
Sword God Return

The Strongest Sword Cultivator shattered the law of rebirth, destroy the principle of time and travel back in time. Even if you are an Emperor, You have to bow before my sword! A god? You are nothing before my sword!

Oneleafsword · Eastern
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26 Chs


To reach the apex and extreme dao, there are countless way into the the sword, but the most popular was:

The human Dao.

The Demon dao.

The Evil Dao.

The Devil Dao.

The Human Dao was categories into various way, the sword and the spear was among them.

Ye Xiu remembered that he once had an encounter with Ji Xiu, a spear genius female before the destruction of the Great Xia kingdom and his family. Even though there encountered was briefly, the girl left a good impression to Ye Xiu.

He once heard a rumour that Ji Xiu once had a older sister who died in the forest, to think his small action will verbally change the siblings fate.


A loud murderous intent reverberate from the Black thorn bull, which pierced the entire surroundings. The growl interrupt the group from there briefly happiness before their face turned solemn.

Ji Shiqi and the other's face sank once more after seeing Ye Xiu young face and most especially his low cultivation realm.

A ninth foundation realm expert wasn't able to suppressed the Black thorn beast and now, a second level foundation level popped up!.

Jiang Liang impression of Ye Xiu turned bad immediately, she thought Ye Xiu was just muddlehead and trying to impress Ji Shiqi .

"Leave now! Your strength is to low against this Spirit beast". Ji Shiqi suddenly said.

What she didn't know was that; Ye Xiu has change her fate to die prematurely.

Ye Xiu without hesitating, lunch towards the aggressive Black Thorn bull, using his full strength without sword aura. The Spirit beast raised it paw, colliding it against Ye Xiu attack. Shockingly, Ye Xiu attack didn't even left a mark on it's body, moreover, Ye Xiu retreated five steps backward while the Spirit beast only take a step back.

The little scene stunned the injured groups, even Uncle Zhao felt his world spinning and couldn't believe his eyes.

Even though Ye Xiu was suppressed; for a second level foundation expert to stand against a last stage foundation spirit beast was hardly heard of.

Uncle Zhao was damned sure Ye Xiu attack will be able to threatening him with just his full attack.

Uncle Zhao shocked was soon transform into worried, as talented as Ye Xiu might be, he's still young. The black thorn bull still has the upper hand, Ye Xiu current strength wasn't enough to deal with the beast.

Ji Shiqi eyes narrowed while Jiang Liang mouth and eyes was widely open agape.

Even though Ye Xiu was widely five realms lower than them, his sword attack was on par with last foundation building realm expert!.

A genius like him should have been rank in the all ranking says, yet she hasn't heard of any one befitting Ye Xiu description.

Ye Xiu body trembling, he used all his power and even activate his sword samsara physique, but yet it wasn't enough to injured the Spirit beast, his eyes narrowed in understand.

He took a deep breath and close his eyes. In the next time he opened his eyes, the aura around him turn sharp, the sword he was holding was flashing red light.


"Sword Aura".

"He is a Sword Mayor".

Uncle Zhao and the eight man felt there understanding of this world was little!

How can a very young foundation building cultivator attain sword aura?.

Ji Shiqi and Jiang Liang expression was frozen and silent.


The Black thorn beast roar, it attacked Ye Xiu swiftly. Ye Xiu smiled coldy as he also step forward with all his strength.

The two continue their battle, The beast sturdy body was destroying anything in it path, while Ye Xiu sword attack was Swift and deadly! Any of his attack landed precisely at the beast weakest body.

Ye Xiu was feeling very happy at this moment, he felt all his body was been refreshing and stimulating! The more he strike against the Black thorn bull, the more strike he receives makes hia whole body felt more alive.

It's has been very long since he had felt this way.

To fight to his heart content without holding back! He hadn't want to reveal his full strength because he was worried on how to explain to his parents, but now, he didn't have to worry.

Fight; Yes fight!.

After many minutes, a big beast body was laying motionless on the ground, its body filled with sharp and unprecedented sword strike. A distance from the beast stood Ye Xiu, his robe has been torn in pieces and dye with his blood, his face has turned white pale with blood coughing out from his mouth.

The Black Thorn Bull attack has nearly crushed Ye Xiu body into paste of meat.

He had use all his strongest and strength to killed this beast! Moreover, he believed he won't have been able to suppressed the black thorn bull if it has improved its intelligence a little.

He wasn't strong enough to go against a human with the Spirit beast power.

Ji Shiqi couldn't believe her eyes and had to keep closing and opening it.

A last stage foundation building beast was killed by a second level foundation boy!.

Uncle Zhao has even nearly fainted.