
Still So Tiny

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Little Bean stared at her owners with large, misty, sorrowful eyes. It was a sight that would make anyone melt into a puddle. Yi Ling knew a viral opportunity when she saw one, and she immediately snapped a few photos of Little Bean to upload to Yan Huan's Weibo.

She edited the photos before uploading. She added a ribbon to Little Bean's tiny head, and a speech bubble that said:

"Mommy is too tired to take care of me."

It was so adorable everyone who saw the photos almost died of cuteness overload.

As for Yan Huan, she slept soundly until the next morning. She woke up bright and early, feeling refreshed, and disguised herself again with a scarf, a hat and a pair of rimless glasses before heading out. But as fate would have it, she bumped into Lu Yi on his way to work as she was going down in the elevator.