · Eastern
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12 Chs

The Awakening Strike


In the dense woodland behind the Yang Clan's ancestral home in the vast Zhou Empire, a place where legend and myth intertwined with reality, there lived a young boy named Yang Chi. He was the eldest son of the current Yang Clan leader, a clan known for producing powerful cultivators for generations. But Yang Chi was different; he was born without a martial spirit, a core element required for cultivation in the martial world.

The lack of a martial spirit marked him as an outcast among his peers and even some members of his own clan. They called him "trash," a label that stung with each utterance. Yet, amid the ridicule and taunts, there was one person who stood unwaveringly by his side—his father, the Yang Clan leader. His father saw something in Yang Chi, something beyond the absence of a martial spirit, something that spoke of hidden potential.

At the tender age of fifteen, Yang Chi continued to venture deep into the woodland, determined to unlock his dormant meridians. Around him, his peers had already advanced to the Qi Refinement stage, and some were even on the cusp of reaching its pinnacle. In the martial world, cultivation was not a simple task; it was a journey through multiple stages: Qi Refinement, Body Building, Blood Formation, and Transformation, each comprising nine levels of profound power.

On this particular day, as the sun cast dappled shadows through the towering trees, Yang Chi was practicing a form of rudimentary martial art in the forest clearing. His movements were precise, a testament to his unwavering determination to break free from the constraints of his birthright. He held a wooden sword, a makeshift practice weapon, as he performed the stances he had learned through painstaking repetition.

His sweat-soaked brow glistened in the filtered sunlight, and his chest heaved with exertion. Despite the lack of a martial spirit, he poured his heart and soul into every motion, the conviction in his eyes unwavering. For Yang Chi, this daily routine was a testament to his indomitable spirit.

But even amidst his determined efforts, Yang Chi couldn't escape the harsh reality of his existence. Those with martial spirits cultivated with ease, their energies flowing like rivers, while he struggled to make a trickle. He yearned for the day when he too would possess the innate power to manipulate the mystical forces that governed the martial world.

As he executed a flawless strike, a soft voice echoed in his mind, "When there's a sword, there's a way." The words seemed to resonate from the depths of his consciousness, but their meaning eluded him. Yang Chi knew little about martial spirits and even less about the enigmatic sword spirit that had just whispered to him.

The sun hung high in the azure sky, casting its golden rays upon Yang Chi's determined form, when the heavens suddenly unleashed their fury. Dark, ominous clouds rolled in, heralding an impending storm. Raindrops fell, gentle at first, and then in an unrestrained downpour.

"Let me find shelter until this storm passes," Yang Chi muttered to himself. He wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand, sheathed his wooden sword, and began searching for a refuge amidst the ancient trees.

As he ventured deeper into the woodland, the rain intensified, and the sky rumbled with thunder. A sense of foreboding washed over him, and his pace quickened. He needed to find shelter swiftly.

Then, without warning, the heavens released their wrath. Lightning split the sky, illuminating the forest in a blinding flash, followed by a deafening crack of thunder. The bolt of lightning struck the ground with terrifying precision.

"Holy..." Yang Chi gasped, his eyes wide with fear. In that instant, he turned and sprinted towards home, his heart pounding in his chest.

But he was too slow. In the face of the relentless lightning, he felt powerless. The next moment, he was struck, a searing jolt of electricity coursing through his body. He cried out, pain and anguish surging through every fiber of his being, before darkness engulfed him, and he lost consciousness.

The storm raged on, its fury unabated, but Yang Chi lay motionless on the forest floor, his body scorched and smoldering. The world around him faded into obscurity as he entered a deep and dreamless sleep.

Unbeknownst to him, within the heart of that lightning strike resided an extraordinary power—a sword, imbued with an otherworldly energy. This mystical blade, bathed in the essence of the storm, pierced his dantian, initiating a remarkable transformation.

Energy surged through Yang Chi's body, an electrifying force that coursed through his meridians, unblocking each one with incredible precision. Normally, the process of unlocking all the meridians in one's body to reach the Qi Refinement stage took a month, even for those with martial spirits. But Yang Chi experienced this transformation in the blink of an eye.

Seven days later, Yang Chi regained consciousness amidst the tranquil woodland. He blinked in astonishment, realizing that he was still alive. His body bore no trace of the lightning's devastation; not a single scar marred his skin.

He sat up, his thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and awe. He felt different, fundamentally changed. Most importantly, he could now cultivate—the very essence of existence in the martial world. The energy that had coursed through him during the lightning strike seemed to have imbued him with newfound vitality.

Yang Chi's hand instinctively reached for his dantian, where he could sense the presence of something extraordinary. Within his dantian resided a sword—a sword that emanated power and whispered enigmatic words, "When there's a sword, there's a way."

Yet, he remained in the dark about the significance of these words and the grade of the sword spirit that had chosen him as its vessel. In the martial world, martial spirits and sword spirits were categorized into nine levels, with level one martial spirits being the weakest and often considered inconsequential in the Zhou Empire.

The highest level of martial spirit ever recorded in the empire was level five—a level that signified exceptional talent and boundless potential. But now, with this mysterious sword spirit residing within him, Yang Chi couldn't fathom its true nature or the power it might unleash.

For the moment, he set aside these thoughts, knowing that he had more immediate concerns. He needed a cultivation method—a path to harness the newfound power surging within him. In the Yang Clan, where the cultivation of the sword was virtually nonexistent, he faced a daunting choice: either seek out a sword manual on his own or wait until he could join one of the prestigious sects in the empire to acquire the teachings of swordsmanship.

As he contemplated his options, Yang Chi decided to focus on what he could control—the cultivation of his Qi. He had inherited breathing techniques passed down through generations of the Yang Clan, techniques that allowed him to harness and amplify his life force. With these techniques in hand, he knew he could elevate his cultivation level.

He sat down amidst the ancient trees, the sword spirit within him silently pulsating with energy. He closed his eyes and began to breathe, drawing upon the profound teachings of the Yang Clan. Slowly, he could feel the energy gathering within him, coalescing into a potent force that surged through his meridians.

Hours turned into days as Yang Chi delved into a state of deep meditation, his body and spirit harmonizing with the energy around him. The days passed swiftly, and as he opened his eyes, he felt a profound transformation had occurred. He had reached the peak of the first stage of Qi Refinement.

"I could advance to the second stage of Qi Refinement now," he thought to himself, his eyes gleaming with newfound determination. But he paused, realizing that he needed to assess his current strength and solidify his foundation before taking the next step.

"If I'm to progress further," Yang Chi reasoned, "I need to confront Level 1 Qi Refinement stage beasts. Battling them will help me stabilize my realm before the next breakthrough."

With this resolve, Yang Chi ventured deeper into the woodland. His senses sharpened, and he remained alert to any signs of formidable beasts that matched his current cultivation level. His heart beat with anticipation, and his grip tightened around the hilt of his sword.

As he continued his journey into the heart of the forest, Yang Chi's instincts guided him to his first encounter—a Level 1 Qi Refinement stage beast. It was a wolf, its fur glistening like ebony silk, and its fangs gleamed with a deadly sheen.

Yang Chi studied the creature for a moment, assessing its strength. "This wolf possesses robust fangs," he noted, "and it's clearly at the peak of the first stage of Qi Refinement, just like me."

Without hesitation, Yang Chi unsheathed his sword, summoning the sword spirit within him. As the ethereal presence of the sword enveloped him, he felt a surge of power, a sensation that coursed through his veins and filled him with an overwhelming sense of battle-readiness.

"This sword spirit," he whispered, awe in his voice, "is beyond anything I could have imagined. It feels unnatural, as if it could contend with a cultivator at the fourth level of Qi Refinement without faltering."

With unwavering resolve, Yang Chi stepped forward, his eyes locked onto the wolf. In a flash, he closed the distance between them, and with a single, fluid motion, he executed a decisive strike. The wolf's life was extinguished without warning or resistance.

Yang Chi stood there, his heart pounding, a sense of awe washing over him. He realized the profundity of the power within him—the sword spirit that had chosen him as its bearer. Yet, a shadow of concern crept into his mind.

"What is the origin of this sword spirit within my dantian?" he wondered aloud. "It possesses such strength that I feel as though it surpasses the known levels of martial spirits. But for now, it shall remain my secret. I won't reveal my martial spirit unless I face a dire threat. This sword spirit could be a double-edged sword, a cause of both strength and peril."

His newfound powers granted him confidence and strength, but Yang Chi knew that he had to maintain his focus on the path ahead. He had just reached the peak of the first stage of Qi Refinement, and the prospect of the second stage beckoned. However, he understood the importance of grounding his newfound strength.

"It's time to stabilize my realm," Yang Chi declared to the quiet woodland around him. "Before I return home, I need to face more Level 1 Qi Refinement stage beasts, solidify my cultivation, and ensure my next breakthrough is a resounding success."

With this determination, Yang Chi continued his journey deeper into the forest, his sword spirit and martial prowess as his loyal companions. Each encounter with a Level 1 Qi Refinement beast became an opportunity to test his newfound strength and refine his skills.

Days turned into weeks as Yang Chi honed his abilities and faced formidable opponents, beasts that were on par with his current cultivation level. He challenged his limits, pushing his body and spirit to new heights, and he reveled in the sensation of growth and empowerment.

"Now, it's time to return home," Yang Chi murmured to himself, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. "When I ventured into this forest, I was considered a martial spiritless 'trash.' But within the span of two weeks, I've undergone a transformation. No one has the right to label me as 'trash' any longer."

With newfound confidence and a profound sense of purpose, Yang Chi began his journey back to the Yang Clan. As he walked along the woodland's edge, he couldn't help but reflect on the extraordinary events that had unfolded. The mysteries of the sword spirit within him, the potential it held, and the path he had chosen were all shrouded in uncertainty.

Yet, Yang Chi's unwavering determination and the enigmatic sword spirit burning within his dantian were a testament to his unyielding spirit. He knew that his journey had only just begun, and the challenges and adventures that lay ahead were bound to be as tumultuous and unpredictable as the storm that had changed his destiny.

As the woodland's ancient trees enveloped him in their timeless embrace, Yang Chi set forth on the path of cultivation, his heart aflame with the promise of boundless potential and the unwavering resolve to overcome every obstacle in his way.

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