
(arc 2) chapter 3 that time i got re- wait I can't use that

After J went though the portal it shut it behind him.

"J": Okay so who are you three?

He said while looking at three girls held down by Rosetta, Bakugo, and R. The girls said there names were Nora, Saber, and Abigail.

"Abigail": So are you going to get let me go now Wyvern R.

"R": Why Should I human!, and my name is R not Wyvern

"???": Hay what is going on over here?

"J": Nothing much Miss; oh and R loosen your grip before you break both of her wrist and that goes for with you to Rosetta and Bakugo.

"???": First I am a guy. Second I am going to need you all to come with me.

"R and J": And if we don't? Wait dang it not again.

"???": I'll have to take you by force.

While this is happing J recognizes someone in distance or should I say recognizes his brother "L"

"L": Hay Lord Rimuru is everything ok?

"L":J is that you brother?

"J":L is that you brother?

"Rimuru":Wait you brother L‽

"L": Yes, this is my true brother Rimuru.

"J": Wait your Rimuru tempest the demon slime?

"Rimuru": Yes, now what is happening here?

"J": just some inner-dimensional travel stowaways.

"Rimuru": What?

"J and Mei":Unwanted travelers though out worlds, realms, galaxies, and dimensions. It really relies on your idea of it.

"Rimuru";★Raphael can you make heads or tails about this?★


"Rimuru":Anyways let them go they are here now so nothing you can do about it.

"R, J, Wanderer, Arrow, Swordsmen, and Ice-age at the same time": True slime.

*At the same time R let the girl he was holding go and helped her up*

"Rimuru":What do you mean by slime?

"the wyverns - J": The scent of your body.

"J": I know your story. But I do agree with you. Rosetta and Bakugo let them go.

"Rosetta and Bakugo": fine.

"Rimuru": L can we trust them?

"L": Yes you can but not with anything valuable to the your country.

"Rimuru": Why?

"J, R, Wanderer, Arrow, Swordsmen,and Ice-age": We Wyverns are known for are greed and are hoards of treasure or riches.

"Rimuru":Okay then. Let us get going to tempest then my country for better questioning okay?

"J": That's fine with me and they will have to follow me if they want to leave this realm.

The rest of the group {R, Rosetta, Bakugo, Mei, Wanderer, ice-age, Swordsmen, and Arrow} looked at each other and agreed. to follow J, L, and Rimuru to tempest. Once at tempest J, R, and Wanderer went with Rimuru to the capitol building of tempest and R along with J told him the events that lead up to that point.

"J": And that's how it all that happened.

"Rimuru": Ok let me see if I heard you right. You were playing dice and then got summoned to a fantasy sci-fi world and woke up in a cell with a headache and then got integrated for looking like R over there.

"J and R": Yes.

"Rimuru": okay and you found out a year later that you and your friends were there, the one who summoned you die, the summoning also messed up and you were summoned to the other versions of each other or fused with there supposedly variant and that is how L and katana act alike.

"J and R":that's right.

"Rimuru": then you traveled to another world because the one you were in was going to collapse so you told as many as you could then you had mages that could open portals to other worlds open one far from the world you were in then and left it right?

"J": So far so good.

"Rimuru": Then you went the to a world very similar to the anime 'My Hero Academia' then you found another you after you entered the hero school UA. Than you made that sword on your back then the world gave you the power of Nature, Blessings, Curses, Time, Space, and Reality. then you found out that you could tell when the world could not handle the power on it with your sword on your back called Natures Blessing. when you found out you the world was close to apocryphal levels you decided to leave to world to keep it safe and you guys safe right.

"J": Yes right so I told R to take someone he trusted witch was Bakugo. Whale I took Rosetta and Mei along with Wanderer, Arrow, Ice-Age, and Swordsman. The reason why I took Men was she had a crest on the back of her neck that she thinks is a birthmark so don't bring it up please…. And is that all you need sir Rimuru?

"Rimuru": That is all "I" had to say and ask. But sense you know my story then do you mind if Raphael asked some.

"R and wanderer": Who?

"J": Okay let them take control.

"Rimuru": You headed him Raphael you get control to ask your questions.

After Rimuru said that the golden yellow eyes of Rimuru tempest changed to a ruby red. Then as soon as Rimuru spook it didn't sound the same as his voice it sound like a robotic, female voice.

"*Rimuru*":Okay I am in control now tell me why and how you closed the portal that brought you here?

"J": Well now that I know that it's you Raphael. But the portal was set to close after R and me went through.

"Raphael": okay then how did you make that sword that can control the elements?

"J": Oh that…. Well that is something Wanderer can tell you.

"Wanderer": I yes I can answer that were the sword was made there was no mana nor spirits to make the type of sword J was trying so the end product was a vesal for in your worlds terms "a true dragon's sole" or in J's case the power of that planet.

"Raphael": understood that's all I had to ask thank you.

After Raphael thanked us they gave Rimuru control.

"J": Can me and Wanderer see your smithery.

"Rimuru":okay but don't be disappointed it is the best we can do at this time.

"J": Understood.

"Wanderer":I will not be, as long as everything in not outside.

"Rimuru":Well I don't think anything is outside today but the doors are open. Also do you guys need a guide there?

"J": Yes we'll need one lord Rimuru.

"Rimuru":okay well I will see if I can find someone to take you there.

After a few days the group got used to the way the world works and some of them found stuff to do by that I mean this is a list of what they did.-

*R would spar the general Benimaru.*

*Swordsmen spent a lot of time with Hokurou, they also try to get me to do sword training in the middle of smithing.*

*Ice-age, Nora, Abigail, and Saber spent time with and trained with the group under Souei known as the Leader of the Shadow Squad.*

*Wanderer, Mai and I spend a lot of time with the with the smiths of Tempest they are better know as Kaijin and Kurobe we taught each other about each our's smithing styles.*

*Rosetta and Arrow spent time with the Goblin riders and Rosetta learned how to use a Bow from Arrow.*

*Bakugo surprisingly stayed with Rimuru and acted like a temporarily bodyguard so he had gotten close to Shuna and Diablo (a demon Rimuru summoned and named)*

-After a few weeks of everyone doing there own thing J, Wanderer, Kaijin, Kurobe, and Mei finished a bow for Rosetta but with wyvern smithing techniques.

"J": Okay I will go get Rosetta. Does anyone want to come with?

"Wanderer": Knowing the nature of your gear I should go Arrow is also with Rosetta if I remember right.

"J":Okay then let's go and don't forget the extra arrows.

"Wanderer":I know J, I see you guys tomorrow.

"Kaijin, Kurobe, Mei": Alright then see you guys.

As they walked though Tempest the main street had streamers hung across the area above the road looking like a festival was going to happen. The town now looks like more modern than before like the town evolved while they made Rosetta a bow.

"Wanderer": Wow this town grows faster then the Wyverna

"J":Ya and from the looks of it, Rimuru is going to be returning soon. Now that I think about it you don't talk about Wyverna (The Wyvern Kingdom) much.

"Wanderer": Well there isn't much to talk about; Wyverna was a was calm and basic you know how Wyverns were known for their greed they didn't bother other clans but they had 3 clans under them; as you know they actually asked to be under the Wyvern clan. That's all you need to know about a dead country; Oh there's Rosetta.

"J":Hay Rosetta!

"Rosetta": J where have you been?

"J":At the blacksmith shop why; what's happening?

"Rosetta": Rimuru left with Bakugo and Shion to a meet a Demon lord call Guy Crimson in the north that was three weeks ago and they are about to return.

"J and Wanderer": Wait 3 weeks ago‽

"Rosetta":Yes; wait did you both lose track of time!

"J": You can't lose it if you never had hold of it in the first place.

"Rosetta":Shut up smart a--.

"Arrow":What have you two been doing this whole time that you now had to come out?

"Wanderer":Well we came here to have Rosetta try out this bow that J made without a sole.

"Arrow": Wanderer didn't J master smithing with wyvern techniques?

"Wanderer":Yeah about that he did master it but he is not able to perfect it at least for now.

"Rosetta": So about that bow you wanted to give to me?

"J": Oh yeah here.

As soon as J gave the bow to Rosetta the air around him began to spin and dust started to pick up. Out of nowhere a spirit appeared along side with the demon lord Ramiris. The spirit looked like an old man he had a beard that looked like the sky above them and has the size of Benimaru; Ramiris looks like a pixie with blonde hair that is done in pig-tails and has yellow eyes small enough to lay on a flower.

"Ramiris":Why am I here?

"Rosetta":J can you here me!

"J"*quietly in the distance*:What is it?

"Rosetta:What did you make for me‽

"J"*in the distance*:A SIMPLE BOW WHY!

"Rosetta": Because you gave me a vessel for a Planet's power you idiot.

"J"*in the distance*: REALLY! GOOD FOR YOU!

The Elderly looking man looked down at Rosetta and that was all I could see. After the dust cleared there was Rosetta with the bow but it looked like it was a part of his arm; then he aimed at J with anger and tears in his eyes.

"Rosetta":J Wyvern what the hell happened to my world and why did you think it was a good thing to take me with you!

"J":Look Rosetta Midoriya I didn't do anything to your world but I took you because if I left you there you would have gone insane after a month okay.

J was staying calm as Rosetta aimed a light arrow at his head.

"J": Now lower the bow because if I die your world will fall and you should know that now so let's not fight alright friend this world may come to its end of we do and so will you.

"Rosetta": So your saying that you will kill me if we do?

"Wanderer and Arrow":No we will kid so back down.

"Ramiris":Wait what is going on here!

???:hay have you seen L anywhere; oh hay Ramiris what are you up to.

"Ramiris and J": Hay Katana where is L.

"Katana": I thought he was here-

Katana looked behind the group and and saw another group but there now was two J's now.

"the second J": 레지 형제여, 여기가 신화가 있는 곳이라고 확신합니다. 내가 볼 수 있는 것은 와이번뿐이기 때문입니다.

*(what is ment) Regi, brother you sure this is where the myths are, because all I can see are wyverns.*

"레지":예 제임스 확실하지만 와이번이 왜 여기에 있는지 모르겠습니다.

*(what is ment)Yes James, I am sure but I don't know why the wyverns are here.*

"R": Death why are you here?

"J":*' *thoughts* That voice *' JAMES

"제임스(James)" so the is you.

"J": Good you still know are original language you trader!

As J said that he spun around and tried to kill James. Even though James is now a god of death or wrath like how J is the god of wyvern or greed they are not equal.

"제임스(James)":*clears his throat* J you have gotten weak compared to me my other half ?

Right after they said that a portal opened up right under the to gods but the two princes 레지(Regi) and R just were so shocked that they couldn't move as the portal shut behind them.

this world they have traveled to was made by a novel wrighter "Fuse"

J_Wyverncreators' thoughts