

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

A crack appeared on the eggshell and kept widening. Finally, with a crackling, the egg was split down the middle, and the organism inside it was a... little girl, with tightly-closed eyes.

The girl's long eyelashes trembled slightly. It was probably because she wasn't accustomed to the sudden bright light.

She moved her arms and legs, yawning, and took a deeper stretch, revealing her supple, slim waist. It was a glamorous picture, like a dream. Especially the girl, a satisfactory sigh slipping out of her lips...

Faintly, but contentedly.

The director let her keep going, his arm hanging in the air as ready gesture to signal "cut." 

Is she really some inexperienced new actress? He asked himself, enthralled.

The young girl in the egg slowly opened her eyes. Against the setting sun, her eyelashes gilded with pearl luster. As she opened her eyes completely, the reflections of the two people standing in front of her appeared in the clear pupils.