
Sword Art Online: Finna Be Number 1

"I KILLED YOU! YOU ARE MY SON YOU LITTLE BI-" Shawn was one of the most toxic players in any game he played he would shame you if he killed you and he would do it if you killed him simple he was ruled by is toxic so much so he died chocking on a pizza. He of coursed died and what happened after that he was sent into an anime that he disliked only for the MC and how simple he was let's just say he hated kirito because he was like the walmart version of sung jin woo. Time to see what he can do in this world. "OH! so i'm a player killer now...ok s#ck me off if you don't like it. "Oh you like her nahhh how about you go level up noob" Will he be less toxic who knows probably not let's find out so go and read my art

HAREM_K1NG_Revived · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Are You A Beater?

On the first floor early in the morning there was one lone male starring right at the pack of dire wolves facing him none of either side making any movement as the man pulled out his starter sword the whole pack ran ready to tear him apart or turn him into particles as they got closer the hand that held the blade tightened around the handle and when the dire wolves were at least 2 feet away he made his move.

' Strike! '

As he said that word in his head he vanished and appeared behind the pack of wolves that stopped and looked around confused until they all bursted into blue partials.


As I said this I looked at my level and nodded as I placed my blade back into my holster.

"Level 20 not bad that should be good for now if I play it safe" I say with a satisfied smile.

"All without any problems aside from the slight confrontation" I said as I made my way out of the area I had been farming.


* a few hours before now *

As I was leveling up standing at a nice level 9 the sun would set soon.

As I was about to get back to my grind after a short break only to find Kirito killing MY dire wolves.


I said as I walked up to Kirito who looked like he had all the adrenaline in the world right now.

"Oh Uhm...hey" he said to me.

"Yeah lil bro but do you mind going back closer to the plaza or something I was grinding here already" I say to the future black swordsman.

"Uh what do you mean I didn't see anyone here when I came and besides even so we could share them if anything because everyone back there are hogging up all the boars I'd level up faster here" he said.

"Yeah that's why I'm here so I can level up faster than those dumb set" I said.

"Well they are in a panic for levels after what kayaba said to us" he said.

"Ok I don't care how about you find d somewhere else to level up your really just wasting time here talking to me I stead of getting g levels" I said still trying to get him to level up somewhere else.

I don't care I sound like a dickhead right now and I can say I have reason.

{ Stop Kirito from leveling in this area }

{ Reward: 10+ Villain halo, Intimidation lvl: 1 }

Well guess I'm a villain now I'll take it.

"Just get up and go before I throw you over there I'm just trying to do what your doing getting stronger surviving" I say feeling weird as I say it.

"Fine whatever" Kirito says as he leaves this area with an attitude.

"Good game now more importantly my rewards" I say I don't need five years to figure out what the first one is for saying in my mind.

' Skills '

I just assumed that is what I say because I didn't know I'd get a second system. aside from the SAO one.

{ Skills }

{ Intimidation lvl: 1 }

{ Skill info }

{ at this stage you can only slightly make people want to be slightly more submissive to you on the opposite gender this makes females follow your orders or what you say and you will have a high chance if her agreeing }

"I am happy with life right now" I say with a smile.


* Time Skip *

* December 2, 2022 *

* First floor: Tolbana *

These are the bunch that are gonna face against the first boss.

I think as I look at all of the background characters and the blue hairs guy looking friendly with everyone.

And I found the one lone figure in the corner sitting by herself.

And I see the Guy I meet to long ago he should be around level 11 right now along with asuna.

{ New quest: Don't let Kirito and asuna party up }

{ Rewards: 50+ Villain halo, 50+ Trust with asuna, 25+ relationship with asuna }


Going to sit next to the hooded figure as the blue haired guy started talking.

"Now that everyone is here let's get this meeting started, So anyway I'd like to thank everyone for coming it's good to see you all my name is Diavel and in this game the job I rolled is night" as he said that last part most of the people in the crowd started to laugh.

"Dude there's no job system in this game" a nerd said.

Wow bro got the whole squad laughing.

I thought as I starred straight faced unamused at the E rank joke in my book.

"Yeah well you guys wanna here this or not" Diavel said to them turning serious.

"Right anyway here's the deal our party found the boss room on top of the tower today, first we need to defeat the boss and make it to floor two the next step is we have to tell everyone waiting at the town of beginnings that it is possible to beat this game fact is it's our duty as the most capable players here do you agree or not" He finished.

Not really were just the only players with enough balls to do this I won't day were the most capable because I see a lot of blob looking motherfuckers just to be real.





What the fuck y'all clapping for.



...Why do all of you do so much.

Looking at the girl next to me I am happy to see she has yet to clap or whistle.

Good to see people that don't over do shit.

"First off we'll team up into party of six..."

Yeah ok little bro while you talk to the people that are no longer listing to you talk Imma try do what I gotta do.

Turning to the hooded girl I asked straight away.

"Hey wanna party up we can unparty when were down with the boss" I ask.

She hesitates for a second before agreeing.

After that I looked to Kirito and saw him freaking out before going to ask three other players to party with him I guess him seeing me after our last encounter was not that good in his eyes.

{ Mission Completed }

{Your relationship with asuna has increased}

{ Strangers > Friends}

I would sat status to check it all out but I won't do all that at least not now.

I felt a pair of eyes were starring at me I turned my head to see asuna who turned her head when I looked at her.

Dope I guess but I ain't really tryna get the pipes cleaned right now but I'm always down.

"All right now that everyone is teamed up-" Someone rudely interrupted Diavel.

Looking at who said it my eyes went wide.

Sharp hair ass lil boy Kevin heart looking ass four foot nothing head ass lil nig- I'm not black any more four foot nothing head ass...it's not the same.

I watched as he jumped down each step from where he was landing near Diavel with the short guy taking a moment to catch his breath and balance.

"My names Kibaou got that" he said in a arrogant tone.

Why do I feel so much aggression off him it is always be the short set lil bro decided to be a delinquent in his twenties highschool wasn't enough for him.

"Before we take on the boss I wanna get something off my chest we all know about the two thousands people who died so far yeah".

Yeah I did hear about that when I was at the market a whole two thousand crazy even after being warned I bet they tried to fight a mob to strong for em or maybe they fell we take fall damage in this right I should test that out later.

" Well some of you need to apologize to them right now" he said pointing at the crowd.

"You mean the beta testers right" Diavel said.

"Who else would it be they all should come out and pay us for what they've done the day this started all of em just up and left they ditched all of us starting out they snagged all the good hunting spots and all the easy quest to while they got stronger we were scrambling for boars they ignored us like were nothing and I bet there's some of em here come out beta bitches we should make them apologize and they should give out all their money and the items they got we can't trust them if they don't trust us" he said.

As Kirito looked down and sweated hearing him I stood up and walked down to lil bro and give him the good old talk.

"Yo little guy so you want a bunch of people just give you their stuff because people got brave and died doing so and I know for a fack around 400+ did suicide so why should any beta testers do all that good you why should anyone listen to you I'm not a beta tester but even if I was I wouldn't give you jack shit it's not anyone's fault those people died in here whose fault is it for them dying them buying the game or the people with a head start that probably just wanted to survive" I say to him as he bends his neck to look up to me as he sweated.

{ 10+ relationship with asuna }


Wait do I count I didn't play the game as a beta tester I think I don't have any memories of this guys live but I know at least a few important things about this game.

Turning my head to the sound of footsteps behind me I look to see who it was I saw and I was a ashamed I forgot about him my dude...the black guy that was a blacksmith I think.

"Hey my names Agil and your Kibaou right I just wanna make sure we're on the same page you say the ex beta testers should be blamed for the rookies deaths because they didn't help em and you want then to apologize and give up their winnins I leave anything out"

"No you didn't" Kibaou said even more scarred now he has to tall guys starring into his eyes and he was ready to run away like a rat invade something happened.

Agil pulled out a book.

"This is a guide book you got one didn't you"

"Sure I got one what about it"

"The ex beta testers were giving these out"

After hearing that people in the crowd began to whisper loudly.

"No way"

"Did you know"

"Cool story bro"

"I didn't know"

"Listen up evey got equal access to this info even so a lot of people still died I didn't come here to point fingers at anyone I'm here because I wanna learn form those peoples death's I'm here because I wanna find out how were gonna beat this boss" Agil said.

We turned to Kibaou who just walked away and crossed his arms like a child which he did look like maybe something went wrong when he was born or hr just never had any pediasure growing up.

I looked at Agil who did the same we just dapped and walked away that all what was needed no word at all just our fist talking for us were bros for life now it's official he's the homie for life now.

"Now let's get back to the meeting since your all done we can start for info on the boss it's all in the latest issue if the guide book you all just heard about according to the book the boss name is

illfang the Kobold lord also he'll be surrounded by his minions the ruin kobold sentinels illfang carries an axe and a buckler he has four health bars and when the last one turns red he switches to a curved sword type weapon he can also change his attack patterns as well that it as for the distribution of loot money will be divided equally by everyone the party that defeats the boss gets the exp and whoever gets an item gets to keep it any objections...good we leave tomorrow at 10 in the morning meeting over people.

After he said that I was so happy this guy was to into it.

Turning my head to asuna that was walking away I just decided to sit and enjoy...Imma go with her.


At night everyone was together acting all chummy and shit before we have to face off a boss tomorrow.

"How it taste good right?" I ask asuna that was by herself eating some fancy looking bread but I don't think she likes it that much I had a few they aren't that bad.

I sat down next to her I know omg I sat next to her I just took her pureness and stuff.

Taking out some bread of my own I vegan to eat with her.

"You really think these taste good" She asked.

I mean I had worst did you know white people make their chicken white I don't want a part of it no sir.

"I mean their not awful here try some if this I got one from someone back at the market" I gave her the cream thing Kirito gave her in episode 1.

And her reaction to it was the same as in the anime she made it all disappear in a few seconds.

"I know good I can get you some more if you want I think she's still at the market" I say as I eat mine.

"I appreciate it bit I didn't come here to eat good food"

Finishing my bread before answering her.

"Then what are you here for only good thing about this place is some cheap eatable food" I say taking out another bread I will always love bread till the ends of time.

"I don't wanna lock myself in a room in the town of beginnings and slowly rot away I'd rather stay the way I am till the last moment even if a monster beats me and I die I won't lose to anything not this game or this world no matter what" she said.

Good bye appetite I will miss you.

"Well don't worry or over think it if you you think about it to much you might end up doing it so be happy you haven't died yet and enjoy some bread because u can't rat mine because of reasons that should not be brought up at this time" I say and give her some more bread and cream.

She hesitates a bit before taking them from me.

{ 15+ relationship with asuna }

{ Friends > Interested }

Not bad now I can't wait to see this thing tomorrow.


Short early chapter 2500+ words