

Riley's POV

The old woman kept staring at me like she was trying to figure something out. "why are you looking at me like that?" I asked in confusion "you've been acting strange all morning, care to explain why?" she asked giving me a straight face. I glanced at her nervously, I didn't want this woman to know that I wasn't Luke till I figure out what on earth is happening. "no, there's no reason. I think I'm just a little dazed...."

"is that why you're dressed like this?" she pointed at my outfit and I looked my self over. I had a pair of baggy jeans and oversized t-shirt with slick back hair over a pair of blue trainers. The truth is I don't know how to dress, even as a girl and based on how incredibly thin I am, I always wear oversized clothes to conceal my unattractive figure. "guess I'm still a little bit dazed. Now please can you tell me who exactly is Mrs Parker and why she is waiting for me?" the old woman frowned as she studied me. "Mrs Parker is your tutor, remember I told you last week that you need to do something about your grades which seems to only get worse? And I told you yesterday that she's going to start tutoring you."

"oh, yeah. Now I remember. You did mention it yesterday erm... morning or was it afternoon....?"


"evening. Exactly! That's what I was gonna say. So I'm guessing I start now?"

"yes right away!"

"okay" I turned to go but then I remembered I didn't even know who Mrs Parker is or where she lives so I turned back. "um, quick question, is it the same Mrs Parker you know that particular lady?"


"hmm, I see and um, she livessss..." I dragged the lives so she can complete it. "down the road, by the left..."

"by the left. Exactly. I knew that. The house down the road, it's painted blue, black...?"


"grey! Exactly." I chuckled nervously. "I'll be on my way now." I said and turned to leave again heading for the front door. "Luke!"

"um, yes ma'am" I turned to face her. "aren't you forgetting something?"

"um, I don't think so. Am I?" I asked with uncertainty and she sighed and shook her head "your books!" she yelled and I giggled nervously again "oh right. Can you imagine, I'm going for tutorials without books, how silly. I'll go get them now." I turned and headed for Luke's room. Once inside, I began to search for his books. "where does this idiot keep his books." I cried out in frustration after rummaging around for a while. Eventually, I found his backpack lying around carelessly by a corner, I grabbed it, unzipped it and reached in for one of his books. Curious to know whose body I was trapped in, I flipped open the first page and glanced at the name. I gasped and threw the book down in shock. That's the guy I'm trapped in his body, that's the Luke. Luke Halls? The bully and toughest guy in school? Amelia Hastings boyfriend? Those two always find a way to make my life very miserable, I'm always afraid of going to school because of them. I can't count how many times I've faked being sick just to avoid going to school, they bully me along with other students but Amelia seems to have it in for me, that girl hates my guts with every last breath in her and I honestly don't know why. There's absolutely nothing to hate about me, I'm sweet, very shy, very smart, gentle and very kind. And I'm certainly not as pretty or popular as Amelia so why exactly does she hates me. She's like the queen of the whole school, everybody fears her. It just makes sense that those two are dating, the pompous queen and the mean bully. And maybe when they get married and have kids, their kids would be ruthless terrorists.

"Luke!" I heard the woman calling my name so I quickly grab a book, put the backpack where I met it and left the room. "what took you so long?" she met me at the door with that stern look again. "nothing!" I pushed past her and headed out. I can't believe I'm trapped in this bully's body. Why does it have to be him of all people and how exactly did I end up in his body. I stopped suddenly realizing something. If I'm in his body then he's definitely in mine. "Oh God, this cannot be happening!" I said freaking out. "that bully can't be in my body, oh no no. Luke is definitely a dangerous guy, my sister and parents are in danger." I quickly changed my mind about going to Mrs Parker's place and decided to go to my house instead. I sped off in the other direction, this place isn't too far from my house and in this body, the distance shouldn't be a problem


I kept running till I saw a figure in the distance also running towards me. I squinted my eyes and gasped. That's me, I mean, my body. That's Luke in my body running towards me but oh no, he keeps falling and coughing hard. "what is this idiot doing. He shouldn't be running, doesn't he know I'm asthmatic?" I waved frantically for him to stop but he kept running and coughing. I picked up the pace so I could catch up with him quickly. By the time I got to him, he was completely out of breath and was panting hard, he struggled to catch his breath before opening his mouth to blast me. "get out of my body right now." I became angry "I don't want to be in your stupid body, you get out of mine." he slapped me hard across the face. "shut up. How dare you? You call this a body? Look at this, everything is wrong with this pathetic body. You can't see without your glasses, your dress sense is wack, you're way too skinny, you're short, you can't even run, and your legs are ugly, I mean just look at how bony they are. No wonder you always wear baggy clothes, and to top it up, you're not even that beautiful, you are one ugly girl." tears streamed down my face as he spoke. "I didn't make myself that way" I said. "I don't care. As far as I'm concerned, a skeleton is more attractive than you are." it was so like Luke to bully me especially with his words. This guy is horrible.

"look, I also don't enjoy being in your body. Believe it or not, I miss and want my body back. But I don't understand how this happened...."

"guess you're not so smart Riley Russell." he said in a mock tone "if you're smart, why don't you try figuring it out then." he gave me a deadly glare and I shrunk back a bit. "look, we both hate each other that's for sure but exchanging harsh words won't solve our problem, we need to figure out how this happened. Maybe retrace our steps, what was the last thing you did yesterday?" I asked and he frowned "you trying to pry into my personal life?"

"I'm not prying, I'm just asking, maybe we can get some clues as to how this happened...."

"why don't you say the last thing you did yesterday first" I rolled my eyes as I thought about everything I did yesterday. "well yesterday, I was a bit sick so I stayed home, I studied, ate, slept a little and just studied again till mum came to call me for dinner. I had dinner, watched TV a little, studied more, then I went to bed"

"God! You're so boring. Do you ever do anything else besides studying. Oh and did you say you were sick yesterday? I might have gotten you into a little trouble with that." my eyes widened "what? How?"

"well, your little sister thought you were just faking it and told your mum, your mum asked and I confirmed that you were indeed faking it. She was shocked and highly disappointed so she grounded you for a week."

"What?" I started to panic. I hated lying to my parents so they assumed I never lied to them. Mum said once trust is broken, it can't be fixed, how could he do this to me. "I'm grounded, I've never been grounded, I always try to obey my parents and.... Wait a minute, if you're supposed to be grounded, then what are you doing here?"

"I snuck out." he said and flipped my red hair proudly. "What? How?"

"Through the window"

"but my room is upstairs. How'd you do it?"

"I jumped out."

"what?!!" I screamed "you jumped? I could have been injured. Are you crazy?"

"of course you're injured. In this weak body, it's impossible not to get injured. Look." he raised the gown a bit to show me the bruise on his knees. "Oh God!" I fell to my knees and gently touched his. "oh no, my knees. What have you done to my knees. This is terrible." I cried "look here, you're in my environment, it would be a damage to my reputation if someone saw me kneeling in front of a girl so get up now!" he ordered and I became furious. "your reputation? You've damaged my reputation and my body and you've not even been in my body for a whole day. And now, you're sneaking out of the house? What would my parents say when they find out? You're gonna make them worry and loose complete trust in me but I won't have that. You're going back home right now?"

"oh yeah? And who's gonna make me? You?" he asked with mockery evident in his voice, I smirked. "oh yes I am. You forget that I'm in your body now and you're in mine, I'm bigger and stronger than you are." and without saying another word, I lifted him and took him back to my house.