

Bryan Wood lost his father when he was young and had only his mother to cater for him and his two sisters. He had to work part time jobs to survive hoping one day his dream of being a musician. He left his home town for College and to find his dreams. But instead, he met the cocky, manipulative Skye Miller, who turned out to be his Boss. Skye Miller was the nightmare. A wealthy mafia boss who recently separated from his wife. When he saw the pretty singer in his Bar. He felt a sudden attraction and a need to keep him.

Didifavy · LGBT+
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25 Chs


Juliet and I were in the Cafeteria when Skye texted me that he was on his way to pick me up and he demanded for my location which I texted back to him.

"Am here" he texted me minutes later. He was quick and when I glanced out from the window of the Cafeteria and guessed that the black Range Rover was his. It was one of the cars parked in his garage.

" Let's see Tomorrow. My boss needs me"

I said to Juliet and an unhappy expression passed across her face and disappeared quickly.

" Do you work with your Boss every time?" 

" This is my boss. My salary is involved" I had to clarify it for her.

I rushed my drink and quickly pecked her face. " I will make it up to you"

She nodded. And I left for his car.

"Hey" I greeted Skye. He nodded and zoomed off. He had only his white T-shirt which he folded to his arm level, his veins were visible and I wanted something like that to make me more muscular. His hair, neatly Permed and with that brown plain trousers that gave him a memorable physique.

In silence, we drove to his house and made for his Study room and beckoned on me to follow him. I have never been inside his Study room. I do see him stay there for longer hours but he hasn't invited me till today.

It wasn't really a study room that I thought it was, but a large room that looks like an office with a large bookshelf built into the wall filled with books ranked tidily.

I approach the bookshelf curiously, I love books but I don't make time to read them.

" I didn't know someone like you read books" I took a look at him and my heart skipped.

He leaned on the table with folded arms, watching me silently. His piercing gaze was calculated and precise on my face. Why does he have to stare at me like that?. I wanted to know what he was thinking at this moment.

Was that his own way of showing his subtle admiration for me? If that is it I don't mind. Or he might be teasing me.

I eyed him sourly and he just smirked. I stooped low and squeezed out a book that looked like Wuthering heights and luckily it was it.

" You have this?" I showed with excitement

" What's that?"

"Wuthering heights"

" I didn't know it was there," he said with indifference. " What is it about?"

" You can't be serious. Who doesn't know what Wuthering Heights novel is all about?. Then what is it doing on your shelf?"

"Maybe it's my security. Whenever I send on a book hunt, he comes back with random books. I don't read books like that. It's for kids" he said in a bored tone and I felt like a kid for real.

" Am not a kid. I just got to like the book because of Juliet " This was the first time I talked about Juliet with him.

At that, a sudden coldness filled his eyes. He unlocked his folded arms and made for his seat. His phone buzzed and he glanced at it.

" Stay and help me out, I will be having some guests" he was stern and why was I agreeing to help out, he has Guards who could do that for him.

Seconds later, his Guards led four men into the office. One of them was Patrick whom I know so well. He greeted me with a huge smile and a handshake. He wasn't even surprised to see me in his Boss private area.

The oldest of the men approached me and held my both arms. He examined my face with a wild smile and I didn't like that.

He was one of those men that were "aging like fine whine". Although he was clean cut,  The white hairs that were visible on his black beard and hair were a perfect mixture for his light skin face. He was stout and had a comfy presence. He seems more of a father.

" Skye. He's Beautiful" The older man complimented me and left me.

The other man that looked young and elegant with a pale skin subtly nodded in greeting. He looked like a model. The first thing I noticed about him were his stylish  white suits. He also looked strangely familiar.

The third man looked strangely like Skye, in a younger and fairer form. I had a guess that they might be related and later I found out they were brothers.He was also well built like Skye but slightly shorter. He wasn't staring at me but glaring.

After they all shook and hugged Skye who was also delighted to see them,The older man and the elegant tall man settled on the black sofa, Patrick sat on the other black sofa opposite the other while Skye's look alike hung around the office.

I watched the men joke and exchange stories, they were so proud of their violent stories. I wanted to be bold and care less like them. It was only the elegant pale skinned man that just observed and didn't say a thing.

Later, Sam beckoned on me. He gave me some paper to pass to the four men which I did. They all went through it and signed it. I didn't even know what the paper was all about and I didn't even care to know the contents of the meeting.

I also couldn't help but notice Skye 's brother's glaring eyes. He had this disapproving look on me.

Skye also passed a key to me and whispered that I should bring two bottles of wine and glass cups which I did. Although it's my first time seeing his wine cellar, I wasn't even that surprised because I might have expected it.

Skye was the one who opened the wine and poured it into the glasses of his guests. They drank and chatted till it was evening. Before they left for their homes, Skye's brother whose name I later knew as Hunter met me at the door.

" If you betray him, I will make sure I kill you myself" he was harsh

I didn't know what to say. I was confused.

" He likes you a lot," he said again. " I have never seen him look at someone the way he looks at you. Take care of him" his eyes softened as he pleaded. He patted my shoulders and left without wanting to hear from me.