
Ground Death

"Ground Death!"

Crocodile slammed his palm onto the ground, activating his devil fruit power to its fullest extent.

With a chilling laugh, an invisible force radiated from his palm, spreading outward in a massive circle. This energy sapped the moisture from everything it touched, leaving the ground parched and buildings as fragile as parchment. Even waterless stones transformed into dry sand.

With a resonating boom, everything within the vicinity began to crumble into sand under the influence of Crocodile's Sand-Sand Devil Fruit abilities, with the area of effect still expanding.

Observing this, Bai Yu's eyes sharpened. He recognized this technique — it was Crocodile utilizing his sand abilities to their utmost limits. Anything that came into contact with the energy Crocodile emitted would be drained of all moisture and turned into a lifeless heap of sand.

As the scope of the desertification expanded, the palace grounds became a vast expanse of flowing sand, threatening to bring down the entire structure.

Reacting swiftly, Bai Yu gripped his Taidao, spun, and unleashed a massive slash.

With a thunderous roar, the slash surged forward at blinding speed, striking the massive doors the Marine members were desperately trying to breach.

With a deafening explosion, the slash avoided harming any of the marine and cleaved a substantial gap in the towering gate.

"Get out, now!" Bai Yu commanded, having sliced open the gate.

One of them asked, "But sir..."

"I said go! I can't fight while worrying about you! Now will you leave?!"

"Yes, sir!" the marine soldiers responded, aware that Bai Yu was facilitating their escape. They weren't about to waste this opportunity. Taking Princess Vivi with them, they swiftly fled through the opening Bai Yu had created, understanding that lingering would only hinder him.

Once they were safely away, Bai Yu turned his attention back to Crocodile, whose desertification powers continued to spread relentlessly.

As the desertification neared him, Bai Yu launched into the air with a "Geppo," alighting on an ethereal feather before continuing his ascent. His body then began emanating an intense sword aura.

"Azure Dragon Aura, full release!" Bai Yu channeled his ultimate sword intent into his blade, which glowed a vibrant turquoise. Energy rippled around the sword as he prepared his next move.

"Throughout the Heavens and the Earth, there is nothing beyond my blade's reach," Bai Yu declared, the Azure Dragon Sword Aura fully invoked.

"Azure Dragon: Ultimate Jade Cutter!"

Propelled forward, Bai Yu transformed into a streak of turquoise light, dashing toward Crocodile at an unfathomable speed. As he moved, an echoing dragon's roar seemed to resonate from his being.

In a blink, Bai Yu appeared before Crocodile, his blade descending in a flash. It felt as though a crystalline azure dragon had just soared through Crocodile's form.

Upon completing his strike, Bai Yu stood behind his adversary, maintaining his slashing posture. The next moment, Crocodile's golden hook, his prized weapon, disintegrated. A deep, bone-revealing gash materialized across his chest, from which blood spurted violently.

The blood painted the surrounding sand a harrowing hue.

"Such incredible speed..." Crocodile managed, before his consciousness faded and he collapsed, the force of desertification ceasing with his downfall.

In the ensuing silence, Bai Yu sheathed his sword and scanned the vicinity. Confirming no further threats, he hoisted the unconscious Crocodile over his shoulder and exited the palace.

Outside, Princess Vivi and the navy waited anxiously, their gazes fixated on the palace's entrance. Their relief was palpable when Bai Yu emerged, victorious.

"He's... He's won!" Exclamations of joy and cheers erupted among the marine soldiers, their faith in Bai Yu's prowess unshaken. In truth, they did move away from the battle, but still decided to stay within observing distance of their glorious leader.

Amidst the cheering crowd, Bai Yu emerged from the palace, carrying the unconscious Crocodile on his shoulders as he made his way through the throng of people.

With a thunderous crash, the palace he had just exited collapsed, a victim of Crocodile's devastating desertification ability. The once-majestic structure was now nothing but rubble.

"Sir, you're incredible!" shouted one of the onlookers, their voice filled with admiration.

"We knew you could do it!" exclaimed another, though someone quickly retorted, "Don't lie; you were totally worried!"

Silence fell upon the group as Bai Yu approached. The marine soldiers present quickly stepped forward to greet him, their chatter contributing to a warm and friendly atmosphere. Bai Yu couldn't help but smile in response.

It was then that he noticed Princess Vivi standing somewhat apart from the crowd, her head bowed and hands clasped in front of her, a clear sign of her hesitance. Acknowledging this, Bai Yu signaled to the others with a glance. They understood immediately, and several soldiers stepped forward to take Crocodile from him, securing the pirate with heavy-duty seastone handcuffs.

The crowd parted, creating a clear path for Bai Yu to approach Princess Vivi. "Did I live up to the princess's expectations. I hope so, at least," he said, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

But the sight of him seemed to overwhelm the princess. Her eyes reddened, the stress and fear for her kingdom of Alabasta that she had been carrying for so long finally finding release. Before Bai Yu could say more, Vivi moved forward and embraced him tightly.

"Thank you," she murmured, her voice quivering with emotion.

The unexpected hug caught Bai Yu off guard, leaving him standing awkwardly, unsure whether to return the gesture or simply stand still. But the moment was fleeting; Princess Vivi soon composed herself and stepped back.

"Forgive me for my outburst," she said, wiping the tears from her eyes. She knew that now was not the time for tears; Alabasta was still consumed by civil war, and she needed to expose Crocodile's schemes to end the conflict and prevent further loss of innocent lives.

"What's our next move?" Vivi asked, her gaze steady and resolute.

"We'll escort you to the battlefield with us," Bai Yu replied after a moment's consideration. "Firstly, for your protection, and secondly, with Crocodile in custody and our navy's reputation, your words will carry more weight, princess."

Bai Yu speculated that his mission from the system wouldn't be complete until peace was restored in Alabasta. "Let's end this war," he resolved.

"Agreed," Vivi nodded, determination shining in her eyes.

Without delay, they secured a group of camels and made haste towards Albana, where the fiercest fighting between Alabasta's royal guards and the rebels was underway.

Upon their arrival, they found the city enveloped in the chaos of war, the royal guards clashing violently with the rebels led by Koza, Vivi's childhood friend. The air was thick with smoke and resounded with the clash of steel and the cries of the fallen.

Bai Yu assisted Vivi in dismounting from her camel, encouraging her with a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "Go on; we've got your back."

With a nod, Vivi headed towards the epicenter of the battlefield, Bai Yu and his naval contingent following close behind.

As they advanced, soldiers from both sides recognized Vivi, and murmurs began to spread through the ranks. "It's Princess Vivi!" "What's the marine doing here?"

Amidst the confusion, a voice in the rebel lines saw opportunity, "Capture Princess Vivi, and the royal guards will have to cease their resistance!"

But as the rebels converged on Vivi, Bai Yu sprang into action. Brandishing his Taidao, now suffused with the energy of the Azure Dragon, he struck the ground on either side of Vivi, creating a visible boundary the rebels dared not cross.

"Cross this line, and there will be consequences," Bai Yu warned, his voice cool yet menacing.

The rebels hesitated, uncertain, while the navy soldiers formed a protective ring around Vivi, their muskets at the ready.

But the rebels' resolve hardened once more, spurred on by fervent cries of, "For Alabasta's future, no sacrifice is too great!"

Ignoring Bai Yu's warning, they surged forward once again, determined to seize the princess, setting the stage for a decisive confrontation.

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