
Swish: A KnB journey

I pulled the ball back in between my legs and watched my defender fall. The pink haired point guard, Akashi Seijuro, the man who broke ankles now sat in front of me with his ankles broken. I got into the shooting motion, bringing the ball up from my waist. Cameras flashed around around me, the crowd screaming and cheering. Wait for me Kuroko no Basket, I'm coming for you. Basketball. The greatest sport ever created. I dominated in middle school at the highest level. I put my back and heart into every practice and game and played my heart out on the court. I grinded like hell and got the recognition I deserved. I was going to enter high school when a major accident happened. Well I died. And guess what. I reincarnated into an anime world! Its just like how I imagined, everybody has some sort of special ability. Although there are no insane superpowers like that of my hero academia or one punch man. Well, It wouldn't really have basketball if those powers existed. This is more of an anime school world. Quite a few school animes exist in this world. This includes the greatest sports anime ever created, Kuroko no Basket. Now with my basketball system watch me take over this world. I shed my blood, sweat and tears and leave it all on the court. I am Nakamura kaen and this is my basketball journey.

JW_Ngiam · Sports
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41 Chs

Level 2

I watched the ball spin off the backboard and fall into the net. That was it my 100th layup of the day.

System, I called out in my head and the familiar blue screen appeared in front of my.

[name: Nakamura Kaen

Age: 6

Height: 28/100 (projected height growth: 1.91 meters)

Shooting: 98/100 (level:1)

Handles: 99/100 (level:1)

Lay-ups: 98/100 (level :1)

Post scoring: 1/100 (level: 1)

Size: 10/100 (level: 1)

Athleticism: 6/100 (level:1 )

general points: 5 ]

Finally, this is going to be it. I'm finally going to reach level 2. I wanna see what kind of upgrades I get from this. Currently, I could only make 5/10 of my shots from the free throw line and shot a horrendous 3/10 from deep. It was also pretty though for me to make layups against larger defenders and I only made around 6/10 of them. My handles were still pretty tight just that my size limited how far I could go.

I decided next round I would put my focus into size and athleticism. I wanted to make myself into a Kevin Durant like player, a player who was tall and fast but could also shoot the rock. He could score at all three levels and was by far one of the most lethal scorers in the NBA.

I put 2 of my points into shooting, 2 into layups and a point into handles. Then a strange sensation started going through me. I felt my hands and legs gain some sort of muscle memory. Moves and tricks that I had never done before suddenly felt possible. Oh my god! I love this feeling! I feel like I'm high and just took some drugs! I looked up at my system again.

[name: Nakamura Kaen

Age: 6

Height: 28/100 (projected height growth: 1.91 meters)

Shooting: 0/200 (level:2)

Handles: 0/200 (level:2)

Lay-ups: 0/200 (level :2)

Post scoring: 1/100 (level: 1)

Size: 10/100 (level: 1)

Athleticism: 6/100 (level:1 )

general points: 0 ]

It felt so satisfying to see the 3 level 2s in my system at once. Wait but I now need 200 points to upgrade to level 2. Don't tell me the number of points I need doubles every time I level up. It shouldn't be much of a problem in the beginning but once I reach level 5 I would need 1600 points just to level up 1 skill. That would take 320 days which is nearly a whole year! System, please tell me you offer some sort of missions or something which will allow me to gain more points than just daily missions.

[ Host does not need to be so worried, the system will provide missions when the time is right. As long as the host follows the system, reaching level 10 for most skills would not be problem.]

Whew, the knowledge that I stand a chance to be at the top is all that matters to me. As long as I have the opportunity, I will work for it no matter how long it takes.

"Kaen, I see you been warming up for a while now, you getting in rhythm to win the game today huh." I heard Aomine call mat me, I turned around and saw him and Satsuki walking towards my direction. Just in time to test my skills, I thought to myself.

I side stepped from Aomine and shot the 3 ball. I held up my hands to follow through the shot as I watched the ball curve towards the basket, I knew it was going in. The ball flew through the net, making the addictive swish sound.

"Damn Kaen, you on fire today man, you been hitting shots all day." Aomine said to me.

"What fire you talking about man, this is what I'm going to be like from now on."I said back to him.

"Nah man, I'm pretty sure you are hitting more shots than you were yesterday. You think you can suddenly upgrade just like that, this ain't some video game you know." Aomine said to me, writing me off.

Well, sorry to break it to you but this is literally like a video game! I thought.

"Kaen did hit more shots than yesterday. Yesterday he made 11 out of 23 of his shots, giving him an efficiency of 48%. Today he made 14 out of 25 of his shots, giving him an efficiency of 56%...."Satsuki was now in her analytical phrase, and didn't look like she was going to stop anytime soon.

Well this was pretty decent, I assume that for every upgrade I get a 5% boost in each stat, I really want to see what happens when I actually reach level 10 in a category. Would I be hitting 100% of my shots. I knew this was highly unlikely but imagining it was nice.