
Sword Hero Journey

Being Isekai'd is a dream and becoming the Sword Hero is a nice start but why is he in DxD?! He knew the tricks to become overpowered in shield hero but DxD is an overpowered mess in which the will to see titties can save the world... Whatever he just has to try a bit harder

MessOfIdeas · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

He has always dreamed of being isekai'd but he kind of expected it to happen with him being hit by a truck or a summoning circle appearing below him, you know the standard procedure but he was clearly wrong cause that certainly did not happen to him. No, one moment he was going to bed the next moment he felt unstoppable pressure squeezing him for what felt like hours only to be greeted by a bone chilling cold and a freaking blurred out world he honestly thought he was in a coma for months. He only managed to figure out he was isekai'd into a baby when his vision finally cleared up and he found himself in a crib staring at a mobile filled with random happy baby shit. Fun fact if you are a rational adult in a baby's body you kind of lose it for a bit the only reason he retained his sanity was the frankly absurd amount of naps he took and the promise of a different future.

After a couple of months of investigation, well as much investigation as a fucking baby can do he found out a couple of things. One he was in a modern-ish setting he can't be too sure but the tv and the relatively peaceful couple seemed to point to that, they certainly did not dress like adventurers or peasants they seemed like a perfectly normal if beautiful modern couple. Second he was probably in Japan this one was based off of the couple speaking the language or at least he thinks they do he may have been a weeb but he never felt the need to take the extra step and learn the fucking moonspeak. Now that he thought about it he could be in any basic fucking anime setting as they always speak Japanese, he was going to stick with the whole Japan guess for now as he was in a modern world and shit always happens in Japan. Third as far as he was aware he had no Mana/Chi/Ki/Chakra or any other pool of mythical mojo jojo admittedly he only spent a couple of months of probably shitty mediation trying to find the stuff but in Isekai stories the protag always managed to find their mystic bullshit super early because it was something they suddenly had.

He would need to investigate some more but he might just be reborn into Earth but in Japan this time which would suck as he would not get the whole dream but if he was born in the past he might be able to invest in standard time travel companies Google/Apple/Microsoft etc and he could get in on the Bitcoin craze.

One thing he was not looking forward to was learning to speak and write in japanese, he should have an easier time with it as he is going full language immersion and he has the time but it does not mean he was happy about it. When do babies even say their first words his new parents have been pointing at shit and saying what they were called and they obviously want his first words to be either mama or papa but his new mother clearly wanted it more so he would probably throw her a bone but when was it appropriate? They don't seem too bugged out about his lack of actual words so he probably has not passed that point but when should it be done? Is a year too long? Not to mention he had trouble keeping time with the shit ton of naps he was taking. Whatever if they start to look concerned he'll say something hopefully early walking around will make them feel better as he was not going to lay around all the time….well when he has the strength to do that.

Speaking of which he should do his wiggling now if he just laid around he would probably be less tired all the time but even if this world has no magic bullshit a strong body is always appreciated and he was not going to risk dying later on from random anime bullshit because he decided laying around in a crib doing nothing was more important. When he first started doing this his parents checked up on him clearly worried about what was making him so restless but since he was not upset they wrote it off as him either having too much energy or it being a strange quirk. Now his mother will watch him wiggle and giggle while talking to him, which helped him learn shit and take his mind off of his weak ass limbs.

Oh he did learn one thing his name was Ren, that one took freaking forever as they usually called him son or at least he thinks they do. Still Ren fits the whole Japanese thing and until proven wrong he was going to assume his name is Ren.

After struggling for months he finally managed to walk around which was probably a bit fast but his parents seemed proud of him so that's good enough for him. After what he thinks was a year he did say his first word which as expected was Mama, which made his mother cry with a frankly absurd amount of tears clearly he was in an animeverse. He started using basic words around the same time like yes and no but tended to keep quiet as he still had no frame of reference other than the babies his mother took him to on playdates but he had no idea how old they were other than close to his age. He visited this one baby often so he tried to keep on the same level as them but if Irina fucking knaws on his hair one more time he is going to throw hands no matter how adorable they were.

Since he was in an animeverse he could rule out settings like Worm, which was a load off his mind as he did not want to live in the country that Leviathan decides to sink. Not to mention Worm is basically a death world sure it's not Warhammer but it's still fucking awful. Well he could be in a cartoon world meaning Dc and Marvel are still in play but since he is in Japan anime is likely.

Learning the language was not as hard as he expected, sure he did not have a vast vocabulary but he certainly knew enough that when people talked to him deliberately he understood them completely as most people used simple words when talking to babies. He was probably a little ahead vocabulary wise but he was still fucking dreading learning how to write and read Japanese.

As a side note he was 100% correct with his name being Ren and his last name should be Amaki as that's what people call his parents sometimes so his full name is Ren Amaki which means he is probably not inserted in a main character he was familiar with but what can you do. That does not discount any material he was familiar with but his own name is not helping him narrow it down. He was also sure he was in an anime-verse as everyone has flawless skin and he has seen some anime quirks like his mother's excessive tears and a freaking rain cloud following a guy. Now the question was is he in a romcom or slice of life or was he in a battle anime? Finding that out would take a load off his mind but so far he was not having much luck in that route.

His search for mystical bullshit has actually turned up something, his mediation has led him to a white room which he is going to assume is his inner world and he found some glowy shit. Said glowy shit was incredibly small, small enough to fill half a shot glass and while it shined a bright white it was not an endless stream like he would imagine a cheat ability being. He could also not do anything with it, he tried touching it but his metaphorical hand just went through it and concentrated mental effort did nothing either but he has not given up yet this could be his key to unlimited power! The mythical bullshit would point to this being a less than safe world but it also could be his gift from whatever deity decided to toss his soul here but why would they give him it in a slice of life world? No it was better to assume this world was at least a little hostile which means he has to continue his quest for improving his body.

He would be running around the house like a lunatic but his parents caught on to his endless running and put him in a penned area. He understood why they did that as a child running around the house with rather pathetic balance tended to bump into shit but it was impeding his quest. Well he did need to work on his upper body strength so he might as well try climbing out, regular babies can do that shit so it should not be that hard for him!

He was going to turn four soon, his pursuit of a strong body has paid off minorly as he has less body fat than his peers. Not that anyone he has met had the proper amount of childish fat, either you were like everyone else or you were a blob no difference in an anime world. He was just a tiny bit slimmer than his peers, couple that with his silky black hair and blue eyes and you get a Bishōnen apparently, he certainly thought he looked pretty but he thought all anime characters were so he was not sure if his mother claiming he was a Bishōnen was accurate or not. He has not started School yet which is understandable but his parents have already paved the path to being literate maybe they noticed his advanced intelligence or maybe parents started teaching their child how to read earlier here who fucking knows. Why in the seven hells do the Japanese have several written languages! Sigh at least it was not Chinese that would be annoying as fuck to deal with.

When his parents wanted to know who he wanted to be friends with he said Irina as they were his camouflage for being a normal boy. As a side note Irina was a girl which explains the strange looks her father gave him sometimes, if he played his cards right he could go down the childhood friend route! Now that he was thinking about it that felt a bit like grooming...On one hand having a female childhood friend boosted his protag stats but grooming her felt icky… He was better off just being her friend and not trying to lead shit.

Now onto his mystic mojo… he made very little progress. His pool of energy appeared to grow as he did and his active lifestyle seemed to affect it as well but he went from half a shot glass to full shot glass which was a rather pathetic upgrade. He has recently got his hands to glow for like half a second but it took half an hour of pure concentration and he had no time to test what the glow did either maybe practice will help but his magic bullshit seems faulty.

Whatever he had to go bug his dad to teach him to write, not that he wanted to do that but the faster he learned the better off he would be in the future. He found his father in the living room watching the news which was a rather common sight. He was going to ask about writing but then the news caught his attention.

"In local news, your church might need your help. Father Shidou has recently stated that funding coming from the Vatican has been slowing down and if we do nothing about it Kuoh might find it's church abandoned. If you want to help call this number…" The bland tone of the news anchor kept going on but once they said Kuoh his brain kind of shut down. He only knew one anime world with a town called Kuoh which does not really mean much but Father Shidou was Irina's dad meaning her name is Irina Shidou aka the self proclaimed childhood friend of the Oppai Emperor….

MEANING HE WAS IN DXD! Fuck! DxD was an overpowered mess sure it's not that bad in comparison to other worlds but the concept of infinity is a loli dragon that is going to cause some shit. Not to mention the only thing saving this world from total war is a pervert with a titty fetish. Could he trust Issei to save the world? Maybe the dude has the will power to spare but he almost threw a fight to see some titties so he is not exactly reliable. But what could he do about it? He had no Sacred Gear as far as he was aware and his bright bullshit was probably his mana and Humans can do jack shit with that without training. Fuck his R.O.B Screwed him over, they did not even leave him a shitty Sacred Gear like Twice Critcal…

He would have continued on his rant but suddenly the world went grey scaled and it looked like time stopped.

"Heyo! It looks like you figured out where you were I would say congratulations but it took you four years so it's not something to be proud of." The disembodied voice rang out deep and playful. He assumed this was his R.O.B which is bad because he was just talking shit about them…

"Oh don't worry about that. If you managed to offend me you would not have the time to regret it teehee." The voice was rather deep so that last statement came off incredibly weird but he was certainly not going to say anything about it.

"Oh you're no fun. Well we don't have much time left so here is the deal kid, live your life and do whatever you want. Since I sent you to a rather not safe place I have a gift for you.. Well not a gift really since it's technically yours already but I'm still helping a bit." With a flash of light a long silver and gold sword with two giant blue jewels located in the pommel and guard appeared in his hands.

He instantly knew what this sword was but even without the knowledge being thrusted into him he would have recognized this sword. This is the base form of the Legendary Sword from The rising of the shield hero….FUCK HIS NAME WAS REN AMAKI HE WAS THE SWORD HERO! He did not notice anything strange about his name beforehand because he discarded Shield Hero as an option as he was in modern Japan but judging from his appearance and name he was definitely the sword hero not to mention the fucking sword strapped to him.

"Yes, yes good job. Took you four years and your weapon being strapped to you but you figured it out. Well since you can't exactly carry around a sword everywhere you go and you can't exactly put the thing anywhere I unlocked a form for you." With a flash his sword turned into a bracelet with several sword keychains hanging off of it.

"Well we are now out of time so good luck Legendary Hero." The world flashed back to color and the news continued playing but he was concentrating on his new bracelet.

The Legendary Sword is good and bad. He does not know how the end game of Shield Hero turns out but from what he can remember of it the power scaling is not in DxD's league. The greatest feat he can think of is Naofumi tanking the judgment spell which is used to obliterate fortifications like castles and that feat is relatively early in Naofumi's career so it could be way better later on. Not to mention that this was before Naofumi found out about all the other strengthening methods but he had no idea how far that went as he never finished reading it. So it could be super OP or just okay by DxD standards, call him a pessimist but he is going to go with the low ball here as the boosted gear doubles the user's power non-stop and Issei still had problems fighting people.

He is definitely going to focus on strengthening the Sword but DxD has some overpowered bullshit that anyone can do like get Touki, he just has to train like an anime protagonist. If he had to pick a legendary weapon he would have picked the spear as a master of the spear is typically better in a fight well by normal standards that is, this is an animeverse where swords are top tier with mystical fighting styles for swords only not to mention all the OP weapons are swords in animeverses meaning he can copy them if he gets his hands on them.