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Tapioka_Cailou · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


Scar/ma: italics

Yumi/Me: bold

I was walking down the street with my mother at my side. I glanced up at her with a small smile on my face. "Mom, Who is that man over there?" I asked her, pointing tot . I was looking at the man standing at the corner store down by the block. He'd intensely at the two of us as we began to stare aswell. The moment we blinked its almost like he had been an hallucinations. I watched as my mom began to walk towards the figure. walked beside her, staring at where the man was, thinking my mother knew what it was. 

As my mother found herself in a corner. I found myself feeling the color from my face drop as the man had reappeared underneath the lights of the city. He stared once again, almost like a glare. I then turned my head towards my mother and she just stared down at me,but for some reason I was a bit creeped out by her stare. 

I was suddenly shoved by her onto the ground,