

Bella's life begins to fall apart as the love of her life abandons her at the altar. She plunges into a profound melancholy as a result of the betrayal of her ex-fiance and her ex-best friend, but she manages to maintain her smile. The heir to his father's business is the multibillionaire Marco Lorenzo. According to one norm, the person who will inherit the company after you must already own something. A wife. But when he notices a sweet little girl, he starts to feel possessive and fascinated with her. An fixation that eventually resulted in him binding her to a contract. He had a dark world, and she was the light.

Katherineobasi · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs



As I entered the café, the guards were hiding in the shadows. I just walked through to the front of the line because it was short.

It was good to see you again, Mr. Marco. What might I get you, exactly? The hoarse-voiced older man started to speak. I nodded at him while looking up.

Also you. I say, "Just one black coffee, no sugar, no milk will do," and he pulls out the notepad and starts writing it down.

"Start now. You may sit down. He said with a gentle smile, "The back is open as usual. Before heading to my customary place in the rear, I nodded to him one more time.

I noticed a few people glancing at me and some murmuring as I walked by. Especially when you were the greatest news in the city, having those wasn't unusual.

I waited for a few more minutes before the recognizable hasty footsteps finally made an appearance. I look up to see Roman standing there sporting a cheeky grin.

He welcomes me with "Hey buddy" as he takes a seat across from me.

Hey, I say back.

I raise an eyebrow at him as he'scolds', "Why are you so cold, and HOW DARE YOU HANG UP ON ME."

And can you possibly comprehend the tension I felt when your father contacted me pleading with me to persuade you to be married. I've heard it a lot. Oh, and there was a hot girl in the store I passed by, and speaking of which, the brat was fighting me for the pasta you wanted, so I couldn't get it. I'm just staring at him as he continues to ramble about how she even called me a nobody. I giggle a little when he describes how this female treated him disrespectfully and brutally crushed his ego.

I sarcastically remark, "I would love to meet this icon," as he turns his head to scowl at me. The server came over and set my coffee just as he was going to say anything.

She then turns to face Roman and says, "Here's your coffee Mr. Romeo."

"Mr. Anderson, I'm sorry, but we were unable to take your order. What do you want? She shuffles with the pen in her palm, asking.

"Don't worry. Just grab me a carrot muffin and a cup of coffee like his, he offers with a wink, making me frown.

Seriously, a carrot muffin?

She responds, "Of course," while jotting it down, and then walks away.

Okay, let's go down to business, he adds as his face grows icier and my body goes into automatic business mode.

After doing some research, I discovered that Nationals Inc. missed the meeting to reach an agreement because they were meeting Anastasia Sidorov to strike a deal with her business. Our spies verified that they intended to trick us into signing a document giving them complete authority over our assets. They intended to take advantage of the fact that they believe you aren't as competent as your father, he says as my face becomes more inflexible.

I watched him pull out the laptop and show me the contract and proof that they had substituted it for the original one.

"Murder them. Make sure their business is destroyed by fire. He nods in agreement as I say, "I want it in the news by tomorrow."

"Yes, president," he responds, grabbing the laptop and starting to type. I pick up the papers I had earlier placed on the table and start by reading the first one. As I pick up the phone and call my assistant, I keep my eyes glued to the first one.

Declaring "Mr. Marco"

"What is this formatting department email that you sent me? I yelled through the phone, "I expressly told them to make sure everything is in one file line. On the other end, he begins to murmur.

"I'll let them know to get that changed right away."

I say, "Good, and if they don't have it on my desk by tomorrow morning, I will fire whoever is in charge," and I hang up the phone. Nothing they do is correctly.

Roman fixes his glance away from the screen and looks at me with interest.

"What transpired? Someone has already irritated you, he grins. My dumb best friend turned his head aside as a result of my glare.

"You're ruining my day without cause. I'm leaving right away. I grumble, "I need to figure out some stuff, and these people are driving me crazy," and he nods, his eyes still glued to his laptop.

"Bye, buddy. Safe travels, he adds as I get up from my chair holding a document in one hand and my unfinished coffee in the other. I finally took a sip after leaving the café, letting the sour flavor burn my throat.

I wasn't prepared for the photographers to be in a mob when I stepped outside.

When do you expect to succeed your father, Mr. Marco?

Is it accurate to say that you two are engaged?

Have you seen the post about your father that President Sidorov made?

The paparazzi started asking me questions left and right, and the guards surrounded me right away. I eventually leave and get into my car with a tight grip of displeasure. I take out my phone and dial Roman as I begin it.

The question "Yes, what's up?" He asks, and I could tell by his tone that he was totally focused on the assignment.

Outside, there are paparazzi. I say, "Be careful and take the back."

He simply hangs up after saying, "Got it," leading me to do the same. I eventually start the car and start traveling. Once I was on the interstate, I allowed the serenity and quiet to wash over me and let my nerves settle a little.

A little while later, my phone started ringing. When I saw an image of a car hitting with the car next to mine, I slammed on the brakes just as I was about to take it up and place it on the speaker.

The car next to me nearly overturned, and there was a deafening crash. The driver of the vehicle that was involved in the collision exited it with a limp, numerous scratches, and a drunken appearance.

"S-sorry-y" As if nothing had happened, he mumbled it out and started to stroll toward the pavement. As I went out to check on the individual in the other car, all the automobiles in the area came to a stop. I virtually ran over since my feet were moving faster than my mind.

When I opened the nearly on fire automobile, a stunning woman with black hair and an angelic face emerged. I was struck by the force of her knocked-out form as I couldn't help but be struck by the beauty that seemed so pure.

As soon as the emergency services arrived, I dragged her outside while carrying her in bridal fashion.

I was shortly approached by a woman wearing a nurse's uniform who rapidly ran up to me and grabbed the unconscious angel out of my hands.

"You saved her in time with the fire, are you, her husband?" As additional people approach and help the patient onto the stretcher, the nurse inquires.

I say "her Fiancé". The nurse gives me a head nod.

"No problem, sir. We will use every means possible to restore your fiancé's health, she vows, inspiring a small smile of satisfaction in me.

She responds, "You can follow behind us," as it all seems to happen so quickly. The street became a crime scene in its entirety.

As I start to follow, I find myself heading back to my car while retracing my steps. Every time I close my eyes, I think about the women I've held in my arms.

She is a saint.


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