

Some girls dream of marrying a prince. But a few of this "some girls" take dreaming to a whole new level. On the red corner, we have Erika Hatsugawa, a self-proclaimed "the future empress of Japan", who has been in love with the Emperor's son since she first saw the Emperor's son....in pictures. However, her dream seems to contradict with what fate gave her. Being in the type of status that she is in at the moment, it is bizarre how she set her eyes on actually marrying the prince. It is almost impossible (even me as a writer finds it it impossible) but there's always the "what-if" phenomenon. Erika's family was never blessed with fortune. They are living the substandard life, eating substandard food, and having substandard ways, but Erika never thought being in that state forever. Her goals are so high, she is actually flaring the "monarch's life" within her it started to become quite cringing for the people around her. Meanwhile on the blue corner, we have Kairo Moriyama, who is probably the most boring person Erika has ever met. There is no special role for him except that he's actually everywhere Erika is. It was rude to think this way though, since this Kairo Moriyama is blessed with looks and overwhelming charisma, which is something Erika quite hated about him, making him the main target for her bullying. However, given the fact that he's indeed everywhere, it is safe to assume that this is destiny's game. Who would've thought that Kairo Moriyama is the main key to make her dreams come true. Will Erika succeed in attaining the life that she wanted? Will there be a switch for her dreams to come true and change her life from poverty to wealth? Explore her story as you join this ride where dreams can come true..... or not. This is SWITCH.

akiyo_hanamura73 · General
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21 Chs

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"So you really ended up being accepted in the Japanese History Club. That's nice."

"Just nice?! You should sound even just a little bit happy for me!"

"Well it's not like I did not expect you to be accepted. Aside from the fact that Shinichiro-sensei is that adviser, you're actually good at History. How would I be surprised?"

"But! Even so, you should congratulate me."

"Congratulations." the lazy obedience of Himari just pissed Erika off.

"What the hell-----You're mean! I don't want to be friends with you anymore!" Erika poutily said.

"You always say that, but here you are, still sticking your butt with me." after answering Erika, Himari crouched on the cafeteria table while texting someone.

It is their lunch time at this time and everyone is talking about the clubs they have joined in last week. It is also noticeable that there are already groups of friends starting to form since it's already been a week when the school period started.

"How about you, Himari? Have you been accepted in the art club?" Erika asked to break the silence in between them.

"Of course, with my awesome skills and natural talent, who wouldn't wanna accept me in the club?" Himari smirked as she glanced quickly at Erika while still texting.

"And this is why you're friends with me! We actually have the same blood! You're just as boastful as I do."

"Well at least I don't flaunt my pride even in public transit." After saying that, Himari sat up straight and looked around before she looked back at Erika. "Wait a minute, isn't Kairo-kun with you?"

"Well he was supposed to be with me, but the teacher called him out for some reason."

"Do you think Kairo-kun could be elected as the class rep? I mean, he's really popular after all."

"Moriyama? Popular?! I don't think I've ever heard of that. "

"It's because you're too focused with yourself, you aren't able to see what's going on with the people around you!" Himari flicked Erika's forehead to which the girl flinched.

"Ow! Why did you have to do that?! It hurts! " she grunts and rubbed her forehead rapidly while pouting. "That aside, I really did not know he is already popular."

"Idiot. The girls in our class have been talking about him, being cool, handsome and many more dreamy descriptions. They just couldn't approach him because you're with him."

"Am I an anti-girl repellant or something?!"

"Well you're annoying. That's what I know." Himari said bluntly with a blank face. "I don't know if you realized it but Kairo has been doing well in recitations. He also is kind of reliable when it comes to tasks that the teacher relies to him a lot recently. There is no way he wouldn't be class rep."

"Huh. Is that so? I didn't know that..." Erika's words faded into a mumble as she looked at the ground. Think about Moriyama being popular.

"Now that I think of it, since you're not with him, he might be approached by many people right now. Wanna find him?" Himari said, smirking mischievously.

"Why would I find him? Am I his keeper?!"

"Well you'll believe me if you see it by yourself. Also, it might surprise you so i thought you should come along." The best friend stood up and stretched for a while, fixing her skirt afterwards. "I'll go alone if you don't want to. I'm actually curious how he is doing."

"Hey! Wait!" Erika took a few egg rolls from Himari's lunch tray. "WAIT FOR ME, I SAID!" She started jogging to catch up Himari's pace.

"I wonder where he is now..... And hey, I saw you took my food."

"Ehehe... Pretend you did not see it."

Upon leaving the cafeteria, Erika and Himari, these two girls having a lot of free time, started looking for Kairo Moriyama, who is allegedly popular in the campus. Erika still couldn't believe that's true so she took the effort of searching every hallway, every room they could find. Finally after a few steps and runs, they saw Kairo being surrounded by many girls in front of the faculty room.

"Kairo-kun! Kairo-kun! What's your favorite color?"

"Kairo-kun, do you have free time today? Let's hang out!"

"Kairo-kun, do you like it here in Seito?"

"Kairo-kun, what's the color of your underwear."

It is true. At this very moment, Kairo is being flooded with girls and even boys. Erika couldn't believe her eyes that the guy she was bullying is actually famous by now. She held her forehead upon realizing her place in thia school's heirarchy. Unlike in the first day of classes, this time Kairo is not dodging their questions. In fact, he's actually responding to them one by one.... Except for the last question.

"Kairo-kun it's nice to see you separated with Hatsugawa even once. She's always sticking with you, we can't even find a chance to talk to you." one of the girls said.

"Yeah, it's kinda nice to breathe in fresh air every once in a while."

Himari knew something is about to happen. She twitched because she felt the girl beside her slowly being surrounded with flames of rage. "Erika.... Calm down.... It's just a joke."

"I didn't hear him say 'Just kidding', Himari. Did you hear him say 'Just kidding'?" it is obvious that Erika is still trying her best to keep her calm at that moment. But it is also obvious that one wrong move from Kairo will automatically lead to destruction.

"Hatsugawa is really annoying sometimes! If you wanted to stay away from her then do so, Kairo-kun! You can hang out with us."

"Mmm... Yeah you're right. She's annoying sometimes. Thanks for the offer, Imight consider that----"



Next thing the audience knew was Kairo being hit by a random flying shoe from a particular direction. It was heard that after that attack were loud, grumbling steps coming from behind. At that very moment, they witnessed a fiery, full-raged Erika slowly going towards Kairo, with Himari slowly walking away to protect herself from the approaching danger and embarrassing scenario.

As Kairo's 'fans' witnessed how their idol fall unconsciously to the ground, they froze to their position as they watched the poor man being dragged by an evil witch while holding his foot; slowly walking away from the crime scene. Rumors were out that they never heard of the man, ever again.

Just kidding.



"Hatsugawaaaaa.... I'm sorryyyy!!! Forgive me already! I already apologized ten times!"

"Ten? I only heard five. Do it again."

"Please... I'm really sorryyy! I wouldn't talk behind your back ever again!"


"I know you're a beautiful, kind and merciful leader. You would forgive a lowly subject like me, wouldn't you?"

"Complete the ten and I'll think about it."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorryyyy!! There! Ten apologies!"

"Not one of them are sincere. Do it again, and slowly."

The current negotiation slash bargain is happening in front Erika's house with Kairo's clothes hanging in the balance. His clothes were in front of a large bonfire with gasoline parallel to Erika's position to prepare for ignition.

"Please Hatsugawa! Have mercy on me and my clothes! I'll have nothing to wear!"

"Oh that's not true. You're wearing one right now aren't you? They say you'll develop strong muscles if you learn how to wash your clothes every night. Isn't that amazing?"



"My dear, shouldn't you forgive Kairo-kun by now? He already apologized." Sachiko said while spectating in the sidelines. It's been 20 minutes since Erika started the. bonfire that would annihilate all of Kairo's clothing therefore that makes 20 minutes of negotiation as well. Akito did not mind though, because he's dancing around the fire again.

"He said he'll finally breathe in fresh air if I'm not around! How wouldn't I be offended, mom?! Am I trash or something?" Erika ranted while pouting.

"Still, sweetheart. His clothing is too necessary to be burned over a small mistake. If somebody apologized after doing you wrong, you should forgive him. Erika, bring back his clothes." Sachiko said while smiling gently. Those words are enough for Erika to comply and stack back his clothes in the sack despite her sighing. Kairo happily accepted his clothes back like it's some precious gift. Sachiko smiled and patted Erika's head, commending her act of forgiveness.

"Kairo-kun, now that Erika have forgiven you already, make sure you wouldn't do the same mistake again okay?" Sachiko said.

"I won't." Kairo responded thankfully.

"Or else...." A sudden change in Sachiko's voice was heard, a change that's dark and menacing for a smile she's displaying right now. Kairo instantly twitched in fear as he stared at the approaching Sachiko with an expression he has never witnessed before.

"... You'll be sleeping outside with the mosquitoes, do YOU understand?" the tone on her voice is the same. But it's her aura! HER AURA that scares him.


"Good." Sachiko's face shifted back to a beautiful expression. It's like a nightmare that quickly came and quickly went away. "Now go back inside. Dinner is ready." she said brightly while walking her way in the kitchen.

"What.....did just happen?"

"My mom's dark mode. You'll get used to it." Erika then casually walked inside the house. "Oh yeah, put out the fire too."

"You caused it and now I'm gonna extinguish it?! Unbelievable." Kairo mumbled angrily.

"Be careful. Don't let mom or Nee-san hear you~!" Akito said while skipping his way into the house.

"What kind of family did I come across exactly?" Kairo sighed while fixing his clothes. He also extinguished the fire after a while. In between doing so, he noticed something vibrating in the middle of the bundle. He fished his hand in and realized that it was his cellphone vibrating. By the time he picked it up, the vibration stopped.

It was then that he noticed 54 missed calls from a number he knows all too well.
