

e fjejfewjfjke enkfneknkerm

Tapioka_Cailou · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

fortnite ballz

Ma/Clown: Bold

One day I was walking down a narrow hallway inside of a very creepy and mysterious building, similar to a factory. I looked around me and found that I was being followed by a very suspicious man.He adorned a mask with an engraved smile. He stood there menacingly with a bloodied knife. I knew my days where numbered so I began to scream as loud as I could. I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. The mans mouth opened inhumanly and its eyes turned pitch black like a void. He let out a loud screech one that was almost unhuman. It blasted my ears as I could no longer hear my own footsteps. I ran and ran until I found a crowded area. I found myself running into a small café nearby the building. 

I could see him slowing down and I kept running, blending into the crowd.