
1. Stupid Men

Those eyes kept looking at the figure he loved so much. The figure is now enjoying his kiss with another woman who looks disgusting to her. Sad for her life. Seeing all this ugliness even in a place that has a lot of people in it.

She walked slowly with a look in her eyes that did not escape from the figure there. She could see the figure taking a drink of alcohol and they were getting closer. This is when it's all over.


A slap hit the cheek of a man who was drinking alcohol so everyone in the place turned to the source of the sound. Kaylee stared intently at Jason, who had been her lover for the past two years. The man immediately freed himself from the embrace of a woman dressed in sexy clothes because he saw his lover coming and even suddenly slapped him.

"You are an ignorant man," Kaylee said sarcastically then glanced at a woman who was dressed very sexily.

Jason, who previously wanted to be angry because he suddenly received a slap, now didn't know what to do. Kaylee suddenly comes and causes chaos. "Don't misunderstand me, baby. I'll explain everything to you but we have to find a place first."

Kaylee laughed out loud. "Explain what else? Everyone even knows your rotten behavior behind my back and even I don't trust them just because of my love for me. But what are you doing? Son of a bitch!"

Kaylee turned, meant to leave but Jason grabbed her arm. She grabbed her arm roughly and immediately walked quickly to leave a hotel hosting this party. Kaylee was very disappointed with Jason, but she also couldn't change her love for her. Jason is a man who always understands herself and always gives encouragement when she is tired of facing life. But who would have thought that the man Kaylee always loved was playing with other women behind her back?

Kaylee will forgive all faults except infidelity. Kaylee hates third people and people who can't be trusted.

Jason continued to chase Kaylee who was walking fast. Jason didn't want to lose Kaylee. Kaylee means so much in her life, but she has made the mistake of having an affair. Jason didn't know how to explain anymore when he also knew that Kaylee really couldn't forgive a cheater. Gosh… Jason had to do what?

"Baby… Listen to me first. I will explain everything. You misunderstood."

"Cheating behind my back can't be a misunderstanding, Jason!"

Jason took a deep breath. Kaylee was angry and couldn't possibly hear her. However, Jason didn't want to lose Kaylee anyway. He also loves Kaylee so much even though he knows this is wrong.

Jason grabbed Kaylee's arm. Pulling the girl's body in his arms, Kaylee with emotion again slapped Jason hard. They were already outside the party room.

"Listen, Jason. I repeatedly told you not to have an affair, especially behind my back. But what are you doing this time? how long have you guys been in a relationship, huh?! Fuckin' man!"

Jason shook his head. "Not. Listen to me first, Kaylee. I'm not having an affair."

Kaylee laughed sarcastically. "Not having an affair but being in a relationship with another woman and even having sexual intercourse knowingly. Isn't that an extramarital affair, Jason? Are you stupid or what, huh?!"

Kaylee pulled Jason by the collar so that their faces were close to each other. "I love you, but I will not be blind until I always forgive your mistakes. I can still live a peaceful life without you. Even if I keep a rotten man like you my life will suffer. Do you know? Only a stupid man wouldn't admit his guilt."

Kaylee pushed Jason's body away, but women weren't as strong as men. Jason just backed away a little and seemed to be breathing heavily.

"It's okay. I know I was wrong, but give me one more chance to make things right." Jason was still trying to get Kaylee to forgive him and promise that he would change, but seeing the mocking look on Kaylee's face Jason felt he was humiliated right now.

Kaylee turned around, but once again Jason grabbed her arm. Kaylee tried to be patient so she could control her emotions and stare at Jason in silence.

"Just give me five minutes to explain everything, Kaylee."

Kaylee looked at the clock on her phone and then pulled her arm out of Jason's grip. She began to strain her ears to listen, and Jason began to speak.

"I admit I was wrong. I accidentally met Milly when she wanted to kill herself because she broke up with her boyfriend and of course, I stopped her by saying I would be her boyfriend. Since then I started a relationship but I didn't want to do it because I knew you would hate what I did but at that time I had no other choice. I had to save Milly's life even though at that time I had to have a relationship with her. I… regret what I did if I knew you would still break our relationship."

Jason paused for a moment. "At first I wanted to tell you the truth, but at that time you were also in a slump because of the circumstances of your parents who had a big fight. So, I'm letting you keep this a secret. I'm sorry for letting you down on me, but give me one more chance and I'll have a nice talk with Milly. I-"

Kaylee just walked away after counting down the allotted time. Jason is still Jason who still won't stop trying. The man also walked again to stop Kaylee from leaving until Kaylee decided to run to avoid Jason's presence. Ignoring her deep disappointment with the strength of her legs trying to run.

Tears just came out. Kaylee kept ignoring and focusing on her run. Avoiding Jason was her passion and she didn't want to see a man like that again. What did he say? Save that stupid woman's life by being in a relationship and ignoring that he too has Kaylee as his lover? Jason is stupid or what?!

Kaylee ran faster with her eyes catching a room with its door open. She immediately entered to avoid Jason and hid deeper in the room. Her mind didn't care who the owner of the room was, she just wanted to get away from Jason and go after her. She's fed up with cheating men. Kaylee is heartbroken.

Kaylee kept moving in until she felt safe inside a large closet and closed the door slowly. Kaylee caught her breath so she wouldn't be panting too so Jason wouldn't see she was here. Kaylee didn't want to see Jason anymore. Their relationship stopped when Kaylee saw Jason kissing another woman. Yes… Their relationship has stopped since then.