
Sweet Waters Throne

The prince of Maldonia, Prince Artemis of House Arteides, the bear killer, the slayer of the elves is crowned King when his father King Arteides dies. The whole kingdom of Maldonia depends on him now, but he puts the throne in jeopardy after he refuses to marry Princess Thelma of House Taelin from the kingdom of Prophis and opt to marry Aurora Kholin, a servant and the love of his life. Aurora is a seer and a powerful witch who has yet to aknowledge her powers, only Artemis knows of it. Lucian Mithandir is in exile recruiting an army to fight Prince Castellan of house Taelin for the throne of Prophis. Artemis wants no parts of this war, but he is very aware whoever wins the war will later turn to Maldonia. Artemis has no clue that a bigger war is coming which will set out kingdoms on fire, Aurora has seen it in her dreams and it's for the Sweet Waters Throne in Maldonia. The end is uncertain but the ways are clearer, who will sit on the throne after the war to end all wars. The Bastard who's been denied his true claim to the Sweet Waters throne with the mighties fleet in the world and King Artemis of Maldonia who has Aurora and dragons breathing fire. ~ Excerpt Scene ~ "Are you ready? A dragon is not a horse my love" Aurora expressed her concerns. "The dragons are ready to be claimed Your Grace, I think it’s the perfect time for Artodo to take the skies and be claimed. He and the King have great relationship, he just needs to understand the words that’s all" Torgo explained while looking at both Aurora and Artemis. "I understand the words" said Artemis. "Incendio for fire and Valar for him to fly. I know some Low Moor too" It seemed Aurora wasn’t easily convinced, "Knowing the language of our ancestors doesn’t mean you can hang on to the dragon and take the skies, especially since you are not just practicing. You are taking the dragon to the Mines, in clear daylight" "Exactly, that is the only way we can silence Lord Leoric. I cannot let him take advantage of my sister, I have to try…" Visenya interrupted "He’s ready, I can see it in his eyes" she said with a smirk. Aurora ordered Torgo "Bring him outside" in Low Moor. Torgo nodded and walked inside the darkened cave with a torch. All five dragons were inside the cave perfectly chained. He went after Artodo, the biggest of them all. Artemis took two deep breaths. "The youngest dragon rider to ever took the skies was ten years old, you’ll be fine" Aurora teased Artemis. The dragon keepers placed a saddle on Artodo’s back and two handles for Artemis to hang on to. Then finally Aurora walked to Artodo, then she pulled in Artemis and they both touched the dragon’s right eye, soothing him before the take off. "This is your rider now Artodo, you are to obey him from this day forward to the last as your mother commands" Aurora said this is Low Moor. The dragon hissed and Aurora took it a sign that Artodo understood him, hence she took a step back and let Artemis take over. These two weren’t strangers to one another, Artemis’s touch wasn’t strange to Artodo and he silently lowered his left wing for Artemis to climb up. When he was on top, Artemis smiled looking down and he suddenly exclaimed "You all look like tiny bees from up here" he said. Aurora, Visenya, Torgo and the dragon keepers laughed. Aurora walked to him and they looked at each other. Their dream finally came true; "Promise me you’ll come back alive" said Aurora. "I promise" "And that you will not burn the Mines to the ground. If she disagrees with you, perhaps it’s time to let her go" This was what Artemis truly needed to hear so he may stop his obsession with saving his sister. I When he was ready he shouted to Artodo "Valar Artodo" and right there the dragon’s feet pounded the ground heavy as it prepared for takeoff. In seconds Artodo was flying above the clear skies of Blackmount, he started slowly and let Artemis get used to the new experience.

Ami_Young · Fantasy
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279 Chs

Chapter 53

With the ale going to waste Princess Aeryn knew that's where she will have to talk to her brother. The main thing she talked about was the war going on in House Horriss, she feared the crown's absence during the war might have been translated with a different perspective. Not only was she strong, but she was also wise.

"Old City have declared an open rebellion against the crown. As we speak, Lord Gandalf is marching towards Prophis with one hundred and fifty thousand men" said Princess Aeryn.

"What are you now sister, Lord Balrus?" Artemis made a joke about his sister. A joke which Aeryn didn't take so lightly.

"I am serious about this brother. How can you be so worried about Aurora, and have zero interest in your own crown?"

"Maybe because I don't love the crown as much as I love my woman" Artemis tried to stand up, but he was too weak to make a move hence he found himself sitting down again. "Argh! Where are you Aurora…"