
Sword God In Attack On Titan

I Suck At Doing This So In Simple Words, Mc Is Reborn In Aot Read To Find Out More. Don't Like The Story? Leave Then, I Don't Get Paid Idiot, I'm merely doing this with the end goal of getting better. PS My Grammar Sucks (:

TrxshAuthor · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"So you're saying that I'm dead?" Spoke a white glowing orb, floating in a dark space.

"Yes, that right young one you died after- "Before the majestic voice could continue speaking, the white orb glowed black and started leaking a murderous aura, clearly not wanting the Mysterious being to continue. Of course, the little orb couldn't affect the Mysterious being even if it was 100,000,000,000,000 times stronger.

"Stop, I don't need to be reminded of how I died. Just tell me where I am. Is this hell? Do I have to repent for my sins? If so, give me my punishment and be done already!" Irritated, the glowing orb shouted at the Mysterious being.

"Sigh, young one you should calm down in this place you are safe and don't need to show such emotions, I will listen to your wishes and not talk about your experiences but in return, I will ask you to calm down and listen to me." Peacefully talking to the glowing ball the mysterious being attempted to calm it down.

Listening to the Mysterious voice, the glowing ball calmed down and the murderous aura surrounding it disappeared.

"I'm sorry, I apologize for losing control of my emotions, I j-just- "Interrupting the glowing orb the mysterious being spoke.

"It's fine, young one. I have lived long enough to see and experience must worse than your brief outburst. How about we get more formal to make this situation more comfortable, you can call me by the name you humans gave me "GOD" and ill call you by your name "Ryu"." Hearing his name the little orb seemed to glow a little before going back to normal.

"Sure, so can you tell me why I'm here God" Not being surprised by who the Mysterious Voice introduced himself as Ryu continued with the conversation.

"Simply, I have chosen you to reincarnate- I'm going to cut this conversation short since your soul won't be able to handle being in this space crack for much longer, but I'm guessing you understand enough with your experiences on earth."

"Yes, I understand this is a cliche plot in many novels, manga, and anime's, but what I don't understand is why me? Am I maybe someone special?" Asked Ryu.

"It's simply due to luck that's all, now then I will summon a wheel of which you will have to spin 3 times, with the first choosing the world or worlds you will go to, the 2nd being a character of who you will inherit and the last being your own unique power."

Hearing what God said, Ryu was excited and confused, confused why this "God" was in such a hurry and excited with the fact that he will live his otaku dreams.

"Ok, I'm ready!" Ryu Assured.

Suddenly in front of him appeared a wheel with many words on it and he could see a lot he could recognize.

Before Ryu could say anything, the wheel started spinning.

[Naruto, One Piece, Demon Slayer, World Of Angels, Magic Island,..]

As it spun Ryu was getting more excited, after living a horrible life on earth he will finally live a life he deserves, he promises no matter what world is chosen he will live the life he Ryu wants, and he won't let anybody will stop him!

As the wheel got slower, it finally stopped on a world that shocked Ryu.

[Congratulation Your destination is - Attack On Titan]

'This world is a cold-blooded world where you can lose your life at any moment if you're not ready' Thinking about this Ryu was a little scared but even if he knew the world he was going in was very dangerous Ryu was still very excited and couldn't stop himself from glowing.

And once again the second wheel started spinning, this time showcasing many names from different tv shows, movies, and animes.

"Oh, right young one, I should let you know. You can reject the character you land on, and before you ask why, it is because the character you land on will not only give you power but also some of their personality." Spoke God.

"What! Does this mean I might become a different person?" Worriedly, Ryu asked.

"No, but your ideals may change for example depending on who you land on, you may get a hero complex, would want to destroy the world or you may even want to commit suicide straight away, so choose wisely, and if the person you land on doesn't benefit you, then you shouldn't accept the power, no amount of power is worth it if you can't use it," Giving some wise words God went quiet again.

'Dammit, this means if I were to land on a woman, wouldn't I become gay? Would I even start wearing dresses? No, wait if I inherit a woman's abilities, won't I also gain the body of this woman, meaning I may even become a real woman!? What if the person is super evil? Wouldn't I become a villain? Even though I will do anything to achieve my freedom but becoming someone who wants to destroy all of humanity?!' Thinking of this, Ryu couldn't help but second guess accepting the power.

'What am I thinking! As long as the person I land on is a male and won't change my ideals too much, no matter how evil he is, I will take it because I Ryu shall never be at others' mercy again!'




Congratulations You Unlocked - Madara Uchiha.]

'Madara Uchiha, The ghost of the Uchiha, it's been a while since I watched Naruto but from my knowledge, he was very strong and his personality definitely wasn't twisted. Sure he did some cold-hearted things, but it was all for peace....right?' Ryu thought, but after thinking about his past, he stopped being a pussy and integrated with Madara.

Accepting the power, the glowing orb known as Ryu, slowly changed from white to grey, noticing this the Mysterious Being who had been watching from far away with a dark body and no features other than glowing red eyes sighed and shook his head thinking about how Ryu will change.

As the glowing orb changed color, it slowly changed into a child's human form.

After a couple of minutes, the grey orb disappeared and in its place was a 5'2 child with short spiky black hair, soft delicate skin, and dark black eyes that were currently giving off a lot of killing intent.

[Picture Here]

After a couple of minutes, the icy gaze from Ryu disappeared and was replaced by shock and joy.

This is my first ever type of novel if that makes sense.... im the type who doesn't think much before they act so if you couldnt tell i wrote this novel as it went by meaning i came up with the ideas as i wrote again meaning some things may conflict others, of course as i write more i will stop this stupid habit so yea... also LMK (Let me know) all the grammical errors and other problems with the story in the comments please, since if you do enjoy this chapter then letting me know my problems will make the future onces much better.

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