1 How it All Started

Yang Yuhuan was sleeping peacefully when she thought she heard someone calling her name.

"Your Highness wake up your gonna be late"

She ignored it and went back to sleep but the noise wouldn't stop.

She finally got u and looked at the clock and realized she was late for the Annual Ball.

Her personal maid Zhi Ruo helped her to get ready very quickly.

Yan Yuhuan hurried down her palaces steps and into the carriage.

Her maid Zhi Ruo chased after her as quickly as possible.She has been with Yan Yuhuan for as long as she could remember.She basically took care of Yan Yuhuan but no one noticed her cause she was just a small little maid compared to princess Yan Yuhuan.She has to admit she was quite jealous of Yan Yuhuan she always got whatever she wanted and had everyones attention always.She and Yan Yuhuan used to be close friends when they where children.Yan Yuhuan used to be every sweet and nice but as the years passed she grew arrogant and mean.They slowly grew apart and went there separate ways.

One day Zhi Ruo lost all of her money and had to find a job no one would accept her.Until Yan Yuhuan took her in as her personal maid.Yan Yuhuan would make Zhi Ruo do everything for her.She would have to go everywhere Yan Yuhuan went and did what ever she said.Zhi Ruo had a horrible life Yan Yuhuan controlled her entire life.Zhi Ruo had to listen though because if she didn't she would get fired and she needed the job to live.She had no parents they died when she turned 18 years old so she was all by herself in the world and had to work hard for everything she had.

Every night Zhi Ruo would wish she had a better life.Yan Yuhuan was self centered and only thought about herself.She didn't deserve anything she had but she wasn't always like this she used to be sweet and caring but it all changed when her mom died that's when everything went to hell.Her dad was always mean to her so she always looked up to her mom but when she died Yan Yuhuan became cold hearted and shut everyone out.

Zhi Ruo one the other hand was always sweet and caring no matter what even when she lost both of her parents she always had a good attitude about everything but sadly never got anything she wanted and had a horrible life.

When Yan Yuhuan and Zhi Ruo where kids Yan Yuhuan was always very jealous Of Zhi Ruo because of her beauty Yan Yhuan of course was beautiful but Zhi Ruo was always the better looking one and always got compliments wherever she went.So Yan Yhuan was always trying to get everything Zhi Ruo wanted and was always trying to make her life miserable and that's how the rivalry all started.

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