
Promotion to Commander

Bellamy collapsed in a heap, unconscious and utterly defeated.

The entire bar erupted in shock. No one had expected that Bellamy, reputed among these pirates as the strongest, would be taken down so effortlessly. And not just defeated, but thoroughly so. Throughout the encounter, he hadn't laid a single hand on Bai Yu, all his attacks flawlessly dodged.

"Warrant Officer Bai Yu is victorious!"

In stark contrast to the pirates' shock, Koby and his companions were about to leap with excitement. However, amidst the dwindling morale, some pirates stealthily moved towards the bar's exit, aiming to escape.

"Koby, Helmeppo," Bai Yu suddenly instructed, "handcuff Bellamy. And as for the rest here... don't even think about running."

Bai Yu had made his move, and he had no intention of letting any pirate present escape. "Soru!"

At his shout, every pirate's face twisted in fear. Bai Yu utilized the Rokushiki technique, Soru, disappearing from sight only to reappear at the bar's entrance.

"Don't be scared, he's just one guy! Attack together!" rallied the pirates.

Despite being vastly outnumbered, Bai Yu just laughed. With a swift motion, he plunged into the crowd. Soon, the bar was a cacophony of clashing steel and screams. Even the mighty Bellamy hadn't lasted long against Bai Yu; these lower-bounty pirates stood no chance. Bai Yu moved like a shadow among them, and with every slash of his blade, pirates fell.

In mere moments, it was over. Bai Yu, standing amidst the fallen, flicked blood from his blade with a practiced motion. None were left standing.

[Ding! The host has successfully executed 1,000 sword strikes, earning rewards: Azure Dragon Sword Aura proficiency +5%, Haki proficiency +5%, Gathering Stream proficiency +5%]

Bai Yu received a system notification, then turned to Koby and the others. "No need to tie them up one by one. Group them together."

"Yes, sir!" Koby and the others hastened to obey, changing their method of binding the pirates. Soon, nearly fifty defeated pirates were secured.

"Now, we can talk properly," Bai Yu said, approaching the bar owner, who had been cowering under the table.


At Bai Yu's shout, the owner jolted up, eyes wide at the carnage.

"Don't worry, we'll compensate for the damage," Bai Yu assured, before adding, "Also, I'm looking for information on a man named Blackbeard Teach. He's been reported around these parts."

"Blackbeard Teach? Never heard of him," the owner replied, shaking his head.

Disappointed, Bai Yu muttered to himself, "Seems Blackbeard remains elusive."

He wouldn't stay long on Jaya Island, as his next destination involved the blueprints of the ancient weapon, Pluton. He needed to secure them before anyone else.

"Sorry for the trouble," Bai Yu apologized, tossing a bag of gold coins to the owner for the damages. He then motioned for Koby and the others to leave.

Suddenly, the door banged open, and a group of naval soldiers burst in, guns drawn. They quickly assessed the scene, their eyes finally settling on Bai Yu.

"Marine? Wait, those are recruit uniforms. Who are you?!" the commanding officer demanded, his men aiming their weapons at Bai Yu's group.

"Wait!" an older navy officer emerged, signaling for calm. He studied Bai Yu closely. "Sir, be cautious. Their identities are unconfirmed," the soldier warned.

"Stand down!" the officer commanded, recognizing Bai Yu. "This is Commander Bai 'White Feather' Yu, the man who apprehended the Warlord, Crocodile!"

The soldiers, recognizing their mistake, hastily lowered their weapons, looking at Bai Yu with newfound respect. But Bai Yu was confused.

When did he become a Commander?

"Commander Bai Yu, you haven't received the latest directive from headquarters, have you?" the Chief Petty Officer asked, noting Bai Yu's confusion.

"A directive? No, I haven't," Bai Yu responded.

The officer handed over a recent newspaper and a naval document. Bai Yu scanned them quickly, his eyes widening. The papers detailed the Alabasta incident, crediting him for the victory, and even featured a photo of him. The official document was an announcement of his promotion to the rank of Commander in the Marine's 188th branch.

Bai Yu was speechless, staring at the major, as the implications of this new rank began to dawn on him.

The official announcement from Navy Headquarters was clear and irrefutable: Bai Yu had been promoted to the rank of Commander!

Initially, Bai Yu hadn't expected such a rapid ascent, considering his relatively short service in the navy. Despite his impressive feat of apprehending a rogue Shichibukai and receiving a strong endorsement from the renowned hero, Garp, Bai Yu had anticipated a promotion, but nothing as extraordinary as this.

In an unprecedented move, Bai Yu was elevated directly from a Seaman Recruit to a Warrant Officer to a Commander, skipping several intermediate ranks in the process.

Bai Yu mused that this unusual promotion might be the Navy Headquarters' strategic move to bolster its image of power, sending a clear message to pirates everywhere: Even a fresh recruit from our ranks can take down a Shichibukai-level adversary. Our navy is a formidable force, brimming with untapped talent, ready to meet any challenge head-on!

Of course, this was merely Bai Yu's speculation. The actual rationale behind his meteoric rise was likely known only to the upper echelons of the Marine's command.

With his new status as a Commander, Bai Yu no longer needed to warrants or explanations in his actions. He could immediately commanded the Marine forces stationed at Jaya Island to transport all captured pirates to the headquarters for imprisonment, pending further orders.

But since they didn't gather the information they sought, Bai Yu and his companions didn't linger on Jaya Island. They returned to their warship and set course back to their base.

"Commander, your rise through the ranks is nothing short of remarkable!" his subordinates, Koby and Helmeppo, complimented him enthusiastically, delighted by their decision to align themselves with Bai Yu.

"Focus on your training, not flattery," Bai Yu responded with a light, amused reprimand. Their camaraderie was palpable as they laughed and chatted, swiftly making their way back to the warship.


Upon arrival, a navy soldier approached Bai Yu with a document and a package. It was his official appointment certificate from the Marine Headquarters, which had been delayed due to his absence.

After reviewing the documents, Bai Yu opened the package to find a pristine white navy coat, the standard attire for officers above the rank of lieutenants, emblazoned with the iconic word 'justice' on the back. It appeared custom-tailored for him, likely arranged by Garp.

"Commander, you look stunning!" Helmeppo and Koby couldn't hide their envy, longing for the day they'd earn their coats.

"Like I always say, dedicate yourselves to your training, and you'll get there," Bai Yu encouraged, donning the coat, a symbol of his newly bestowed authority.

"Understood, sir!" they responded in unison.

"Prepare to set sail for the capital of the Water 7!" Bai Yu commanded, and the warship embarked once again, cutting through the waves towards its next destination.


Meanwhile, at the Marine Headquarters, a discussion unfolded in the Admiral's room. Fleet Admiral Sengoku, alongside Admirals Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru, deliberated over Bai Yu's abrupt promotion, given the absence of detailed background information on him.

Akainu expressed his reservations, but Sengoku reassured him, citing Garp's personal recommendation and Bai Yu's impending mission to the capital of Water 7, rumored to harbor the designs of the ancient weapon, Pluto.

After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that someone would discreetly monitor Bai Yu, especially given the sensitive nature of his mission concerning Pluto.

As the meeting adjourned, Sengoku whispered to himself, "Garp, I hope your judgment hasn't been clouded."

News of the enigmatic new Marine superstar, Bai Yu, spread like wildfire, with his astonishing achievements and rapid promotion causing a media frenzy. His exploits were recounted in awe, painting him as a potential candidate for a future Captain position.

Unperturbed by the growing attention, Bai Yu continued his journey towards the capital of the seven waters, honing his swordsmanship skills by swinging his sword, one by one.

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